We finally finished the regularly scheduled handouts of the high school’s 1:1 laptops. I didn’t manage to get to anything else today, but it was alright to relax in one place. I tried the Nectar flavor of Soylent for breakfast, which absolutely tasted like lemon Pledge. I never really got past the chemical taste, but the Coffiest and Cacao are way better. We had Stoby’s again for lunch. The fish and chips was okay, but wasn’t anything special. They didn’t give me any tartar sauce, but Dale gave me his that he wasn’t using.
We got to leave work about an hour early, but I ended up staying half an hour past that to help clean up. When I got home, I played a couple rounds of Overwatch before cleaning house so Allen could come watch a movie with me. We watched Arrival, which I watched just a few nights ago. I think I may have liked it even better the second time just because I knew the dialog and could spare my attention in the other cinematic details in the film. It’s definitely one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I still got chills at so many points in the movie.
After that, Allen left and I played a couple rounds of Battlegrounds with Jack, Johnny, and Clint. On our last game, I had actually done relatively well, but the team wiped when my computer blue-screened. I’d like a new one, but can’t prioritize it right now.
Let’s make something of this weekend.