Days of Mediocrity

Not much to remember about today. Stale tacos for lunch? Bleh.

Another kid in trouble for marijuana at school. Kids are dumb.

My dad made a corned beef for dinner, which is one of my favorite things.

I’ll try harder tomorrow.

Carnival Time!

Today was a long day at work for no particular reason. Oakland had their field day, which kept the staff there super busy. The weather started out super nice all morning, which was awesome on the bike, but then got hot really fast in the afternoon. I’m not ready for full-on summer heat. I need to arrange a good ride and sail before that happens.

After work, I spent some time on the phone being told to call my health insurance company with my questions. I tried calling them admittedly close to closing time, but still early enough that I wouldn’t have expected a “call during business hours” message. Health care is fine, though.

I went to visit my parents for a spaghetti dinner, and they made some garlic bread for me the way we used to when I was growing up, using a loaf of french bread instead of frozen slices they’ve started using in recent years. I think it’s way better that way, so I don’t know why they switched after we moved out.

After dinner, I ran to Shoe Carnival for some new sneakies and a pair of dress shoes since my others were worn from working at Apex. I tried getting the Fort Russellwood guys to help, but was markedly unsuccessful. I happened to finish up right as the guys from AT&T got out, so Mayra and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings to get her something to eat, then to Walmart for a couple items.

Mayra seems to be a lot like me when she shops, and it was really nice to have someone similar along for the ride. We went in to pick up a computer chair I ordered the other day and some toothpaste for her, and ended up covering most of the store. She really made it a lot more fun, and I enjoyed having her along for the company. Maybe I can convince her to go again before MOOvie night.

You guys are the opposite of friends. :(

Mama Mia!

When you’re feeling unmotivated and nothing makes sense, do laundry.
You’re guaranteed at least some minor feeling of accomplishment for the basic task, and it’s a good way to kickstart your mood.

I went to my parents’ house for dinner for Mother’s Day, but Mom wasn’t feeling up to going out, so she cooked for Dad and me.


Congratulations Jesica! You did the thing!

Rough morning after last night. Mom called and wanted to go out to eat. She, Bác Vân, and I went to New China for lunch.

I stopped by Apex and talked to Eric on my way to Jesica’s graduation. I’m proud of her for finishing what she started when I know so many that didn’t. I still feel like university is a joke and unnecessary for most people, but I’ve got to hand it to her for her perseverance.

I’ve been rewatching the first season of Master of None in preparation for the second season that was just released, but also because it has a great soundtrack, and because it just hits me deep down inside somewhere.

We can be shitty to people now, and it’s accepted. It’s one of the great things about being alive today.

Please don’t let April come

I don’t understand this lull.

Tried to play some games after work. Nobody wanted to play with me.

Jesica invited me over for a movie, but I was too tired to finish.

Wish I was sailing.

I can’t bear the way she looks like she’s in love with everyone.

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’…

It’s been hard waking up this week.

I stayed at work late to try and help someone that ended up leaving without me anyway. I guess I thought I was being more helpful than I really was.

After work, Jesica came over and we went to Dairy Queen for a couple Blizzards. I had the Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix. Cheese curds were also great. Then it was YouTube for a little while, then bed.

You have sadness living in places sadness shouldn’t live.

R1 Versus Employment

It’s that time of the year again when it’s hard to have both a motorcycle and a job. Driving between my campuses, I just kept wanting to ride away into the summer air.

Brandie called me to chat for a bit as I was talking to Ben after work, and I was tasked with scheduling a lunch for them. Afterward I went to my parents’ house and grilled some ribs and chicken, which turned out quite good I thought.

After getting home, I played a couple games of Heroes of the Storm with Clint before everyone left me.

Employment Wins!

Feuer frei!

Today wanted to be a lazy Sunday.

My aunt nearly set my entire lawn on fire, which could have easily spread to the trees, and at the very least my storage shed. She had been burning yard waste yesterday and apparently buried the coals under a convenient trail of dry leaves leading up to a huge pile of branches from the tree we had cut down a few weeks before. If I had gotten home even 10 minutes later, it’s likely that I would have been too late.

After putting out the surface fire, I had her help me turn the rest of the rubbish into a pile of mud, which to her protest was not nearly as nice and neat as her dry leaf fuse.

I’m not sure where the rest of my time goes, but it seems to be in a hurry.


Awesome Mix Vol. 2

I made myself get up this morning without too much sleep so I could sleep tonight. Not long after I got out of bed, Johnny called and asked if I could be ready to leave the house within half an hour. Normally I couldn’t, but he wanted to go to Conway to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I didn’t even realize it was opening weekend, but it wasn’t too crowded.

When we got to Conway, we decided to go to the showing at 4 instead of 12:40 since the earlier showing wasn’t in 3D. We went to Eat My Catfish for lunch, which was good but expensive. Then we killed some time at Best Buy before driving out to see a house in Greenbrier that he lived in as a child. We made it back to Conway for the movie and got seats front and center.

On the way home, he stopped by El Parian in Atkins to eat. Then I did some laundry before bed.

My life, my lover, my lady is the sea.