Who’s the Boss

I got out super late today, yet still somehow showed up first. Summer wanted to take the Tesla, so I arrived white-knuckled after manually driving in. Jay came in and out while I was getting water, so he didn’t see me. Maggie predictably came in about half an hour late, and I don’t know if that’s just what she’s arranged, or if that needs adjusting. Randy and Kyle were at the Arkansas Conference of Technology, so I was “running the show.”

The morning was super quiet. I had a late coffee and helped Johnny with some more Google Cloud Directory Sync stuff. Lunch time came around and I just ran to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal to get the Mario Kart toy. I wasn’t super happy with the “pink gold” Peach I got, but what do you do? Someone went through the drive-through with a U-Haul trailer, and didn’t look jackknifed, but the truck was tilted up on its side somehow.

I got back to the office and had a long afternoon. I talked to Johnny some more, and eventually dug around in SCCM some more before taking off a few minutes early so I could get home to run the dogs before our parent meeting for Eaddie’s band trip.

The dogs took off full-tilt to my parents’ house to see Dad, and then we went around the basin trail to take a dip in the creek. We got back home and they got some hot dogs, and I ate some of the lasagna that Summer made yesterday. Then Summer and I headed to the high school band room to meet up with Eaddie and the other students and parents that were going on the trip.

Dan seemed to be the one running the show, so he talked to us about the trip and some expectations. Summer and I were really just along for the ride on account of our flexibility. That went on for a while, and then the three of us came home and went to bed.


Turn it On

I really left for work a little early today, which meant that I got to work right on time, which meant that I was the first person in the building. Luckily I had the alarm code ready. Jay was the next one in, nearly ten minutes later. I didn’t really get into anything at all before Johnny called for some help with GCDS. I talked to him for a while, and then Randy wanted me to ride with him to all of the elementary campuses to check on some printers. I think he just wanted company, because all we really did was turn printers on. Literally press the power buttons and walk away.

We went to lunch at Larry’s Pizza, where we had good salads, good pizza, and no service. I wish I hadn’t left a tip at the front counter when we paid, because I got all of my own refills, though it really appeared as though we were supposed to get table service. Otherwise it was a surprisingly good experience for how quiet the restaurant was. The buffet bar was also super tiny, but they kept it well stocked somehow.

We continued turning printers on and chatting with various people in the district for a while, and then came back to the office where I worked with Johnny some more. I lost track of the time and Maggie had to alert us to quitting time, so I ran home to deliver some beer to Travis before I could take the dogs out for a run.

Summer was making a lasagna dinner that Eaddie requested, but I was still stuffed from pizza. I took the dogs to my parents’ house where Julie stopped in for a bit, then we went in a short loop around the block instead of going all the way through the basin trail. It was well after dark by then, so we came back to my parents’ house for some more water before making it home.

Eaddie brought Eli over for dinner, and Summer and I chatted with them for a bit before making it to bed.

Get creative!

I’ve Got No Strings

Eaddie left early this morning for her orchestra rehearsal and concert. Summer and I got up pretty early as well, and headed to Conway early for a movie, shopping, and food before the concert. We ended up barely getting there in time for Venom: The Last Dance, so I missed a few previews waiting in line for popcorn. I thought the plot was pretty contrived, and they tried to pack a lot into it, but overall it was fun. It was definitely the weakest of the three. We ran to the lube to drop off someone’s jacket, then came back to Bargain Hunt to see what they had. It wasn’t much, so all I got were some dog treats.

We made it across town and ended up at Skinny J’s for lunch. I thought Randy said they were closing down the Conway location, but maybe I was confused. Or maybe I wasn’t, because we were basically the only people in the restaurant. It was a late lunch though. We ate quickly and then made it to the Conway High School to see Eaddie’s concert.

The kids did great, but then Eaddie wanted to race over to UCA to see Eli play in a low brass concert. Summer had to check her out with the teacher though, so I ran Eaddie a few blocks away and then came back for Summer. We eventually got back over to UCA for a charge, and watched the tail end of that concert, which was much less formal anyway.

After all the concerts were over, Eli came with us and we went to Old Navy for some more shopping. The kids wanted ice cream after that, so I took everyone to MarketPlace Grill. They said it would be a 20 minute wait, but it didn’t take nearly that long to get a seat. Our server was super talkative and kept asking the kids questions about stuff, and then talking about her family life.

The food was probably more miss than hit, with super stale chips and cold food. I remembered having the same problem with the chips last time, so it’s probably time for a review. We ate and then headed home in the rain, stopping first in Morrilton for some beer and to plant a promo sign in front of that carwash. Then we dropped the kids off at Eaddie’s car at the high school and headed home. The girls were super pooped and crashed immediately while I played with the dogs a bit and then tried to minimize distractions before bed.

All run and no stop.

Just a Little PXE Dust

I had a rough start this morning, but things eventually worked out. I had to get out of bed just after I had gotten in it because Stilgar was barking at something. When I got outside, Muad’Dib had shredded my newer grill’s cover trying to get to a foil pan that had fallen behind it. I ended up beating him for it, and he ran off behind the outhouse for the night. He was back on the porch for breakfast with Summer in the morning though.

I got to work and the guys were chatting outside as usual. I went in to test PXE booting, and wouldn’t you know it, adding IP helpers completely fixed the issue. I don’t know why the DHCP policy didn’t work, since I’d used that successfully before and all things pointed to it being a different issue, but I had an image booted in no time.

Maggie and Randy were both somewhere else in the district all day, so Maggie turned the lights off and left me alone in the dark for nearly the entire day. I ended up going to Arby’s for lunch when I couldn’t get a response from Randy, but then he called to say they were going to Hogg’s Meat Market just after I got back to the office.

At one point, Gary came in and started cussin’ about Maggie, trying to tell me that it was her job to go to all of the buildings and do inventory. I wasn’t going to roll over on that, and told him that “we” had always delegated that to building techs since they were the ones that had to deploy and verify inventory for any areas for which they were responsible. He didn’t like that answer at all, and told me that this wasn’t wherever I came from. He didn’t stick around long after that.

Randy came in near the end of the day saying he heard that I had pissed Gary off, so I shared my side of the story. He appreciated that I backed Maggie and stood up to the old man, and we chatted while I continued to work on SCCM stuff. At the end of the day, he mentioned something about getting home after dark, so I brought up my struggles with 13-hour work days. I raised my question about cutting our lunch hour down to 30 minutes again, and he said he would be okay with it as long as he could get permission for the department. In reality, there didn’t seem to be a policy in place anywhere, and they were only taking a full hour lunch “because that’s how they’d always done it.” He also suggested working remotely for one day a week, and I told him I’d rather try and ask forgiveness for doing something like that as-needed, rather than be shot down for asking permission to set that as a weekly schedule.

I eventually got out of there, and Ben called as I was making my way home. He asked about the job, and we chatted for a little while up until I got off the interstate. When I got to the house, Eaddie and her friend Autumn were there doing homework, and Summer was coming home from work a little later. Dad had already come by the house and taken the dogs for a walk, but I took them out for a faster run. I think they beat their record with a 20.6mph top speed and a pace of 9.2mph for 2.1 miles. We visited Dad, then went around the basin which had surprisingly already drained most of the way back down. They did well enough for hot dogs when we got home, and then Eaddie left to take Autumn home. Summer was along shortly after that, and I worked on Kevin’s computer a little more until bedtime.

So are we skipping the moon and taking Doge straight to Mars now?


I didn’t sleep great last night, and it stormed for most of it. I woke up groggy, but made it out of the house early enough to take the drive a little easier. Surprisingly, Maggie beat me to the office and started talking about breakfast shortly after I got there. I made coffee, and when Kyle and Randy came in, she took orders from everyone and went to get food from BJ’s. I had a western omelette with hashbrowns and biscuits, and it was pretty good. I ate way slower than everyone else since I was trying to work at the same time.

I didn’t really get hungry until late in the afternoon, so I didn’t take a lunch. I just kept chugging away at SCCM, trying to fix PXE booting all day. I asked Randy if I could take off an hour early since I didn’t eat, and he just said not to make a habit of it after Javier had been taking advantage. I made it home quickly, and it had dried up, so I wanted to take the dogs out on a good run.

Summer had been home much of the day since the washes were rained out. She was working in her office when I came and left. I took the dogs to my parents’ house to sniff around the yard, then went to the basin trail, which was mostly flooded into one giant pond.

I let the dogs splash around a little bit, and then we chased off a big flock of geese. Stilgar was whining because he wanted to chase them so badly, but I knew he’d never come back. He could have so much more fun if he’d just have better recall, but he won’t listen. We ended up going out further, crossing 12th, and visiting Sequoyah Park. Then we made it around to the Boulevard before swinging back through the roundabout. It was nearly a five mile run at an 8.5mph average, so they got home hungry. I actually ran out of poop bags and had to come home to get a new roll after Stilgar left a big pile at someone’s house. Embassingly, the lady pulled up to check her male as I was looking around the yard to find it, but she told me she didn’t care and not to worry about it.

We got home for some hot dogs, I ate some leftover pizza, and then Summer and I sat down to chat for a bit before I opened up a couple more Vine packages. They keep coming out with “neon” signs that I love. I wrapped things up early after that, and actually managed to get to bed really early.

Silly goose.


Just before I went to bed last night, Eaddie’s car alarm started going off. I yelled across the house at her for her keys, and she just yelled back through her bedroom door to check the valet. I knew damn well the key wasn’t there, but I looked anyway. Fortunately the alarm quit, and I found no evidence of tampering. The rain must have triggered something in a sensor.

I finally got to sleep, and Summer woke me up a couple hours later because it was going off again. I found the keys, this time in Eaddie’s purse that she thought she left at school. Keys go in the valet, so we always know where they are. If nobody else is going to lift a finger, then I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

I slept in a few minutes and ran an alternate routine in the morning to get to work on time. I didn’t feel too awful for it, but it wasn’t great. I was the first one there, and started out with some coffee pretty early. I got through to lunch when Randy, Kyle, Jim, and I went to American Pie Pizza. Maggie said she wasn’t going, but then beat us there. She and I split a pizza, but she only ate two slices. Kyle and Randy split another pizza that I thought we might share from, but we each stuck to our own, and Jim got a salad. I liked the brick oven style crust a lot, but it made for eating half a pie.

The afternoon was spent on SCCM again, and I finally cracked the puzzle by setting a compatibility version on the SQL server. That got me right to the end of the day, so I’ll dive into it again first thing tomorrow.

Summer went home early in the rain and had dinner going for us. I raced there to get the dogs walked before sundown, but we still ended up in the dark. We had to go on an acoustic walk since the ground was wet and I didn’t want the Onewheel to kick water up at my leg the entire time, though the dogs wouldn’t have cared. I need to get a fender for those types of days, but I like the exposed wheel otherwise.

I had to take a beat when I got back because Summer said she left the grill cover out and the dogs ripped a hole in it. She overcooked four well-done strip steaks, steamed five potatoes, and made a huge bowl of salad for the three of us plus Eli. I was irritated and disappointed. The dogs will be dogs, but I’m tired of her absent mindedness. After dinner, I had to unload the dirty dishwasher to load it correctly, and she scolded me for having a fit, but I was really just trying to get it done, and frustrated that I was having to fix her mess again.

She went to bed and the kids stayed up doing homework. I eventually got outside to clean up the grill because I knew she hadn’t, and that’s when I discovered the burner had been on the entire time, wasting propane and keeping the grill hot. I sat outside with the dogs while it cooled down, and then managed to get the ripped cover mostly back over the grill. I don’t think they make that model any more, and the shape was pretty specific with the smoke vent, so I may just have to do my best to patch the thing up.

I don’t know when it turns from negligence to stupidity, but I don’t know how much more I’m willing to overlook.

Computah Man

I woke up around the same time today, trying not to sleep in too late, and came out to find Summer having coffee with the dogs. I went out and played with them a bit before deciding to take them out on an early run, since it was going to rain the rest of the afternoon. Summer didn’t want to ride her bike with me, so I woke Eaddie up to see if she would. By the time she got out of bed to tell me she didn’t have time, I got rained out of going.

She had to get ready for a Tech Symphonic Youth Wind Ensemble concert in the afternoon, and then Mom texted that she would have bún bò Huế for lunch. Eaddie left to get ready, and Summer and I cleaned up and went to my parents’ house to eat. After we ate, we took Dad along to the concert. I like the Tech concerts because they’re just better, and they’re a whole lot shorter with way less sucking up to the administration.

It was raining again by the time we left, so I tried to summon the car to us. It drove out of range, so I had to walk closer. Then it drove out of range again, so we walked even closer. Then it parked itself and refused to get onto the “public road” in front of Witherspoon. I was so mad, and people were having to drive around it to get out of the parking lot.

We took Summer home and then took our carved pumpkins to drop Dad off. I got back home and Summer had been cleaning up a bit more around the house. I spent a bunch of time with the dogs because they were stuck on the porch to stay dry.

Later in the evening, my buddy Kevin brought over an old laptop for me to wipe. He was here way longer than he expected, and ended up just leaving the laptop here so I could finish backing up all of his files. File transfers are always slow on old machines like that. We chatted, I gave him some old vitamins that Summer wasn’t taking, and I baked some pumpkin seeds a bit longer after they got soggy in the fridge.

Eaddie came home really late, and I used up all of my extra hour I had for sleeping. We’ll see how tomorrow goes with different daylight hours. Yippee.

Dark Thirty

Furniture: Assemble!

I got up with Summer this morning instead of sleeping in. Eaddie had to leave early for her Tech Band Member for a Day event, and then I made some coffee for Summer and myself. She had to leave for an employee’s wedding in Tulsa, and she wanted me to stay behind and watch Eaddie’s band performance.

I cleaned up the house a bit and started assembling the new “media console table” that we got for the sunroom. It was cheap, but it fit the space well, and would give us somewhere to put some of the random things that would go in that room.

Eaddie ended up texting to tell me not to go to the game because they only got to play one song at the start, and then another one at the very start of halftime. I actually found the livestream on YouTube and watched it there, and of course it just looked like a big mob of people. They kept talking and playing commercials over some of the other performances, but fortunately they stopped during the segments the kids were playing.

Once I got everything cleaned back up, I took the dogs out for a really long run. We went to my parents’ house, then circled back to see Eaddie while she was changing clothes at the house. Then she and Eli left for a game night with friends, and the dogs and I kept running. We took a backwards route through the basin, then around through some other neighborhoods before circling back. We did 5.4 miles total, with a couple stops to dip in the creek at the basin park. They did really well, but I think I’m just getting lucky with most of my directions training.

Once we got home, I fed them and called Summer to check in. She had stopped to charge before heading home. I forgot we didn’t have tortillas, so I ended up going to Little Caesar’s for some dinner. Then I discovered Summer had been charging for over an hour and I had to show her how to monitor her charge rate. She should have been on the road within just a few minutes, but didn’t know any better.

The girls both ended up getting home around the same time, and I didn’t waste any time getting to bed. The night had dragged on a bit, and I was drained from sleep deprivation. No time to make it up.

We on neon!

It’s A’parent

We had a more relaxing drive to work today. I got in relatively early and things were pretty quiet all day. Randy came to work at Kyle’s desk again, and he, Maggie, and I chatted back and forth for much of the morning until he left for the admin building. I had some coffee a little late, and I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m just brewing too long. I was excited to finally see a scale on Amazon Vine, which also has a built-in timer. Maybe this will let me fine-tune my brew.

Lunch time came around, and Randy met Maggie and me at Skinny J’s. Randy even called Jim, who came to eat with us on his day off. I had the “Heart Attack” burger, which came on Texas toast with an egg on it. I thought it was pretty good, but the homemade chips were a little bland. Maggie doesn’t like it when I use FSD, so I had to drive to and from lunch, which was so jarring after how little I’ve been driving lately.

Later in the afternoon, I finally cracked what I was missing in our KMS server, and I got the Office 2024 license working. Randy left a little early, and then I finally got out of there. Traffic was wild on the way home, and speeding triggered another FSD failure, so I had to pull off at an exit to park and reset so I didn’t have to drive the rest of the way home.

I stopped in Morrilton for some beer and then made it home, where Summer was eating some food truck hibachi. She ate half, and then I finished. Then I took the dogs for a run while she went out to Eaddie’s football game. Jesica thought she would be coming through, but we ended up not seeing her.

The dogs did really well, and then I cleaned up to go to the halftime show. It was senior night, so Summer and I walked onto the field along with Nick to celebrate Eaddie in the band. It was really cool to be right in the middle of everyone when she played the fight song. We left immediately after that, and I tinkered a while before bed.

Easy Peasy

Forced Drive

I got out a little earlier today and had a more relaxed ride in to work until around Mayflower. Conway traffic was thick and fast, so I was in a mob of cars that were flying down the road at 88 miles an hour. This is both the speed at which you travel through time, as well as the speed at which Autopilot will no longer autopilot. I had to take over, and with such heavy traffic, didn’t feel like pulling over to park and re-engage. Stress was much higher the rest of the way in, which was also the most busy part of the drive.

The morning wasn’t too bad though. Maggie split her biscuits and gravy with me, and I puttered a bit before really sinking my teeth into anything. The morning went by quickly though, and then I had to text Randy to see what they were doing for lunch. He, Jim, and Kyle were at Cary’s Grill and Bar, which was closed the last time we tried to visit. Maggie wasn’t going to lunch, but changed her mind when I told her the place, so we drove over to meet them.

I had a pretty decent chicken fried steak, but the hashbrown casserole was pretty awful. All of the food could have been a bit more fresh and hot, but wasn’t bad. I also had okra for the first time in the day. Maggie was too nervous to let the car drive us back, so I drove to the office by myself, and I finished the day trying to wrangle our KMS server.

Julie called on the drive home to say she wanted to have Kevin’s celebratory dinner tonight, so I called Eaddie to queue her up before I got home. I didn’t have time to run the dogs, but I got cleaned up before picking up my parents, and then had the car drive us to Brangus to meet Eaddie, Julie, and Kevin. Summer came along after we got inside, but then had to deal with an accident at work.

Dinner was pretty good, as Brangus usually is. We lingered a bit longer than I really wanted, since I still had to run the dogs before bed. Summer took Eaddie home while I took my parents home, and then I took the dogs out for an short, alternate run in the dark. They did alright though, and then I had another speed run to bed.

Sure it works, but is it better?