
There was a threat of rain again today, but it never happened. I got to work a little bit early and made an iced coffee out of some leftover from the day before, and tried to replicate the general mood of the office as well. I finally fixed my printer deployment issue, so I spent the rest of the day tinkering with an automated task sequence that even Kim won’t be able to screw up.

After work, I kept getting stuck behind people going under the speed limit. I got to the old house to feed the fish, and my check from Elon Musk had been delivered and left in my driveway. I immediately ran across town to Arvest to deposit it, since it was too much for me to do over mobile deposit. While I was there, I caught up with Aaron for a little bit, and took a few broken and battered coins that were discarded by their change machine. It was mostly chipped-up pennies, but there were a couple carwash tokens and something from Germany.

When I got to the house, Summer had gone out for a haircut and a meeting at work, so I went out on the Onewheel. I went around the neighborhood a bit, buzzing back by Arvest to see if I could show off to Aaron. Then I ended up over at my parents’ house and had some shrimp soup since Summer would be home late.

On my way home, I noticed Summer had stopped at the Neighborhood Market, so I thought I’d ride over there and catch her. I put my Onewheel in her trunk, but then somehow missed her as she left the store and drove away with my ride. I quickly called her to come back, and rode home with her. I took one more loop around the block before coming in for the night.

Eaddie had been doing schoolwork and practicing her flute, so we didn’t get to watch TV like I thought we might. Instead, I actually managed to get to bed a little early. I may actually get seven hours of sleep tonight.

That’s a pretty big wealth gap.

Valet Point

Today was super humid all day, so it felt pretty gross in the morning. I struggled waking up, so I made a big pot of coffee in the morning that got me through the afternoon. Overall I tried to keep things a little lighter while I played music and tinkered all day. I ended up breaking printers somehow when I was trying to fix a deployment issue, but I think I got everything back in place before I left.

I missed the passing power of my Model 3 or the R1 on the drive home, but the Murano was no slouch. I made it to the old house to feed the fish and loaded up my valet tray to go to the new house. Summer was home early and cooking dinner after having a little cyst or something removed from her leg. I rode the Onewheel to my parents’ house and talked to them a little bit while Julie was there. Then I did a big loop around the neighborhood before going back home to clean up the laundry room.

Summer and I ate alone since Eaddie was with Eli after a long day of concert assessment. Then I rode a handful of things back over to my parents’ house so I could set my valet up on the dryer. I’ll be happy to have a place near the door for all the vehicle keys, glasses, and whatnot.

It was a quiet night after that. I chatted with Eaddie once she got home, and then it was off to bed a little earlier than usual.

Pen Island

Taxing System

I tried not to sleep in too late today. Summer got up and wanted to talk, and then made me breakfast while Eaddie was still in her room. I eventually got started on my taxes, but it was a real struggle to get everything together. I just got more and more angry at the whole system because I kept having to do more and more research on something that should be click-to-pay.

Eaddie had band practice at some point, and Summer went to get stuff for dinner. I had a shower and did a load of laundry. Once we were all back together, we had dinner and then Summer had to host a meeting at work for a bit. Eaddie went to the park, so I went out for a quick jaunt on the Onewheel to see my parents.

I didn’t get to bed until a usually-late time, but I felt fairly confident in my tax work. I guess if they tell me I did it wrong, at least I’ll eat for free.

Deduct the taxes you paid? That’s a little meta, isn’t it?

Twelve Mile Island

I woke up with a bit of a headache and made some coffee this morning. Summer got started on her taxes and was in the living room all morning. I put on some old Disney tunes and took a shower, and then made tuna pitas for everyone.

Summer wanted to clean house without us around, but most of the afternoon was burned doing nothing. I eventually left on the Onewheel and rode to the old house to box up some more small stuff. By the time I was done, it was late and dark. I rode over to Arby’s for something to eat, and then lollygagged through down on the way home. I picked up a Snapple at Casey’s and stopped to take a couple pictures at the new co-create place, the middle school, and the Waco Detention Basin.

I stopped by to see my parents briefly, and Dad was outside looking at the moon while Mom dehydrated shrimp inside. Then I circled the neighborhood a couple times before finally landing at home for the night.

I have scaled these city walls.

Modern Driver Jackery

Eaddie wanted to drive to school today, so I bundled up and took the Shadow to work. Things were quiet for a change, so I mostly just tinkered with Modern Driver Management all day. I never got it working quite right, but at least I didn’t permanently break my task sequence.

After work, I fed the fish and made it home. Summer was working on the couch again, so I took the Onewheel out for a hard ride around the neighborhood. Then I stopped by my parents’ house for a few minutes before heading on home for the night.

Summer said she wanted nachos, and I had been thinking about Taco Villa all evening, so I ran across town to bring some home. After we ate, we settled in and watched A Quiet Place Part 2 before bed. Eaddie was out late with friends, but we saw her briefly before she went to bed herself.


Free Wheeling

Traffic was horribly slow all day today. Things got worse when Kim texted that the internet was down. I didn’t even bother asking if she had done anything to investigate. It looked like a couple switches went down after I tried some upgrades yesterday, and doing more upgrades just caused more rolling outages. In the end, I still had two stubborn switches that wouldn’t respond and had to be power-cycled.

I was pretty burned out after that, but I eventually started tinkering with Modern Driver Management in SCCM. We’ll see how that goes tomorrow, but hopefully it makes things a bit easier. I ended the day with an empty office after Denice left pretty early to go to a ballgame.

After a slow drive home, I fed the fish and brought another end table home. Summer was working on the couch, so I went out on the Onewheel and met another guy around the corner that had an XR. He said he was out riding with his baby, hoping to run into me after seeing me around the neighborhood. We swapped boards for a bit while we chatted, and then I continued toward my parents’ house. I saw Wesley outside for the first time since we moved in, so I stopped to talk to him for quite a while. Long enough, in fact, that my board shut off. I didn’t notice, and when I got back on to leave, it flew right out from under me.

I finally made it to my parents’ house to see Mom, but Dad was on his way out for a church meeting. Mom was eating, so I didn’t stay long before heading home to finish the last burger. Summer worked until she went to bed. Eaddie got home late after watching a concert. I just did my best to wrap up so I could catch up on some sleep.

On a roll.

OneDrive Me Nuts

I took the Murano to work this morning because of the rain, and it looks like that will be a trend all week. I had a bagel on the way, which really helped pass the drive. As soon as I got there, we had to wheel my portable touch panel down to the nurse so she could use it for teaching a “Stop the Bleed” class all week. Though I think it wise to teach the subject matter, I find it upsetting that it’s only normalized with the rest of the active shooter drills we do in schools now.

Otherwise it was a pretty quiet day. It dragged on a bit for me, but I finally fixed my problem with OneDrive by installing it before I try to block it. It’s perfectly Microsoft in its logic.

Brody called and offered a bunch of crappy soundbars that his predecessor purchased without need or purpose. Luckily Summer was home early, so he just dropped them off at the house for her. After work, I went straight home for dinner because Summer fried some rice with some ground chicken. It was questionable, but tasty enough. Eaddie and Eli came to eat, and then Eli had to run for a concert, which Eaddie attended later.

I went for a short ride on the Onewheel to my parents’ house and then around the neighborhood. Then when I got home, I tested out a soundbar in the bedroom. It was even worse than I expected, but still better than some of the worst TV speakers we have in the house. After that, I was pretty sleepy but still struggled to wind down for the night.

Next up, we’ll take it back to a little pink house with Jack and Diane.

Preclipse Day

I got up and made Summer a freshly-ground cappuccino this morning, which she seemed to like. I’ve only used it twice, but so far I’m pretty happy with the grinder we got. I finally cleaned up the corned beef and had a shower, and then struggled to start the smoker to get the ribs cooking. Summer and Eaddie ran to Kroger to pick up some charcoal for me, and the lumps were tiny. I eventually got the smoke rolling, and the girls prepped the bikes to go for a ride downtown.

We parked at the middle school, which in retrospect wasn’t much better than if we had just left from the house. The girls biked and I rode my Onewheel through some neighborhood trails before going back up to Kroger and heading downtown. There weren’t a ton of visitors there that we could tell, but there were tons of cops and “workers” riding around trying to look important. We stood in line and got some stuff from NASA, and I couldn’t tell whether I had actually offended the guy when I asked how long NASA has known the moon and sun are the same size, and why they were keeping it from us.

We didn’t really find much exciting at the depot after that, so we got Eaddie a shirt and then rode through Tech to Bona Dea. We did a small loop and then headed straight back to the car. Eaddie decided to ride all the way home, and I actually had plenty of battery to do the same, but I drove Summer home instead.

I decided to assemble the outdoor sink and prep table with the hopes that I could use it for the ribs. Summer “helped,” but we didn’t get it done in time, and I ended up bringing the ribs inside to wrap. Eli came over, I eventually got the ribs sauced, and then we had dinner. The meat was way too tender and just turned into mush off the bone, but it was still good. I just wanted a bit more bite to them. Everyone else loved it. Summer made mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts, and we had a good meal.

The kids hung out for a while and Summer wound down quickly. I started dragging pretty hard, and felt a bit sick from sinus trouble. I assumed it was allergies this time, but I just felt crummy all night.

He’s really not gonna like my questions about why the moon is a flat circle instead of a flat square.

You Don’t Know Jack

I successfully took the Murano to work this morning. I did not successfully place an order for breakfast at the correct restaurant. The McDonald’s app switched locations on me while I was nearing the bridge to Dardanelle, and I refused to turn around and drive across town to retrieve my order. Fortunately it was refunded later in the afternoon, but it was infuriating that I was completely powerless to do absolutely anything until then. I just went to Burger King instead.

Work was relatively quiet, and some of my deployment issues were resolved. Others I had to keep opening new tabs to research. By the end of the day, I could barely see the icons of each site I had open. Johnny called while I was eating and asked for my reference as he applied for a Dover tech position. It was a little tempting to apply for it myself, but I just don’t think that’s the right move yet. Hopefully something else will present itself, but until then, I’m left daydreaming about what it would be like at the paper mill.

I stopped by Walmart in Dardanelle on the way home, because it was the only store that would offer free online pickup. Then I picked up the coffee table from the old house and headed home. Along the way, I called Jack out of the blue to try and catch up with him. All I could do was leave a voicemail. Summer was already home when I got there, but taking work calls and then heading to the bath after helping me unload the car. I went to my parents’ house briefly, came back to get my backpack and chargers before going back for dinner.

It was nice out, so after dinner I rode all around the neighborhood and the west side of town. Then I came home through the Waco Detention Basin Trail, which was actually dry. With both the Onewheel and the Murano depleated, I plugged in and drove across town to fill up the car. I didn’t realize how much I hated pumping gas until I didn’t have to any more. I still miss my car.

I chatted with Jack for quite a while. Eaddie got home super late, and Summer was in bed early.


Cold Mornings Are for Suckers

Eaddie beat me to the shower unexpectedly this morning, which meant I finished mine in lukewarm water. Any colder outside, and it wouldn’t have lasted that long. I got out the door and realized she had taken the Murano to school, which was different than the plan we had set the night before, whereby Summer would drop her off so I could not ride the bike to work in the cold. I ran back inside and got a jacket, but failed to get my gloves, so my hands were ice cold when I got to work. I started with some coffee, but it took a while to get over the deep chill.

I spent most of the day fighting printer drivers, and still never really fixed the deployment, I guess I’ll dig into it some more tomorrow, and likely start from scratch. The ride home after work was a bit warmer, but the warmer weather has really brought out the asshole pickup truck drivers. Maybe I just didn’t notice them in the Model 3, but the Shadow doesn’t have quite the pep to keep at the head of traffic.

I fed the fish and then went home until Summer got there. She worked a short day after having a doctor’s appointment, but still came home looking like hell with no will to exist outside of the house. I left on the Onewheel and had some rice and sausage that I like with my parents. Then I rode around the neighborhood for a while before making it back home. It was a short, quiet night after that.

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