
I checked on the dogs as soon as I got out of bed, and they had already dug their way out. I figured they were hanging out with a neighbor, but I never saw them when I eventually left for work, and neither of the girls looked for them in the morning. It was a long day at work without knowing anything.

I had another bagel and kept fairly busy with some more trivial stuff that may have actually been clues as to what keeps breaking parts of my network. Then at the very end of the day, I walked in on Harry watching a Strong Bad video in his office. I had to laugh, because I had just texted Gary a GIF of Salad Fingers earlier in the day. I told Harry that we hadn’t had much time to build rapport with one another, but that we were going to be good friends.

After work, I fed the fish and then headed home to try and find the dogs. I probably rode over 10 miles on the Onewheel, but forgot to start logging my ride at first, so I think I captured way less than half of my total ride. I stopped by my parents’ house once just for a quick break, and then again later to eat since Summer wasn’t hungry when she got home.

I lingered around outside for a while, but never saw or heard anything. I did find a couple other dogs loose in the neighborhood, so maybe they’ll still turn up, but I’m not particularly hopeful. If they don’t come back, I hope they find a better home.

Good boys.

Lab Delivery System

Becky said they were going to cook breakfast, but I got to work a few minutes early and the place was a ghost town. Steven and Keith were there wandering around the high school, but I really didn’t see anyone else. Luckily I brought my leftovers from BFD and could eat that for brunch. I brought the Onewheel in case I needed to get across the campus multiple times, and it made delivering the last couple of desktops a breeze.

Steven was talking to Possum, and later Keith, outside their little office cove, and seeing the Onewheel got them pretty excited. Then Kelly showed up with a couple of the other lunch ladies, and she actually tried it out. After that, I talked Steven into giving it a shot, and he kept wanting to ride down the hall on his own. It wasn’t until he tried turning around in the width of the hallway that he fell off.

Those guys left after a half day, and then I called Nicky to see if she was in her office. I think she and I are the only two people there that feel obligated to work our contract hours. Everyone else is content to lie on timesheets all year long.

I did end up leaving fairly early because Tim called again to say we could get the Pathfinder. Summer got home early too because she was still feeling really sick, but I made her get out and take me to Orr. Tim had previously said the battery was dead, but it started up fine today, so I drove it home after a couple trips through the carwash. Now we just have to figure out the paperwork.

When we got back in, I ate a brat and then laid down on the couch with Summer to watch Three Amigos. I was super tired though, and kept dozing off. I guess I had never really seen it before, but I’ve always been aware of it. I guess I slept through the explanation about why there was an invisible person and a singing bush in this otherwise reasonably realistic fiction.

After a while, Summer craved a pretzel crust from Little Caesar’s. I eventually left the house to try and get some food, and called the restaurant to see if they could make one with the “old world pepperoni” instead of the normal ones. I just like the fact that you get more than two pepperonis on your slice. I was immediately told that it would be a 45-minute wait for a custom order. Then my question caused a little bit of confusion, which was met with “we can’t do that because there’s not a button.” I just gave up, not wanting to deal with those inbreeds, and went to the old house to feed the fish and come up with another plan.

I ended up ordering from Domino’s, and the food was ready before I could make it there. Then I saw Neal feeding the cats out back and stopped to talk to him a bit. I guess he had never seen either of the Teslas, so he was super impressed. I started to hold up traffic, but my phone key had been giving me trouble and I couldn’t get out of “park.”

I did eventually make it home, and the girls really enjoyed my custom barbecue chicken and bacon pizza. Summer and I watched a little more YouTube after Eaddie went back to her room. Then she crashed pretty hard from feeling sick, and I eventually followed.

Definitely couldn’t do that back in RSDland.

If a Tree Falls in the Hood

Today was the last day of school, and things were quiet everywhere. Traffic wasn’t bad, and people weren’t pouring into my office constantly, so I had a little time to get settled in and put some Chromebooks and chargers away. I ended up scanning all of the returns into a sheet so I could know exactly where each device was on the shelf.

They brought us Taco Villa for lunch, and then sent everyone home afterward. Kim ate with everyone in the cafeteria, and I would have too if I had realized it soon enough. I already had everything open in the office though, so I just ate and continued working. I stayed a little bit late just to wrap things up, and then headed home.

Just as I was getting close to Dardanelle, my old neighbor David called me. I could swear he said a big branch had fallen between my house and Bác Vân’s, so I headed over to check it out. When I got there, I was greeted not by a branch, but by an uprooted pine tree from the front yard. By some miracle, it managed to fall perfectly between the houses and only appeared to cause a little bit of damage to the very edge of my roof. It missed the other house entirely.

I headed home to change, and then picked Dad up so we could go check it out. He took a bunch of pictures that we took to the insurance office, and it seemed like it would be the better option for us to just take care of the tree ourselves and then just pay a roofer or carpenter to fix the house. As long as there’s no hidden damage under the tree, we didn’t figure it would be that bad. The trunk of the tree would be a lot of work, but the upper branches seemed small and manageable for two people.

I dropped Dad off and went back home until Eaddie showed up after school. Summer was supposed to work really late, but came home because she didn’t feel well. FedEx delivered a replacement thermostat and Eaddie was super hungry, so I took her for a ride across town to swap out the baseplate at the old house and then get some food. Just as we were about to go to Freddy’s, Dad reminded me that they had both ribs and curry, so we got Eaddie a free custard and then headed back across town.

After we ate, I took Eaddie home and then took the Onewheel across town to swap thermostats. It hurt my feet pretty bad since I was out of practice, but at least I didn’t dump the board. I was afraid to test the thermostat until we got the tree off of the unit outside, so I just headed back home. I stopped to get some more pictures of the shipping container in the woods, then at Casey’s for a drink, and circled around Ridgewood and the bike path where I saw the first lightning bugs of the season.

The girls were in bed by the time I got home, so I cleaned up a bit and then tried to get to bed early myself. Kim is out for the summer, so unless we have a project for her to work on, now is my time to really get things done.

Like threading a pine needle…

I Need a Vacation

I had to go in early again today for testing, though nobody needed me. It was super slow and quiet, aside from Kim. I’ve been feeling the burnout as time runs out to sign next year’s contract, but it looks like Green Bay is hiring for a different position. I don’t know if one of the others left, or if this may be a new position. I’ll need to reach out to Gary to see if he’d like to talk about it.

I left after my requisite eight hours and made it to the old house to feed the fish. Then I got home and Eaddie was getting ready for some band concert that I guess wasn’t open to the public, or at least we weren’t attending. I changed clothes so I could go out on the Onewheel for the first time since my big wreck. It was much more difficult to accelerate since I was still feeling so much pain in my arm. I was constantly afraid of nosediving.

My only plan was to go to Arby’s for a free sandwich, but I stopped by my parents’ house to visit with them first. Julie and Kevin were there for dinner, and I had a little bowl of some sort of taco cornbread casserole that Dad made. I stayed a while just to visit since Julie was there, but then she started talking about a show on Netflix, and Dad mentioned having trouble watching it on the TV. For some reason, Julie was immediately triggered and started yelling at me progressively louder about sponging off of them and letting them pay for a service that they “couldn’t even use” until I finally snapped back at her. Every single person there just sat in silence while she continued to berate me for being a worthless parasite, so I just left.

I slowly rode across town and had to stop behind the forestry service to sob on a park bench for a little while. I only fell down in the street once along the way, at a super slow speed on a super small bump. My wheel just spun up and spat me out, so I laid in the middle of the intersection in defeat.

After pulling myself together downtown, I continued to Arby’s the long way, because I was pretty sure every law enforcement officer in the county was blocking off Detroit under the bridge. I never could see what was going on, but they were there the entire time I rode across town, ate a roast beef sandwich, and rode back home.

Summer made it home after a rough day of her own, and went to bed. Eaddie got home late from her concert and went to bed. I took some blood pressure medicine, and went to bed.

I change my mind. I’d rather plan a vacation.

Noggin Froggin

I slept in just a little bit this morning because I was going to Arch Ford for the day. I had time to get a carwash and breakfast at Wendy’s before making it to Plumerville before the meeting. Thomas and Ryan were there, but I sat at a table with Jason, and then we were joined by Randy from North Little Rock, and formerly Conway. The meeting itself wasn’t super useful to me, but it was nice to get my face out there some more. I actually talked to Sandy more today than I ever have before. I talked up Johnny quite a bit, so hopefully he gets the job in Dover.

Lunch was provided by a Lightspeed rep, which was boxed lunches from McAlister’s. I ended up grabbing the last box and ate with Randy, and then it was a long break until we all sat in on a video call with the Department of Education where they talked about cybersecurity response, and then FERPA. Apparently there’s no such thing as a FERPA compliance certification, which will be fun to know so I can call out vendors in the future.

We finished a little early and I made it home before anyone else. I chatted with Optimum and was referred to call instead, and then I called TCW to schedule an install. I’m dropping Optimum in any case, entirely due to their poor customer service. Then Julie called to say she would be going to Disney on the same flight we were taking, but coming home earlier. When Summer got home, we finished up the leftover chicken and then I went out on the Onewheel.

I went around the neighborhood and stopped to see my parents, and then continued straight across town to feed the fish. My board dumped me as I crossed over Knoxville, but I was able to run it out. It happens occasionally when I take off aggressively, but I didn’t think I took off that hard. I actually started to wonder if the motor was actually cutting out on me.

I saw Julie drive by as I was riding home. Then as I crossed in front of Oakland, it dumped me again as I pulled away from a dead stop. I had gotten fast enough that I couldn’t run it out, and I tumbled a bit on my left elbow and ended up hitting the top of my head somehow. I thought I had more rash on my side, but it was only a little bit tender. I got a little bit of a scrape on my left elbow, but overall not as bad as the last time. My phone actually detected the fall this time, and offered to call emergency services. My watch did nothing that I could tell. Fortunately neither were harmed in the process, but I did have to pick up the board and my glasses which were several feet apart.

I dusted myself off and messaged Summer while I gave myself a minute to make sure nothing was seriously hurt. It kind of took the wind out of my sails on the way home though. It was definitely harder to trust the acceleration of the board, not to say anything of how sore my legs were after a fairly long ride. I cleaned up my scraped elbow and settled in pretty quickly. Tomorrow will be fun having to go in early for testing.

Makin’ my own Mickey ears outta lumps.

Wheel of Destress

They were testing this morning, but I was still early enough to grab breakfast on the way. It was a bit warmer, so I didn’t freeze to death on the ride in. It didn’t take them long at all to pass out an entire cart full of Chromebooks, because they hadn’t held kids accountable for bringing their own devices. Otherwise, it was pretty quiet for most of the day. Kim brought lunch, so I didn’t even look up when it was time to eat. I just skipped lunch and kept poking around in inventory, mostly hoping that I would have a good return at the end of the year. I did take a break for a minute in the afternoon when I got a text that the new Model 3 Performance was available to order, but I wasn’t impressed enough to jump on the first wave of ordering. I may wait on a few more reviews first.

The ride home was mostly unencumbered, and I came straight to the house where Summer was working on the couch and Eaddie was out again. Summer wanted chicken, so I ended up going to KFC to pick up the only fast food that comes in buckets. There were a lot of people in the back, but only one girl up front, who spent most of her time running to the back. Nobody looked to be in charge, or even in understanding. Michael was there eating with family after another parent night at the high school. Eaddie’s flute tutor, Kim, came in behind me and waited to place an order. Our food finally came out about 10 minutes late, wrong at first, and still wrong in the end with none of our requested sauces.

I got to the house where Summer and I discovered that nearly all of the food was old and dry, which made less sense of how much waiting I had to do. Then I went out on the Onewheel for about eight miles. I stopped to see my parents briefly, but then kept rolling around to decompress. I’d like to think I made some kid’s whole lifetime so far by giving him a high-five as I rolled by.

Once home for the evening, we wound down pretty quickly. I finally though to check my blood pressure, which was super high. I took some medicine for it, had a drink, and loosened up the best I could before bed.

Arch Ford in the morning makes for a short day. Maybe that will help.


Eaddie wanted to drive today, so my fingers nearly froze off on the ride to work this morning. I picked up a McGriddle on the way, but had to microwave it when I got there. It was a PD day, and they had a visitor who needed to use the auditorium, so I was waiting for him in there because he was half an hour late. Then my big project was fixing printing for everyone. CentraQ was eating the print jobs and I couldn’t figure out why. I finally found logs, but it was so poorly documented that I had to call Wight Office Machines and get Thomas to remote in and help. He didn’t really have anything more than the setup guide, but he knew which check boxes to select and got it going again.

It was hard to get very motivated after that. They had a crane replacing air units on the roof, so there was lots of noise from up there. Kim ended up being out all day, and I only saw Denice a couple of times. I had some ramen for lunch, but there really wasn’t anything else going on.

I made good time on the roads both ways, and went to the old house to feed the fish after work. Summer had been home early, and had spaghetti on the stove when I got there. Julie came over to help plan and book a Disney vacation, and if I had realized we were basically just booking everything on the site without any extra needs, Summer and I could have dedicated a day over the weekend to get it done. I just kept feeling stress and anxiety even thinking about it, and the total cost will probably be close to double what I really wanted to spend.

Eaddie and I ate, and then she had Eli come over to eat and hang out a while. I left on the Onewheel to get some oranges, and then rode the long way around the basin to see my parents before making it back home. The whole Sign Hub family was out walking and Onewheeling the neighborhood, so I went back out to talk to them for a minute before finally going back inside.

I continued to feel fairly stressed all evening, so I made sure to get to bed early.

I’d rather talk to my sister than plan a vacation.


There was a threat of rain again today, but it never happened. I got to work a little bit early and made an iced coffee out of some leftover from the day before, and tried to replicate the general mood of the office as well. I finally fixed my printer deployment issue, so I spent the rest of the day tinkering with an automated task sequence that even Kim won’t be able to screw up.

After work, I kept getting stuck behind people going under the speed limit. I got to the old house to feed the fish, and my check from Elon Musk had been delivered and left in my driveway. I immediately ran across town to Arvest to deposit it, since it was too much for me to do over mobile deposit. While I was there, I caught up with Aaron for a little bit, and took a few broken and battered coins that were discarded by their change machine. It was mostly chipped-up pennies, but there were a couple carwash tokens and something from Germany.

When I got to the house, Summer had gone out for a haircut and a meeting at work, so I went out on the Onewheel. I went around the neighborhood a bit, buzzing back by Arvest to see if I could show off to Aaron. Then I ended up over at my parents’ house and had some shrimp soup since Summer would be home late.

On my way home, I noticed Summer had stopped at the Neighborhood Market, so I thought I’d ride over there and catch her. I put my Onewheel in her trunk, but then somehow missed her as she left the store and drove away with my ride. I quickly called her to come back, and rode home with her. I took one more loop around the block before coming in for the night.

Eaddie had been doing schoolwork and practicing her flute, so we didn’t get to watch TV like I thought we might. Instead, I actually managed to get to bed a little early. I may actually get seven hours of sleep tonight.

That’s a pretty big wealth gap.

Valet Point

Today was super humid all day, so it felt pretty gross in the morning. I struggled waking up, so I made a big pot of coffee in the morning that got me through the afternoon. Overall I tried to keep things a little lighter while I played music and tinkered all day. I ended up breaking printers somehow when I was trying to fix a deployment issue, but I think I got everything back in place before I left.

I missed the passing power of my Model 3 or the R1 on the drive home, but the Murano was no slouch. I made it to the old house to feed the fish and loaded up my valet tray to go to the new house. Summer was home early and cooking dinner after having a little cyst or something removed from her leg. I rode the Onewheel to my parents’ house and talked to them a little bit while Julie was there. Then I did a big loop around the neighborhood before going back home to clean up the laundry room.

Summer and I ate alone since Eaddie was with Eli after a long day of concert assessment. Then I rode a handful of things back over to my parents’ house so I could set my valet up on the dryer. I’ll be happy to have a place near the door for all the vehicle keys, glasses, and whatnot.

It was a quiet night after that. I chatted with Eaddie once she got home, and then it was off to bed a little earlier than usual.

Pen Island

Taxing System

I tried not to sleep in too late today. Summer got up and wanted to talk, and then made me breakfast while Eaddie was still in her room. I eventually got started on my taxes, but it was a real struggle to get everything together. I just got more and more angry at the whole system because I kept having to do more and more research on something that should be click-to-pay.

Eaddie had band practice at some point, and Summer went to get stuff for dinner. I had a shower and did a load of laundry. Once we were all back together, we had dinner and then Summer had to host a meeting at work for a bit. Eaddie went to the park, so I went out for a quick jaunt on the Onewheel to see my parents.

I didn’t get to bed until a usually-late time, but I felt fairly confident in my tax work. I guess if they tell me I did it wrong, at least I’ll eat for free.

Deduct the taxes you paid? That’s a little meta, isn’t it?