Lost and Found
The old men snoozed while I fought my SCCM update some more today. There was hardly anyone around, from what we could tell. Jay was in and out, but only Kyle wanted to do lunch. I met him at Mr. Cheng’s for some table service Chinese which was pretty good. The afternoon went by quickly only because we left at two.
I charged in Conway and then picked up Dad so we could run by Leonard’s and move the old toilets out of the garage at the old house. Then I dropped him off and took Muad’Dib out for a run. We got around the basin trail and up Promenade Circle when I spotted a wallet on the side of the road. I picked it up and called the police station when we got to my parents’ house.
The officer that was sent to return the wallet said there had been several break-ins reported, so I used that to warn the girls again to keep things out of the cars and keep the doors locked. They were both gone until fairly late, so Muad’Dib and I rode down to Sonic for a bite.
When we got to the PDQ, I saw a couple young guys on bikes. There was one kid with an R1 with the same body style as mine, and another on what I think was a newer Grom than what I’ve got. I stopped to chat with them for a bit and learned the R1 battery was dead. I offered to help, but he had people on the way to help. As we talked about the bikes, he asked what color mine was and whether I used to work at the junior high. He said the R1 was his dream bike in large part because he always saw mine parked outside, which was super cool.
Muad’Dib and I went on to Sonic for some cheese sticks and a “strawberry mangonada slush” while the guys got the bike charged up with some jumper cables and then left. Then we rode on back home and I unboxed a bunch of Vine stuff before the girls got home.
Turned Around