Walk Before You Run
I woke up surprisingly early this morning and thought I’d stay up, but then I let myself crawl back into the warm bed and fell asleep until after Summer was up. I had some leftover turkey and Eaddie left for church. I had a shower and Summer went to the gym. When Eaddie got back, Mom texted that she made spaghetti, so Eaddie and I walked the dogs over to their house to eat. I let the dogs run around in the dog pen, and that seemed to contain them just fine.
We walked back home and I lounged a bit with my twisted back. Dad came over with some pictures to put in the clearanced frames I bought and hung on the wall to get out of the way. After a while, I took the dogs out for a proper run and we looped around the basin trail and then up through the neighborhood a couple times before we made it back home.
Eaddie went to Eli’s for dinner just as I was getting back with the dogs. Summer was doing some laundry and cleaning up, and I took care of some more Vine stuff, which included a couple reviews and installing some more puddle lights in the Model Y. The girls picked out some glasses on Zenni and I got those ordered, and I even found another separate sale on some contacts for Summer. With that, it was time for bed.
Stay toasty!