Lost and Found

The old men snoozed while I fought my SCCM update some more today. There was hardly anyone around, from what we could tell. Jay was in and out, but only Kyle wanted to do lunch. I met him at Mr. Cheng’s for some table service Chinese which was pretty good. The afternoon went by quickly only because we left at two.

I charged in Conway and then picked up Dad so we could run by Leonard’s and move the old toilets out of the garage at the old house. Then I dropped him off and took Muad’Dib out for a run. We got around the basin trail and up Promenade Circle when I spotted a wallet on the side of the road. I picked it up and called the police station when we got to my parents’ house.

The officer that was sent to return the wallet said there had been several break-ins reported, so I used that to warn the girls again to keep things out of the cars and keep the doors locked. They were both gone until fairly late, so Muad’Dib and I rode down to Sonic for a bite.

When we got to the PDQ, I saw a couple young guys on bikes. There was one kid with an R1 with the same body style as mine, and another on what I think was a newer Grom than what I’ve got. I stopped to chat with them for a bit and learned the R1 battery was dead. I offered to help, but he had people on the way to help. As we talked about the bikes, he asked what color mine was and whether I used to work at the junior high. He said the R1 was his dream bike in large part because he always saw mine parked outside, which was super cool.

Muad’Dib and I went on to Sonic for some cheese sticks and a “strawberry mangonada slush” while the guys got the bike charged up with some jumper cables and then left. Then we rode on back home and I unboxed a bunch of Vine stuff before the girls got home.

Turned Around

Smart Pet

Today was an even slower day at work, and everyone was ready for break. Randy was spun up in the morning working on a donated Mac for the athletic department, and still updating our domain controllers while I tried updating SCCM. Then he and Kyle left and things got super quiet until lunch when I met them and Jim at Skinny J’s.

After lunch was slow, quiet, and dull until we filtered out early. I got to Conway to charge and then washed my car, and then I got home so we could take Muad’Dib to PetSmart.

I booked an appointment to get him groomed, and they suggested bringing him beforehand to get used to the place. He jumped into the Pathfinder with ease and rode with Eli in the back while Eaddie sat up front with me. He loved looking out the window, but threw up as we got halfway across town. He ate it again though, so it was pretty clean by the time we parked.

Muad’Dib hopped back out of the car and was super excited by the new place, so I grabbed his leash and we took him into the store. There were so many new things to smell, and he ran all over the store excitedly. He got to meet one other dog in there, and they were super chill. I let him wander around for a while, and then we headed back home so I could take him for a proper walk.

I guess the trip to the store got him into a mood, because he wanted to mark everything and wasn’t great about listening during our run. He kept running behind as I hurried him along. We stopped to see my parents, and then he didn’t listen when I tried to guide him on the way home. I followed him on his chosen route, and we got home without incident.

I cleaned up some leftovers and then took care of some old Vine stuff, and tried to get to bed quickly while Summer did her nails in front of the TV. Eaddie went to Eli’s for dinner, but we had to call her back to finish the laundry she left in the washing machine, but then it was off to sleep.


Spring Paws

I had a bunch of dreams last night, but none of them were notable enough to remember halfway through the day. I had trouble getting to work because the first two onramps I tried were closed, so I ended up driving all the way across town to the last onramp. Fortunately there was hardly any traffic due to spring break, so it was smooth sailing after that. I was late, but still walked in just as Randy was pulling into the parking lot. He wouldn’t have cared either way, because the old men were playing games or watching videos all day and he just quietly pointed it out to me and laughed.

Several of us went to Black Bear Diner for lunch and I tried the fish and chips, and I’m no longer thrilled about their all-you-can-eat fish on Fridays. It wasn’t bad, but it was just frozen, fried cod. The afternoon was even quieter, and Randy let us go about half an hour early.

I stopped to charge up to 80% to take advantage of my last few days of free Supercharging, and then made it home to run the dog. I was thrilled that Eaddie wanted to go ride her bike with us, so the three of us rode down past Kroger and over to Casey’s where I redeemed a free drink for us. Then we crossed back over to Oakland Heights before turning toward home. We stopped to see my parents and had just gotten back home when Eaddie realized she left her phone at their house. Muad’Dib and I rode back to get it, and after running for the entirety of our first outing, he walked nearly the entire time for our second. All total, we did 8.4 miles in almost exactly one hour with a top speed of about 17 miles per hour. He did great crossing traffic, and I only held the leash when we crossed to Casey’s without a light.

Summer was home by then, so we went to Peg Leg’s for some burgers. We were the only three souls in the restaurant, but we were pleased to see another table of four come in after us, and at least one person come through the drive-through. The food was good, but the cheese dip wasn’t warmed through. The flavors have always been great, but for the price, there wasn’t really any excuse for anything to be underprepared, especially if it’s basically just microwaved.

I unboxed just a couple new things when we got home, and then everyone was off to bed early.

Happy little locomotive.

Double Quatro

I woke up super early this morning with a stomach ache, but I was able to get back to sleep for just a little bit longer. I didn’t sleep in too late though, and got up a little while before Summer. It was her birthday, so I made her some fresh ground coffee and gave her some gifts I had been holding back. After a little while, she went to the gym and I took a shower and ran the dog. We had a good run and swim in the creek, then circled by my parents’ house a couple times but nobody was home.

We thought we’d be going out for dinner with both of the girls, but when Eaddie wasn’t hungry when she finally got home from her overnight trip to Oklahoma City. Summer and I just went to New China by ourselves, and stuffed ourselves of some pretty mediocre food. Some of it was nice and fresh, but others were problematic. The rangoons tasted super stale like the wonton wrappers or oil were really old. Some of the other food was cold even though it looked hot and fresh on the bar.

Summer had an upset stomach herself when we got home, so I took Muad’Dib out for another run. We went straight to visit my parents that time, then he ran the rest of our route backwards until he was too tired to run and we just lollygagged back home for the night.

Ready, break!

Three Wheels, Four Legs, and a Smokehouse

I didn’t want to sleep too late today, so I got up and fed Muad’Dib, then started getting ready so we could take him out on an early run. Eaddie left for Oklahoma City with a friend overnight, so we had the whole day to ourselves. Summer and I had talked about going to Ridgewood, so once I got showered, she got out a bicycle and I took my Onewheel, and the three of us rode straight over once they were open for lunch.

We had a good run, and the restaurant was busy. There was another group of people with a dog or two at the other picnic table outside, but they didn’t want to let them socialize because they were service dogs in training. I tied Muad’Dib up and went in to get food, and Robert gave me a handful of pulled pork for him along with my own rack of ribs and Summer’s mac and cheese bowl. The weather was nice while we ate, and Muad’Dib did pretty well under the table. He gets excited sometimes, but once he’s settled down, he’s always super chill and gentle.

Once we ate, we headed on back toward my parents’ house to visit before eventually making it home. We were both pretty tired by then, and Summer started to feel a little sick to the stomach. She took a bath while I put together a big plant stand.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly, and we eventually got a little hungry again. Summer didn’t want to leave the house, so I picked up some Panda Express to share, and I ate some more of the mushy rice she made a couple weeks ago. Muad’Dib came inside to sit with us, and I gave him some of his pulled pork while we ate. He behaved so well by the table.

After we ate, I put on Moana 2, which should have been a straight-to-VHS movie. It started awful, and it just never got any better. It seemed like fan service for children so they could sell more stuffed animals. I got super sleepy watching it, and eventually had to turn it off and just go to sleep.


Mazel Tov Cocktails

I thought I was a little further behind today, but I still beat everyone but Gary to the office. I-40 was backed up from the McCain exit back to the I-30 split for much of the morning, and the slow traffic caused multiple other accidents because people love their jobs so much that they’re willing to risk it all. I had forgotten we were supposed to go to the annex to clean out the rest of the junk there, but everyone started at the office anyway, and they chatted about the school board passing the reorganization plan at the meeting the night before.

We eventually did head toward the annex, but Randy and Maggie had to go to central office and everyone else drove separately. I took the back roads and got there long before Gary, who left the office just after I did. Jim and Kyle were there first, then Jay, Brian, Jimmy, and Gary eventually showed up. Just before Gary got there, Randy called and needed me to get a virtual machine set up for remote HVAC access. I started back, but took JFK down to McCain rather than taking the Interstate.

As I got to my intersection, I was reminded that there existed a Hardee’s, so I stopped for breakfast. I had a deal for a sausage and egg biscuit, and I wanted to try their Nashville Hot chicken biscuit as well. The hash rounds were the best I’d ever had from a Hardee’s before, in spite of how much the employees appeared to be struggling. I ate those on the way back to the office.

It took me a while to get Hyper-V to do what I wanted, but I did get it done by the end of the day. People eventually filtered back into the office, and then Maggie and I met Randy and Kyle at Texas Roadhouse for lunch. The afternoon was pretty quiet, and Randy sent everyone home at three after he and I took pictures of the car accessories I got for him off of Amazon Vine.

I had no choice but to stop and charge on the way home, and Summer was on her way to Conway, so I charged up to my 80% limit and met her at the wash. They only had one working bay in the manual wash, but I eventually got in and washed. While I was there, a guy rode up to wash his motorcycle. I talked to him very briefly as I was working, and he complimented the Model 3 and asked if I’d seen all the stuff about the “mazel tov cocktails.”

The soap in the wash did an absolutely horrible job, but the paint looked better. I made it home through dumb, slow traffic, and tried to get the kids to ride bikes while I rode around with Muad’Dib. Eaddie fussed at first but said she’d text me after a bathroom break, so Muad’Dib and I set out to “find Stilgar.” I kept coaching him and let him lead, and he walked me straight to my parents’ house where Dad met us in the driveway.

We left there and went through the basin trail, and he took me down to Phoenix where we passed Mom on her way home. He walked me all the way to Ridgewood Brothers, so I tied him up and went inside for some pulled pork. Grant had his butcher hook me up with some scraps gratis, which was very touching since I’d been having a hard time with the nice weather and thinking about Stilgar. I absolutely love the new relationship I have with Muad’Dib, but I hate that this is how I got it. Our walks are a completely different experience now, and I miss Stilgar’s energy so much.

Muad’Dib went absolutely nuts when he smelled the food, so it was a struggle to get him calm enough to eat any. Then when we started to leave, he took off after some guests and I had to zap him a couple times before he’d leave with me. We lollygagged back toward my parents’ house, stopping for another dip in the creek. He did a lot of walking, a lot of marking, and a bit of running too. It was a good seven-mile trek in total.

I let Muad’Dib hang out inside while I unboxed my newest Vine haul. Summer got home from work late and ate before bed. Eaddie had left with Eli but came home a little earlier to go to bed. My legs and feet had been staying swollen for the past couple weeks even after sleeping all night, so I guess I should report that to someone, but I’m afraid of what it would cost to talk to someone again at the risk of receiving zero feedback.

What’s the point?

Breakfast Kidnapping

I got out the door a little earlier again today, and considered stopping for breakfast. Things only got worse as Kyle and Randy came in and started talking about all kinds of food. Randy ended up wanting to go get breakfast, so I rode with him to #1 Donuts for some egg rolls, a kolache, and an apple fritter. Then he wanted to go to Dark Side Coffee across town. I did not expect it to be Star Wars themed, but I don’t really know what I was expecting. I was going to get the largest size of what he got, but the barista warned that it came with six shots of espresso and I downsized for safety.

We got back to the office and I stayed super busy all day. I kept juggling phone calls between Randy and Jim, but didn’t have great answers for either of them. I worked on into the afternoon trying to figure out our KMS situation for Windows authentication, and some things seem to authenticate, but not others. I ran to Arby’s for some chicken “nuggets” and potato cakes for a quick lunch that I ate at my desk.

I was excited to get home to run with Muad’Dib since the weather was still pretty nice. It was super windy again, and a great temperature for a hoodie. He did great off-leash again, and we never really got close enough to anyone for me to worry about stopping to hold him. We did spot some buzzards in the field at the basin trail, and I got worried for a moment that they had found Stilgar. I just wish I knew what happened to him, because I hate the idea that he crawled into a drainage ditch and died. I don’t know if that’s better or worse than being dumped in somebody’s garbage.

We visited Dad for a while and I brought his new brush over so he can get some grooming when he’s over there. Then we got home and the girls were out back waiting for us. We played for a while before I came in to get some food and look at some old Vine stuff from the other day. Then it was off to bed early.

The Candidate

Inside Out Dog

I was exhausted on the way in this morning, but the car was a champ. Something misted all over me on the way in, so it was impossible to tell that I had just washed it. I got there reasonably early to no acclaim. Nobody seemed to be in a big rush to do anything, which was funny because Randy got fired up when the new coach made a comment to Jim about how we were so inefficient.

I spent most of the day tinkering with Mosyle and trying to clean up old work orders, but didn’t really accomplish anything of merit. I took lunch by myself and got a Big Mac, then made it back in time for a conference call with Fortinet about their cybersecurity training program for our staff.

I left just a couple minutes early and charged quite a bit, then made it home to an excited dog. Eaddie had played with Muad’Dib when she got home, so he was in a good mood after lying around all day. I ate first, with him by my feet, then took him on a good run through the neighborhood. The wind was howling and it got super cold, but we had a great time. We went to see my parents, then made it home to see Summer.

Muad’Dib spent a bunch of time inside with me while I unboxed some more Vine stuff, and then Eaddie played with him some more when he got back home. I built a little bookshelf I got for the game room, and then it was off to bed.

Six hours later….

Free Running

I got out of the house a little earlier today and had a sleepy drive in to work. I didn’t get into anything at all really, and just did a deep clean of my inbox that had gotten out of control. I checked in on Muad’Dib, and he was just sleeping on the porch, so I messaged Dad to see if he might want to take him out for a walk sometime, and he ended up taking him home while he worked in the yard.

I met Randy and Kyle at Fazoli’s for lunch. I had never been, but it was pretty decent, and seemed pretty cheap for Little Rock. We took a vendor call in the afternoon that wasn’t of much value to us, and then kind of rode it out until quitting time.

Summer traveled all day, so I stopped to charge most of the way up so I wouldn’t have to stay up late to swap chargers at home. Once I got home, I rode over to Dad’s to get Muad’Dib and we went on a long run to Ridgewood Brothers. I saw Kyler’s car there, but the doors were shut and they were working, so we sat on the bench for a little bit and then headed on back. We encountered a couple other big dogs that were pretty fussy, but then got to meet the same small dog we sniffed yesterday. I talked to the lady for a little bit and let them play, and then we headed back to my parents’ house to see them before we made it home.

Eaddie had a fundraiser at Freddy’s, so Summer got herself some food there. I ate some leftover goulash and then took my car to the wash because it was super gross. I couldn’t even see out of the rear camera very well. After that, I finally replaced an outside bulb I had been meaning to get to for weeks, and then unboxed most of my daily Vine stuff before bed.

Potato; tomato

Review Recap

I awoke from a deep sleep this morning, and it was off to work again. Jimmy was the only one there, but then Kyle and I walked in together. Randy got there shortly after that, and I recapped my week and a half since I’d left. The rest of the day I tried to catch up on emails in between talks with Randy about getting my evaluation done. They had trouble getting the self-evaluation form to us, so Randy was stuck.

The two of us met Kyle and Jim at the Black Bear Diner, and we had breakfast for lunch. It was super good, and a reasonably good price for all the food we got. It was still expensive, but I had leftovers to save for tomorrow. I finally got my self-evaluation form in my personal email, so I spent the afternoon filling that out more than what was probably necessary. Then I ran home as quickly as I could so we could pick up Muad’Dib.

Traffic was awful even after I stopped to charge in Conway, but I eventually got home where Summer was waiting for me. She had her bicycle out to ride over, and Dad met us outside. Muad’Dib was just hanging out on the porch, and didn’t seem to mind much. I’d seen him really whimper in the past, so I thought he might be even more excited after we were gone so long, but he just sort of greeted us like any other time. We ran Summer home, and then the two of us went for our normal route at a leisurely pace. He did great off leash, but I did end up holding onto him a couple of times near another small dog, just as a precaution.

When we got home, I started unboxing Vine stuff. I got all of the smaller packages done, but I still had a couple large ones that were mostly outdoor light fixtures. I sprang to bed as quickly as I could, so hopefully I can maintain a healthy sleep schedule.
