Mystery Pasta

Johnny woke me up again this morning for more help with his server project. He was having trouble getting storage drivers working so he could install Windows Server, but he eventually got it going by manually trying several different ones by trial and error. I got around to some leftover Pasta Grill and finished my spaghetti, but left my lasagna for later in the day.

Randy has been great about my multiple interviews and other potential opportunities, so I wanted to reach back out to Moodle before the school board meeting. I assumed they had a lot of candidates to process, and I figured there was no way they would just ghost me at this stage, but I was feeling a little discouraged that I hadn’t heard anything at all since my skills test. I got a response pretty quickly, but I’ll have to wait for a call tomorrow morning to see if I’m actually moving forward. I just don’t want to leave Randy hanging since he’s ready for me to work if I don’t get a better offer.

I put on some tunes, had a nice shower, and then got to cleaning up around the house. I cleaned up all the dog stuff we’ve been accumulating and put it into a rolling rack that’s just been sitting in the corner. The dining room table had gotten a little wild, so I put a bunch of random stuff away, and did some more organizing. I’ve got to get the hard floors clear of clutter and mopped up in preparation for the new Roborock.

Summer came home early, but not as early as she thought she would. I thought we might do something together in the afternoon, but she had a headache and just took a bath and laid on the couch, so I took the dogs out for a run. They weren’t as good as yesterday, but we still had a good time. We got to visit my parents, did a couple extra laps around the new subdivision, took a break in the basin, and finally headed back home.

I worked up a little bit of an appetite, so I warmed up a burger for dinner, then put Summer to bed early. Eaddie came home late again and asked if we could leave the house on Friday so she could “lock in” her flute recording. I wrapped up a bit early myself, and made it to bed before midnight.

No sense worrying about making the wrong choice before it’s even presented.

Email From the 1900s

My Onewheel was out for delivery today, so I paid extra attention to the front door to make sure I could be there to sign for it. I made myself a pretty good looking burger for brunch, and then helped Julie set up some web hosting so she could get a business email set up. When I heard the mail truck pull up, I went outside to fetch the mail. I stopped on the way back inside to check on my black widow, and then the UPS truck pulled up. I got my Onewheel unboxed and charging, and unfortunately my odometer had been reset, but at least it worked.

I dug through Namecheap and Hostinger to try and pick hosting for Julie, and ultimately just kept it all on Namecheap thinking it would be easier for her for not much difference in price for her current needs. It astounded me how web hosting is still just as complicated as it was back when I started this type of stuff over 20 years ago. I tried to break it down for her as simply as I could, but it wasn’t until late in the evening that I got her email going.

Summer had range anxiety after going to Little Rock and Greenbrier for work, but she made it without any trouble. I even had enough charge to take her car across town to get Zaxby’s for Eaddie, who was working late at the high school.

As soon as I got home, I took the dogs out for a really fast and long run on the Onewheel. We stopped to see my parents, but they were gone, so we continued on around to the basin trail. We stopped to rest on a bench for a while, and the dogs sat nearby for pets. They did super well, and I hoped they would tire out for the night. They had killed a tiny, baby possum the night before, so I had to bury it when we got back home.

Summer was in a bit of pain for the rest of the night, so I didn’t see much of her. Eaddie came home earlier than she expected and wanted me to go get her some cigarette papers to clean her flute, so I drove to the closest gas station, which didn’t sell them. That led me to Casey’s, who sold them, but didn’t have any without the glue. I didn’t feel like running to another store though, so I picked up what they had, along with a freebie cookie, and headed home.

I ended the night completing new-hire paperwork for the North Little Rock School District, and then tinkered with Julie’s email some more. Evidently it didn’t automatically point the domain to the host, even though the purchase specifically asked me to do so since they were both purchased from Namecheap. With that finally working, it was time for bed.

What do we want?
Low-flying airplane noises!
When do we want them?
Nnnnnooooooooowwwwww! 🛩️

Clean in an Hour or Less

I thought Summer might rush me out of bed a little earlier, but she let me sleep in a bit. I made some coffee once I got up, and then got ready for another work trip to Conway. She was stressing about performing a site inspection, so I washed her car for nearly an hour in the manual wash while I waited. After that, I went to the junk store again, but she texted just after I got a couple aisles into the store. I bought a few snacks and went back to get her, and then we drove through town looking for some food.

We ended up at Hideaway Pizza, as recommended by my pal Kevin. The fried mushrooms were spectacular, but I let Summer pick the pizza. She wanted their “Maui Magic” with Canadian bacon, pineapple, and mandarin oranges. Our server recommended barbecue sauce instead of red sauce, so we decided to get it on half of the pizza and get red sauce on the other half. Then Summer piped up that she wanted to add olives to the barbecue half as well. I was fine with most of this until the pizza came to the table and she claimed the “interesting” half of the pizza for herself. She knows I find pizza with only a couple toppings to be quite dull, and that I didn’t want a Hawaiian pizza to begin with.

We ate, and then I took us shopping through Best Buy and PetSmart before going back to Bargain Hunt. We got just a few more things and then headed home so we could go to my parents’ house for barbecue chicken wings and corn.

I fed the dogs, and then we walked them over to my parents’ house to have a swim while Dad cooked. Julie and Kevin eventually showed up, and then Eaddie walked over once she finished with school stuff. Stilgar was loving putting his snout into the pool and blowing bubbles before drinking the water. When Summer and I got out of the pool, I went in to help Julie register their domain before we ate.

The walk home was dark, but nice. It was actually cool enough today that I wasn’t dripping sweat at the end of it all. The dogs also did much better. I fed them once more, and then everyone was off to bed.

I crave MEAT!


I slept fairly late today because I slept pretty well. Eaddie left for church, and we didn’t see her until bedtime. I got up and made some coffee, and then watched some robot mop reviews with Summer. She liked the idea of something to keep the floors from tracking dust, so I did a little last-minute research and ended up buying the new Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra while it was on sale. It’ll be overkill, but I think it will bring some much-needed sanity back since we’re tracking so much dust through the back door from the dogs.

Summer went to the gym and then came home to mow the lawn. I tried to blow some of the dirt back into the holes the dogs have been digging under the fence, but she ran me off to do some trimming in the front yard instead. Just as I was nearing the end, it started to rain pretty heavily. Luckily Summer finished mowing, and we hung out on the back porch with the dogs for a bit.

Summer had to go to work for a little while in the afternoon, so I worked on some other things around the house until she got back. Then we took the dogs out for a walk to my parents’ house. It must have been the rain this time, because they were super bad about pulling on the leash again today. We eventually made it home and fed them again.

I snacked quite a bit because I never really felt like making another burger. I showered late in the evening after collecting a fairly long day of grime. Eaddie got home late, and then she and Summer went to bed. I shopped for some more review materials on Amazon Vine for a while, and eventually settled in as well.

Big money

Flight Plan

Even Summer thought I should get out of the house a bit today, so I got up this morning, fed the dogs, had a burger, took a shower, and called Dad to meet up. I went to his house and we flew the FPV drone around the neighborhood, and then we were going to go see Kevin at the airport.

Dad had someone coming out to quote some tree removal at the old house, so we had to go there first. Then Summer wanted something to eat, so I picked up some Burger King for her before we finally made it to the airport.

The hangar was pretty impressive. I’d only ever seen the main area, and never been through the offices before, but Julie rented the whole space for their new business. Kevin was hanging out while some glue dried, but we got to see him put a couple strips of fabric down after we got a quick tour of the place. Julie eventually showed up after work and did a walkthrough herself. Dad and I left shortly after that, and I dropped him off before going home.

The girls would be out late, so I finished up the aged burrito stuff. Then I took the dogs out on a hard walk. I finally put together the reason they pull so hard on some of our walks. Today was trash day, and there were drips, spills, and smells absolutely everywhere for them. Stilgar even found a whole Milk-Bone, which I broke in half for them. We eventually made to to my parents’ house again, and Mom got home from a long day of work while we were there.

On the way back home, I happened to run into James as he was driving home, and he gave me back my Ember mug power adapter. He said they sprung a presenter on him with just a three-minute notice, and I had to chuckle inside. That place will never get better.

Summer was home and nearly passed out on the couch when I got back home. She had a long and hard day at work, so we talked for a little bit before she went to bed. Eaddie went to the gym and then got home late for a shower and bed. I did my best not to stay up too late, but I still found time to order some more “free” junk on Amazon.

That is incorrect.

Guy in a Chair

I woke up to a dark, empty house with a bit of a headache this morning. The dogs weren’t on the porch, so I never bothered to go outside and look for them, and instead tried to focus on organizing and cleaning up the house a bit more. It was pretty early that I got a text from James about how to get “windows 10 installations to do it manually.” I was worried that he was having trouble imaging over SCCM, but evidently he was just trying to test an all-in-one that was out at Plainview. I directed him to the OEM media creation tool, the Volume Licensing Service Center, and the new Microsoft M365 Admin Center. Maybe he’ll figure it out.

Johnny called me later on and wanted to vent for a while about some things at Lamar. I wish I could have set him up at Two Rivers, because it would have been a great place for him to learn and actually have some control over some things, but that’s just not how it worked out.

Later still, some dude knocked on the door and tried to “sell” me RightFiber, but was kind of shady in how he went about it. I didn’t care for his appearance or his tactic of presuming I would be changing my service provider, so I ran him off.

Summer was late coming home from work, so I ate some leftovers without her so I could get the dogs out on a walk before it got dark. When we got to my parents’ house, Julie and Kevin were there eating dinner. We chatted briefly about their new business, and they invited me to come out to the airport tomorrow to visit some more while he works.

I got back home after dark, and the dogs did pretty well. I need to get some more higher quality food for my treat pouch, and hopefully we can continue improving their behavior. Summer was waiting up for me, but then went to bed. Eaddie got home shortly after that and came to talk to us for a while, and then everyone was off to sleep.

HumbleAir than you.

Plan B Corp

Today was the first day after Two Rivers, so I tried not to sleep in too late. Summer was still home when I got up, but Eaddie was long gone. She eventually went to work, and I decided to have lunch with Kevin. I took a shower and then picked him up at AT&T, and we went to Cici’s for $5 buffets.

We chatted a while, and then went back to the store and chatted some more there. They were painfully slow, but even with all of that, he said he still makes a pretty good salary. I almost couldn’t believe that I was still struggling to get my earnings up to that level in IT. Schools really are the pits.

Summer wanted some Subway, so I ordered and picked that up for her and dropped it off at the carwash. Then I took her car to the manual wash to clean it. Somehow, somewhere, the back passenger wheel got some pretty wicked curb rash. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get to lemon-law it as well, if they don’t fix this air conditioning problem. I figure they have two more repair attempts before I file paperwork.

I made it home just in time to settle in for my fourth attempt at an interview with DeepNet, and she actually showed up! She said her husband fell off the roof of their house and broke both of his arms, so she transitioned back to working from home. I thought the interview went great, and she seemed to be the most excited about her own company out of all the interviews I’ve had, which got me pretty excited. It pays better than Moodle, and close enough to the school district that it would be worth it just to save myself the commute. The only wildcard at this point is Grace, which would give me somewhere local to work in person.

Eaddie and Eli came over after I finished the interview, and we went out back to play with the dogs for a bit. Then they left to meet Summer at the gym. Summer eventually got home, but wasn’t hungry enough for dinner, so I walked the dogs to my parents’ house where Mom had bún thang.

It was getting dark by the time we finished eating, so I headed straight home with the dogs. Everyone settled in pretty quickly for work, and I tried not to stay up too late. I think tomorrow we’ll grill burgers for Dad’s birthday, so I’ve got some housecleaning to do.

Call me “Butter,” because I’m on a roll!

Stay In; Go Out

Summer got up fairly early and did some work from home this morning. I was a little slower getting around, and lounged a bit. Eli brought Eaddie some food and I went out to play with the dogs for a while. Summer went to the gym and I ate a burrito for lunch, and then I ended up taking a really late shower.

Eaddie had a game night with some friends, so Summer and I went to New China for dinner. I was too stuffed to do anything else after we left. I should have gone out with the dogs, but Summer and I both fell a little bit sick after that. We ended up laying on the couch together watching dog training videos until she finally got up to go to bed.

Clean up and clean out.

Fool Me Three Times

Midway through the week, things are still pretty calm. Teachers have been fussing about not having Chromebooks yet, so Kim sorted through handbook agreement forms. I had to give James a quick pep talk on how to keep track of what devices are going out, and I probably should have just let him struggle a bit. Between that and helping with the paraprofessional test, I just felt like I was doing too much.

He ended up leaving early to help his father at a doctor appointment, and of course I was the last one out the door again. I’ll never earn enough for the time I’ve put in there. It was an easy drive home though, and I had to kick Eaddie and her friend out from their duo band practice so I could finally have my remote interview with DeepNet.

The joke was on me, because the chick cancelled on me again at the last minute. I scheduled one more for Monday, but at this point I’m not hopeful. Best case scenario, I can earn some good money in Little Rock and then find a home at Grace if they’ll pay enough.

Summer and I had some leftovers and then walked the dogs around a different path through the neighborhood. Eaddie was out until after dark, but then it was an early night for all of us.

Fool me four times, shame back on you actually. You are picking on a vulnerable man!

Local Jobs, Diversified

I was early again this morning and thought I’d stop by McDonald’s for a McMuffin. That turned into a short ordeal, and school traffic was pretty unhinged. I guess I just missed all of it yesterday, but I got right into the middle of it today. I still got to work before James though, and we took a walk to find that power had gone out in the core closet, and at least one UPS had died. I helped a bit more than I wanted to with the HVAC because Steven and Toby were having trouble, and James got busy replacing the backup battery.

I left a little bit after lunch so I could make my interview at Grace Manufacturing. It seemed like a really tiny place, but I guess business has been good and they’ve been growing – globally! Their office was the main headquarters, but they had other sites in Mexico, Germany, and the far-off land of Arizona. I thought the interview went really well, and it was super casual. They were smiling a lot, but the job also hadn’t actually been posted, so they were just scouting me out for a future opening around January. I actually suggested they bring out the retiree-to-be so I could talk to him directly, and we all had a pretty good chat. The job actually seemed pretty simple compared to my responsibilities now, so I’m curious to see what the actual pay would be like.

After the 30-minute interview, I headed home to change and then picked up Dad so he could help me get the dogs to the vet. We walked in and got their stitches removed, and then took them back home. Afterward we went back to his house and played with his new drone for a bit. He didn’t get any antennas with his headset, so we just used the controller to play the simulator on his phone instead.

I eventually headed back home to eat some leftovers, and then I took the dogs for a walk. Summer had come home but was in a mood, so I talked with her about her tough day when I got back. It seemed like she just needed to focus her energy less on being sad about it, and more on being mad at other people not living up to the same standard. I could relate.

So many strengths to choose from… I guess being super humble is my greatest.