Phonekiller Base

Summer took the day off, and I made us a couple breakfast biscuits out of some leftovers. We laid around for a while until she wanted to get out to go shopping. Then we went to TJ Maxx, Five Below, Belk, and PetSmart. The only place we actually got anything was Five Below, and then it was just candy she wanted.

She was hungry for lunch after that, and I figured I should use my Brown’s Catfish coupon before it expired. Evidently we showed up late, because the servers were just sitting at a table nearby, waiting for people to finish. I begrudgingly left a tip at all, and then we went back to Summer’s house.

I didn’t get into anything else for the rest of the afternoon. Summer went to the gym for a while, so I laid on the couch on my phone. Once she made it back home, it wasn’t long before she went to bed. The girls got home late, after an end-of-the-year band gathering. There was a chance of rain, so they moved it from Old Post to the high school.

Eaddie ended up getting back last because she went to hang out with some band friends after the school event. The three of them all had a 5K in the morning though, so everyone was off to bed really early. Except me, nearly halfway through my phone battery for a second time.

It’s going to be exactly the same for my car, isn’t it?

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