Support Class

I got a better amount of sleep last night, so it was only fitting that I would be up late tonight. I was the first one in the office, and we rode it out until lunch time. David and Woody came to talk sales and take us out to lunch at Saltgrass. Maybe I just had my hopes up too high, but I was kind of disappointed in the steak. The quail and Brussels sprouts were delicious. I liked the baked potato soup, but there wasn’t much of it. My ribeye was just very thin and gristly, and apart from the crawfish and shrimp on it to make it “Cajun,” the tomatoes just watered it down. Overall it was a good, large meal though, which was good because it was my only one.

The afternoon went by relatively quickly. I helped someone find a breaker they had thrown using two space heaters on the same wall. Luckily I had just enough charge by the time I left that I could make it home without Supercharging.

Summer was home when I got there, and had to charge up from 5%, so she was pretty nervous coming home. I took the dogs out for a good, long run. We weren’t breaking any records, but we maintained a good clip. We encountered both of my parents driving separately, and chased them down their road to the house. Then we made it home for doggy dinner because I forgot to thaw hot dogs.

As I was trying to process my evening, Mitch called on me for some support. We chatted a little bit, and then I called Robert. We didn’t talk long because he was just starting a movie, but then I ended up talking with Mitch for quite a while after that, just to catch up. I eventually got all of my nightly chores done, and an overstuffed recycle bin to the curb, so hopefully sleep hits fast tonight.

More buffs!


I got out early again today and made it to the office. It wasn’t very long before Maggie texted and asked me to let maintenance into our shop to unload a bunch of stuff. I didn’t realize they had a trailer full of shelving and other crap. I let them in, but then they just stood around doing nothing because I couldn’t tell them exactly where everything was going. I assumed they would just bring it inside, but instead they got back into their trucks. I very nearly just closed back up and went inside, because the cold had me in a coughing fit.

Maggie eventually showed up and I went back inside. There was something going on in the conference room, so there were a bunch of ladies in and out of our restroom. I helped bring some stuff back from the front, helped Jim over the phone, and generally tried to be useful until lunch time. I suggested David’s Burgers, but Kyle preferred The Purple Cow for some reason. The food wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t seem as bespoke.

The afternoon was mostly dull, though the maintenance crew showed up again to try and hang a TV in the lobby. The gringo didn’t want to make a call on how to hang it, and the four or more Hispanics just giggled amongst themselves. After an hour or more, the TV still didn’t get hung and I would have done it myself if I had longer screws.

It was so cold out that I had to stop and Supercharge on the way home. I had went into Five Guys for some fries and a restroom break, then made it home to run the dogs. We make a new record at 11.5mph average for 3.4 miles, and a top speed of 22.2mph. Dad met us at the end of their driveway, and the dogs made a mad dash the whole way down.

Summer was home when we got back, so I had to play Musical Cars to get everybody charged. The dogs got hot dogs and food, and I warmed up the rest of my fries. Eaddie and Eli came in and did homework in front of the TV with Summer, and I cleaned up the kitchen until everyone settled in for the night. I finished early, and may have to dress more warmly for tomorrow.

The dog prefers the ice. I don’t know what to say.

Cheap Lunch Crew

Eaddie ended up having a quintet practice session in Fort Smith today, so I had the house to myself. Then Zach texted wanting to know if I had to take a personal day to be off during the snow day, and I just had to laugh. I asked him if they had lunch plans, and wasn’t surprised to hear they were probably having Mexican. I ended up meeting them at La Chiquita. Gary was the one that interacted with me the most. Thomas, Greg, and even Zach were mostly just present, but would respond when I talked to them. The thing I missed most was paying less than $10 for lunch. Food in Little Rock is insane, and it’s typical for me to pay nearly twice that, or more.

After we ate, I stopped by the Superfast to see Summer while she was working out in the cold. I thought I’d install my yoke, but it was going to be too involved, and I didn’t want to work on it there in the cold. I figured I’d borrow a hex socket later and do it from home.

I got back to the house and took the dogs out for a run at the peak temperature for the day in the high 20s. We had a good run, and caught Dad at the end of their road. He spun around to get me a heat lamp for the dogs, though Muad’Dib never came out to use it. I don’t know where he was sleeping, but Stilgar has been the only one at the door in the warmth.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning house, and then quite a bit of time consolidating my blood pressure tracker to share with the clinic. I still haven’t heard anything more about seeing a specialist, and I’m hoping it was just a fluke reading after being sick.

Eaddie got home pretty late, followed by Summer. She ran a bath and I warmed up some pizza for her before bed.


Tree Up, Freeze Up

It was super cold all day today. I woke up pretty early and started cleaning up a bit. Summer went to the gym, and Eaddie eventually got up and joined the fun. Summer and I put all three Christmas trees up once she got home, which opened up a ton of space in the living room and Eaddie’s room. I cleaned up a bunch of Vine stuff, and got a bunch more. Neither of the digital TV antennas I tried would pick up any signal, but I’d swear Wesley said he was getting channels just around the block.

Eaddie ended up going out for the evening since she’d be busy for the next few weeks. I took the dogs out for a run and almost immediately couldn’t feel my hands. My heated vest was on high, but I couldn’t even feel that any more. We missed our run yesterday, so I tried to take them out a bit longer. We missed my parents, but I dropped off some caulk for Dad, and then we made it home for hot dogs.

Domino’s was still doing half off pizzas, so I picked up three for dinner with Summer, and then leftovers for Eaddie and myself since we had Monday off. After we ate, Summer settled in for a shower and I went back out to pick up a plastic shelf someone had set out for free. I continued cleaning up Vine stuff because I got another big shipment in after dark, and eventually made it to bed after feeling tired several hours earlier than usual.

Need to lock in!

Missed Steaks

Eaddie was at all-region for practice all morning, and Summer misunderstood what time Eaddie would have her concert. I made us some egg and cheese biscuits out of the two leftover biscuits from KFC, and then I got a bunch of Vine stuff delivered.

I should have taken the dogs out for a run earlier in the day, because we were out too late. Eaddie came home for a break before the concert, and said she couldn’t find her wallet. She and Summer looked for a while, but then Eaddie had to go back before her concert. Luckily Summer found it right after she had left.

We went to pick up Dad and caught the last two performing bands. I didn’t care for the percussion ensemble, but Eaddie’s band was good. They played through relatively quickly, since region clinicians don’t spend forever sucking up to the district administration after every band.

We took Dad home, and then Summer and I went to Check-H for dinner. I had a huge, leafy salad with some steak, and then another plate full of steak. I was determined to get my iron back up. We stuffed ourselves and then went to Walmart to do a lap before heading home for the night. Summer’s food didn’t settle too well, so she went to bed. Eaddie was already home and milling about. I kept dawdling for too long, and then remembered I had bills to pay before bed. The neighbor’s dogs were also up barking all night long for some reason. I went out to investigate at one point, but didn’t see anything.



I got to work on time, but I didn’t see anyone for a while. Evidently several of them had met at the annex to move some stuff, and it wasn’t until Randy called that I went outside to help unload into the new shop. For the rest of the day, I rode around with Jim and Randy as we collected a couple more loads of stuff.

Randy had been wanting catfish from BJ’s for a couple days, so that’s where we went for lunch. Javier met us there, and we had a good time learning how little he knows about history and historical figures.

We kept moving stuff, and then most of us stood around in the shop just to socialize a bit before we went inside. Maggie took the afternoon off, so it was mostly just Randy and me sitting in the dark until quitting time. Javier did stop by a couple times, but nobody was really getting into anything.

It sprinkled a bit on the way home, but luckily it had quit by the time I got there. I took the dogs out for a good run, we met Dad, and then zig-zagged home. Summer had to close the shop, and Eaddie was out late before her all-region weekend.

The dogs were about out of food, so I eventually made a trip to the Neighborhood Market for several things we had been needing. I got pretty sleepy on the drive home from work, and that just got worse and worse all night until I finally went to bed.

Be no more there.

Corporate Grin

I had a pretty rough start this morning in spite of sleeping a bit longer. I got to work a few minutes late, and only then realized that I got all the way there and had forgotten my backpack with my laptop at home. I made my way inside and found a laptop to use, but had to join the domain and basically install anything I wanted to use. Fortunately there was absolutely nothing going on.

The day dragged as I dawdled, eventually coming to another lunch hour on my own. I landed at Taco Bell just up the road, and was surprised at all of the eerily cheery faces. I knew something wasn’t quite right, and then I finally recognized that there were at least three or four people there from corporate. I don’t know if it was their doing or not, but my food was awesome, and the service was great. They even had chip ice, which was deliciously crunchy. One of the corporate heads even said something about it, remarking that she didn’t think any of their Taco Bells had that kind of ice. I told her I loved it, so maybe it’ll spread.

The afternoon dragged on some more, and I left a few minutes early so I could get home and retrieve my car from Clearview where Summer had dropped it off for a tint job. She was short staffed at the lube, so I got Dad from the old house where they had been remodeling. Mike was super excited to chat about the car, and charged me even less than what he had said previously.

Dad drove the Model Y back to the lube for Summer, and then we went to check out the old house quickly before I headed home to run the dogs. They had a good run, got to see Dad, then made it home just before dark. I got them fed while Summer picked up some KFC on the way home. Then we ate and settled in quickly.

Eaddie got home late from something, and I was upset that for some reason both of the Murano keys were gone in spite of the car sitting in the driveway. Now nobody knows where the second key went, and I’m just sat there like Surprised Pikachu that my stuff has gone missing.


Jumbo Gumbo

I was sleeping pretty hard when my alarm went off this morning, but I managed to get to work before anyone else. It was another slow day for me, just kind of riding out my new meds. I wouldn’t have expected such a difference for such a small dose of basically the same combination I’d started with before. I took my amlodipine and lisinopril a couple hours apart today to see if I could minimize my afternoon reaction, and it seemed to help a little bit, though I still felt a bit dizzy for a little while.

I was on my own for lunch, so I decided to pick up some gumbo from the Louisiana Fried Chicken place just down the road. The fact that they even have a website is wild to me, because the place looks so rough, is in such a rough area, and is basically empty every time I drive by. The guy was super nice though, and I really liked the gumbo.

Jim, Charles, Randy, and Maggie were there in the afternoon gossiping about some local drama. Evidently my superintendent nemesis in town is negotiating an exit from her contract by the end of this year as well. I’m really just standing by to see if I die from whatever ails me, so it’s hard to get me excited about much right now.

I ran the dogs hard when I got home from work, and they had a great time. Dad met us at the end of their driveway, and we hit over 20 miles an hour. He was making taco soup, so we went home and I fed the dogs, then unboxed a ton of Vine stuff before going back over there to eat. Summer got home late from work and wasn’t hungry, and Eaddie was out with a friend.

After dinner, I had to take out the trash and recycling. They hadn’t picked up recycling in a couple weeks, so with all the Vine stuff I’ve been getting, I could have nearly filled up two whole dumpsters. I accidentally spilled an entire box of miscellaneous recycling, and was picking it all up by flashlight when the UPS driver stopped to hand me one more package for the day. I lost count of how many were delivered today, but it’s clear I’ve got a problem.

The girls were up for a while talking about everything Eaddie has going on. I cleaned up the best I could and made a mad dash for bed.

Retail therapy gets me a 1099-NEC this year.

Donut Panic

I didn’t sleep great last night, but I managed to make it to work a few minutes early. I parked in the other bay because my usual was blocked by a layer of snow, but I think I like the other bay better anyway, because I can pull straight in and there’s nothing in the way of the power outlet. My third party charger decided to quit working after a couple hours, so I had to break out the Tesla branded one instead. I’ll need to update my review, and see if I can get it fixed or replaced, but at least it was “free.”

Maggie called me early wanting to know if I wanted donuts, and then she basically brought me every example of something I might like. She’s always too generous when she brings us food, so I tried to pay her back a little bit by buying her kid’s meal she wanted from Cane’s for lunch.

Otherwise it was a super quiet day until the afternoon when I felt like I was going to black out again out of nowhere. I felt pretty dizzy and strange for a little while after that, and I was nervous to go home at the end of the day, but I was better by then. I had gotten enough of a charge to make it home, so I stopped to see Summer in Conway and washed my car.

I got home just before dark and took the dogs out for a quick run. We creeped through the basin trail because there was still standing water over parts of the trail, and they kept pulling pretty hard in some places, so I had to tug back on their leash quite a bit after that. We visited Dad, then got home a little bit before Summer did.

Eaddie was out super late for all-region, and I wasn’t surprised when she reported first chair. I tried to get to bed super early with the hopes that more sleep might prevent another spell like today, but I wasn’t sure if it was due to a slight change in meds, or the alleged anemia, which doesn’t seem to be making me as tired as I would expect, otherwise I might be sleeping better.



I forgot to kill my alarm for today, so I was buzzed awake at 4:20 and went back to sleep until Summer got up for work. She had to go in for a little while due to staffing issues, and would just meet me at the clinic for our appointments. Dad had a funeral, so I also had to let the restoration guys into the house, but they were quite a bit later than I was expecting, and I missed the call while I was in the shower. They didn’t have to wait terribly long, and I made it to my appointment and got seated just as Summer pulled up.

We both really like Crystal, and they were able to have both of us seen at the same time without any trouble. I got half the dosage of lisinopril to start up again, and also asked for something to knock out my bronchitis instead of living with it for the next few weeks. Summer got herself established as a new patient as well, and we both had blood drawn, then went to Walgreens to pick up our meds.

I guess the stores were handling it, because Summer actually took the time to go to lunch with me after that. We met at New China and took our time eating because the food was super hot and fresh. I had a pretty bad anxiety attack while I was eating some honeydew, and it took me a moment to shake that off. Then Summer went back to work for a bit, and I ran by Clear View to schedule my tint job. While I was there, I noticed a missed call from the restoration guys. I guess they locked themselves out for lunch, so I called to make sure they still needed in. Then I went by to grab a couple boxes of stuff to take home while they were back to work.

I tried to wash my car on the way home, but the quarter wash was still closed for fear of freezing temperatures. I had some time when I got home, so I finally installed the threshold protective panels on the passenger side, along with the back covers for the rear seats. I’ve just about got the entire inside of the car encapsulated.

Summer got home just as I finished up, and then Eaddie and Eli came home shortly after that. I took the dogs out for the most dry run we’ve had in a few days. I tried to route them some extra blocks since we were still avoiding some other icy areas, and they did fairly well. I spent the rest of the evening trying to clean up a bit since Summer started feeling pretty bad with a headache and who knows what else. She went to bed really early, and the kids stayed up late doing homework.

I got a load of laundry going, and got a call from Jessica at the clinic. She said I was severely anemic, and that iron supplements wouldn’t be enough, so they were going to refer me to a hematologist. I thought it might all be due to some heavy blood loss through hemorrhoids last week and sent a message back to Crystal, but she said my iron reserves still shouldn’t be this low, so I guess I’m going to see a specialist. I’m really glad I bumped up my insurance coverage for this year.

That’s not ironic.