My hand hasn’t been hurting too bad, and it didn’t start bleeding again until I was out of the shower and trying to put my hair up. That put me behind getting to work, so I burned through the battery trying to make that time up. Randy was the only one there when I got there, and he was fine with me pulling into the shop bay to charge, so I more than made up for what I burned to get there.
School was out, and most of the administration was out as well, so Randy figured we would probably cut out a little early. We chatted for a while in the office, and I tinkered a little bit, but didn’t get too deep into anything. We Maggie said NextStep was taking people to Topgolf, but then Randy said he and Jim were meeting Hunter and Corey at BJ’s Market Cafe, and I wanted to meet up with those guys. About that time, Ben texted about lunch and I invited him to join us. Maggie just went to Topgolf by herself because she wanted to meet with the vendor.
I tried having Google Duplex(?) make a reservation for us, but that didn’t work and I just called myself. When the time came, Jay decided he was going to go, and Ben said he had a +1 with him. Unfortunately, he misunderstood the location that I didn’t clarify, and he ended up at Skinny J’s instead and never made it to us.
The catfish dinner was pretty decent, and it was nice to meet the old director and network admin. I didn’t have much to add to the conversation, and Hunter seemed mostly sour on the district for good reason. We finished up there and went back to the office for a little while before Randy cut us loose.
Traffic ground to a full stop twice on the way home, but I made it. Summer was home early due to the weather, but it was only barely sprinkling when I got there, so I took the dogs out for a quick, early run. We stopped just long enough to see Dad, then made it around the basin and back home.
After a while, Summer and I decided to leave for dinner, but she didn’t know what she wanted to eat. I activated FSD as we left the house, and decided to just let the car go and see where we ended up. It drove north over the Phoenix bridge, past Tech, and around the old gymnastics building. As we drove by IHOP, Summer decided that was what she wanted.
The food was good, but the service was better. We ate, and then left in some heavier rain. She went to bed, and I wasn’t long behind her. I saw Eaddie briefly as she came in from her rehearsal day in Conway, and we’ll head that way tomorrow for her concert.