I survived a morning routine at the new house because everyone else was asleep. I even slept in a little after staying up way too late, and made it home to feed the fish and change clothes to get to work. Ben showed up just after I did, and came in to help me look at some things. I appreciated having literally anybody there to chat about virtually anything intelligent related to work.
Denice and one of the other girls from the elementary were in the back, in my old office, working on who knows what for most of the day. It was annoying because they kept having to knock on the door because they didn’t have keys. Furthermore, I didn’t have any room to work with anyone else. I’m trying to give it a chance, but I really think this may have been the last shot for me. It’s too much frustration for not enough pay.
After we got my computer set up, I shoveled things around on my desk so Ben would have a place to land, and we kind of sporadically went through to try and fix some different things. The biggest thing was multicast paging on the intercoms. Everyone complained about static, but I don’t know if that was actually better or worse than not hearing anything at all.
We worked through cafeteria lunch, so Ben and I went to the Superette to eat. They had some pretty good “homemade” chicken strips, and we sat and chatted for a while before going back. Then we tried to chase some switches down in the building. Our last act of the day was to change a switch configuration at the elementary, which I should have known would end poorly. We basically turned off link aggregation, which broke half of the building for a few hours.
We went down and worked on it together for a while, but I eventually had to let him leave for another obligation. I stayed behind and worked it out myself, which ultimately resulted in a factory reset switch. I thought that had everything going again, but after I got about a mile down the road, I started getting constant notifications that devices were going offline. That continued all the way home, so I knew I had to remote in and get it fixed again. Before I went inside, David drove up from next door and chatted with me for a while. I told him about the move, and apparently he wasn’t aware that Bác Vân had passed. He had a lot to talk about, so I stood by the truck for a while before going in.
By the time I remoted in and got the school network fixed, it was pretty late. I headed to the new house where Summer said I had a surprise waiting. That surprise was mowed grass, which I appreciated, but maybe wasn’t worthy of “surprise.” She had also moved the lawn mower just enough that I didn’t notice, so I bumped it with my car. I don’t think it scuffed anything, but I was further annoyed by the tiny garage. I continued to become more agitated by the moment, so I went out to water the plants, shut down the old refrigerator, and spent the rest of the night on the computer.
Apply yourself.