Mr. Lonon's class goes out for a walk : Starring
Rachel Trusty |
Rachel Trusty draws up an old baby picture of
herself for art class while I sneak up behind her to take a
I still don't think she knows exactly what I'm doing
here. |
Rachel Trusty tries to ignore me and continues on
with her drawing. |
Rachel takes a step back to check out the overall
view of her newest drawing. |
Look at that trouble maker. She looks completely stoned
out of her mind! |
Here's a picture of the picture Rachel was drawing.
It's one of her baby pictures. No page is complete without baby
pictures. |
I think she's finally gotten used to me taking all
of these pictures. In all honesty, I just wanted to play around
with Olin's camera to see how well it worked. |
Here I tried to snap a picture of Rachel and I, but
obviously it didn't work. That camera's not an easy thing to point
backwards. |
Here's another attempt at a picture of us out on our
walk with Mr. Lonon's class. It didn't work out well either. Who's
that ugly guy over on the right? |
Yet another picture of Rachel walking down to the
back of the football field. |
I can't believe Mr. Lonon actually took us all out
for a walk like that. He never did it with our class last year.
I just held the camera sideways and snapped a quick picture. |
Here's a nice picture looking up at Rachel. It's got
the big blue sky as a backdrop. I think I just took this holding
the camera up at my waist. |
Rachel looks back to see if I'm still tagging along
behind the rest of the gang, which is going through the building
to get to the very back of the football field. |
I convince Rachel to turn around to look at something
and quickly snap a picture. How cleaver of me. |
Here's another quick shot taken from the side that
shows how we've gone all the way to the back of the visitor's
side bleachers. |
The school owns a lot more land than you'd expect.
The class walks on down through the fields while Rachel runs to
catch up. |
Back in the classroom, Rachel squares up her papers
to get ready to leave for her next class. |
Rachel files away papers into a nice little stack,
refreshed from the class's little walk. |
Rachel continues to file away papers. |
Confused at all the beeping of my camera, Rachel looks
up to see if I'm STILL taking pictures of her. Indeed I am. |
To finish off the disk I have in the camera, I take
a few more pictures just holding the camera at weird angles under
her head. |
These are actually fairly good close-ups, considering
I couldn't see what I was doing. |
That's all, folks!
For now...
Olin Rankin checks out for the rest of the day :
Zelnick gets to use the digital camera again! |
Nikki Barr, Christi Bauer, Kelli Henderson, Phillip
Choi, Eric Duerr, and Sarah Hindsman sit down for a nice lunch. |
The cameraman moves to the other side of the group
to get the faces of everyone he missed in the first picture. |
Olin Rankin stops to talk to someone before taking
off. I bet he didn't know I got this picture of him! |
Janine Randles talks business with the yearbook staff. |
Rachel Trusty munches on an apple in Mr. Lonon's class. |
Rachel gets ready to start class. |
Checking over her homework, Rachel feels fairly confident
about this whole chemistry "mole" thing. |
Rachel thumbs through a few papers to make sure everything's
straightened up. |
Still flipping through pages, Rachel takes another
bite of her apple. |
That apple sure does look good. Hey Rachel, got another? |
Rachel makes a face at the camera. How silly. |
Kristen Kaufman, Alicía Walters, and Rebecca
Brown quickly chalk up some silly stuff before Mr. Lonon gets
back to the room from the fire drill. |
Alicía dusts off her hands while she and Rebecca
make a quick getaway. |
Rachel Trusty settles back in after returning from
the fire drill. |
Rachel takes a couple quick notes before Mr. Lonon
starts class. |
Rachel mysteriously disappears somewhere, but my good
friend Mr. Chair poses for a great shot. |
Jason Lee gets a little bored and twiddles his thumbs
in chemistry. |
Deep in thought, Jason starts to look up to see what
Mr. Lonon is up to. |
Just some random pictures I've taken with the camera
I use for yearbook photography. |
On the way back home from taking a picture of Brittany
Allison's bedroom, I stopped by to see if Rachel Trusty wanted
me to take a picture of her room as well. Failing that, I decided
to go ahead and just snap a picture of her pretty smile. I think
she actually likes this picture! |
I got ahold of Olin's camera again, and ran off
to play. |
Janine Randles tries to throw something at someone,
likely me. |
Janine discovers a new body part attached to her head
- Ears are fun. |
Mike Kelly stares blankly into space as Janine stares
blankly at Mike. |
The yearbook's done and there's not much to do. May
as well sleep. |
Janine pokes around at something she finds on the
desk... |
...and then throws it at Ryan Bills (off camera)... |
...and then laughs at him... |
...and then realizes... |
...he's throwing it back... |
Jared Fitzgibbon thinks I have Mrs. Raines's digital
camera, as it is a Sony Mavica as well, and gives me a curious
stare. |
Jared gets a bit agitated as I lead him on about having
Mrs. Raines's camera. |
Rachel Trusty (off camera) quickly grabs the sharp
scissors from Jared as he prepares to stab me for taking what
he thinks is Mrs. Raines's camera. |
Jared gives me a "go to hell" stare after
I tell him I'm really using Olin Rankin's camera. |
Clayton Paty looks up to see what all the commotion
is all about. |
You knew it would happen sooner or later - more pictures
of Rachel Trusty. |
Rachel starts putting away art supplies. |
Jared warns what will come of me if I dare put these
pictures on my site. |
Rachel finishes up her packing to get ready to head
to Mr. Lonon's chemistry class. |
Those eyes...Oh God, those EYES! Wow... |
Another nice close-up of Rachel right before we all
head out to our next classes. |
The yearbook is published, and I finally get a chance
to dig through our stack of pictures! |
Here's another nice picture of my gang at lunch. This was actually
taken near the beginning of the year when we could eat outside.
It's just now making it to GC because it was sent away to be
published in the yearbook.
Clockwise from left to right, Sarah Hindsman, Eric Duerr, Rachel
Bewley, Nikki Holbrook, Phillip Choi, Nikki Barr, Kelli Henderson,
and Christi Bauer.
Mrs. Little came to my English class one morning while
Jeana Rogers, Bryan Bramlett, and I were doing a skit on a modernized
version of Macbeth. |
Jared Fitzgibbon, Matt Farrar, Rye Bailey, and Josh
Higgins gather around with their various areas of knowledge to
plan out ultimate world destruction. With the help of CAD programs,
HTML, and a folder with information on the school's banquet of
excellence, world domination should be no problem! |
Mrs. Little wanted me to get some pictures of people
with exotic styles of clothing, and who better than Angie Jennings
to model this gothic/Renaissance style? |
Here's another picture of Angie "walking the
runway" so I can get a better shot of her flowing gown. |
Beth Scott helps out with the art club, painting faces
at the Sequoyah Fun Fair. Not only has she found a new fame in
the 2001 yearbook, but she's also been recognized on the infamous
Galloping Cow. |
Cassie Hilgerson, also in the art club, helps out
a bit as well. |
Here's a somewhat creative shot of Jared Fitzgibbon
drawing something ingenious, with a nice background of other works
of art from the art class. |
Still looking for more shots of interesting clothing,
Mrs. Little had me stop Joanna in the hallway and take a picture
of her walking by. |
Kerryn Johns sits waiting for the yearbook staff to
take club photos. Whitney Bartlett also sits on the stage in the
background. |
The all-too-famous Rachel Trusty draws up something
in art class. |
Another attempt at a creative shot with the art class's
work in the background. |
Rachel tries to work out her plans of mass destruction. |
Here's a picture from when Rachel and Chris Sanderock
were going out. He was up to a bit of vandilization, writing strange
things on her car, and leaving bizarre shrubs and flowers on the
windshield. Ryan Miller investigates the scene. |