I got out early again today and made it to the office. It wasn’t very long before Maggie texted and asked me to let maintenance into our shop to unload a bunch of stuff. I didn’t realize they had a trailer full of shelving and other crap. I let them in, but then they just stood around doing nothing because I couldn’t tell them exactly where everything was going. I assumed they would just bring it inside, but instead they got back into their trucks. I very nearly just closed back up and went inside, because the cold had me in a coughing fit.
Maggie eventually showed up and I went back inside. There was something going on in the conference room, so there were a bunch of ladies in and out of our restroom. I helped bring some stuff back from the front, helped Jim over the phone, and generally tried to be useful until lunch time. I suggested David’s Burgers, but Kyle preferred The Purple Cow for some reason. The food wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t seem as bespoke.
The afternoon was mostly dull, though the maintenance crew showed up again to try and hang a TV in the lobby. The gringo didn’t want to make a call on how to hang it, and the four or more Hispanics just giggled amongst themselves. After an hour or more, the TV still didn’t get hung and I would have done it myself if I had longer screws.
It was so cold out that I had to stop and Supercharge on the way home. I had went into Five Guys for some fries and a restroom break, then made it home to run the dogs. We make a new record at 11.5mph average for 3.4 miles, and a top speed of 22.2mph. Dad met us at the end of their driveway, and the dogs made a mad dash the whole way down.
Summer was home when we got back, so I had to play Musical Cars to get everybody charged. The dogs got hot dogs and food, and I warmed up the rest of my fries. Eaddie and Eli came in and did homework in front of the TV with Summer, and I cleaned up the kitchen until everyone settled in for the night. I finished early, and may have to dress more warmly for tomorrow.
The dog prefers the ice. I don’t know what to say.