Hi, Sharks

I didn’t sleep well, and was predictably tired getting out this morning. I was a few minutes late, but showed up as the guys were checking out our new shop building that has finally been cleaned out. Humorously, I was still the first one to my desk to begin work. I had a bit of a false start when I accidentally joined my call with PRTG an hour early. When the call finally did start, I had audio trouble and had to join from my computer and phone for anyone to hear me.

The morning ran long as nobody came around for lunch. I was going back and forth with Maggie about what to eat when she suddenly said David was coming from Howard to treat us to an impromptu lunch at Saltgrass Steak House. I was excited to try that, but she talked him into going to Longhorn instead because she liked their lunch better. My New York strip ended up being absolutely terrible because it was overcooked and unbelievably tough. I had to saw it into thin strips just to chew the thing.

It took us a while to get started because we waited for Jim to join us, and then Maggie behaved embarrassingly with our waitress, asking multiple people for an extra plate and receiving too many, and then getting out of her seat to chase down our server to ask for something near the end of our visit. She’s been a very involved secretary, which I appreciate, but her lunchtime habits are unhinged.

We made it back to the office and I finished out the day mostly struggling to troubleshoot my audio issue. I finally left and made it home to take the dogs out for a quick run. We visited my parents, and then Stilgar had to lay down in the creek for a bit while we were in the basin. They behaved well though, and got hot dogs at home.

Once I cleaned up, I had to pry Summer out of her chair so we could take the Model Y to Superfast and finally fix the piece of the bumper that was out of place. I was right, and it was relatively easy to do, and it should have been done the day of the accident to prevent further damage to the paint.

We took a moment and let the car drive us around town to cool down from my frustrations, and unboxed a couple of fun things from Amazon Vine. Julie called about an earlier text message about a loan to buy an airplane. We discussed that with a predictable tone before I finally got to wind down for bed. Eaddie came in late, as seems to be the norm. I did well to crawl into bed before ten.

High risk; No reward

Let’s Carve a Smile on that Face

It was a quiet, slow drive in today. I had a little note from Randy in my chair, thanking me for being a part of the team. I figure he was required to write it, but it was nice all the same, and the words felt genuine because they mirrored the comments he’s made to me ever since I started.

The guys came and went, but mostly went, leaving me alone for lunch. I went to Rally’s and had a pretty disappointing burger because they were out of bacon without any recourse for my prepaid online order. I ate it at my desk and waited for others to come around.

Randy texted and asked me to take care of a printer issue upstairs, so I rebuilt that from scratch. The HP printer has an incredibly annoying requirement to read a PIN from a hidden label inside the machine in order to get to the remote settings. It was clear that the initial deployment wasn’t done correctly, or at least not completely. She shouldn’t have any more issues now though.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly as we tackled various puzzles. I left a little bit late, and traffic was relatively light but unnecessarily slow. I got stuck under the speed limit for a few miles, and then got behind a gravel truck that was spewing pebbles through Conway.

Eaddie and Eli were practicing their instruments when I got home. I immediately took the dogs out for their run, ran through my parents’ yard, around the basin, and back home. They did pretty well and got their hot dogs afterward. Then I jumped right into making burritos for dinner.

I got pretty heated at Summer and the kids after I called to them several times. Evidently it’s my fault for not explaining to them that I won’t call them unless I want them to come to me. Nobody offered to help; nobody said they were on the way; nobody said thanks; nobody told me to pound sand.

I ate and excused myself to try and wrap up the rest of my evening. Dad eventually showed up to eat, and then we got to carving pumpkins. The mallet and “cookie cutters” I got from Amazon Vine were ridiculed at first, but ended up being a “hit” once they started using them. They were difficult to extract, but with some care, they worked really well. We got everyone cleaned up and shuffled off, and I made a speed run for bed.

Burrito Stuff

Afternoon, Evening, Night

I woke up with a stomach ache around six this morning and thought I might stay awake. Then I laid back down and slept until just after noon. Summer was up on the couch doing some work or something, but got up after a while to go to the gym. Eaddie must have been gone for church, and I milled around and tried to pick up a bit more.

I kept finding more and more to do, and realized a few hours later that I still hadn’t taken a shower, but it was time to take the dogs out for a walk before it got dark. Mom said she had eggplant soup, but didn’t give me a time, so the dogs and I ran by their house first to see when food would be done. Dad was watering plants, so we finished the run and then I drove back over to eat.

Summer apparently didn’t care for the eggplant, so she stayed home and Eaddie was gone all day. I hurried home to finish cleaning so we could carve pumpkins the following day. I invited Diana, but wasn’t sure if she would make it. Most of the kitchen was cleaned up, and I got dishes done. Then it was time to wind down again.

These short days are killing me.


Summer left early this morning for another run. I didn’t let myself sleep in very late, but I was tired all day from it. Eaddie had service hours or something at Fall Fest, so she left after Summer got home, just before the two of us were ready to leave for lunch.

Summer wanted to walk Fall Fest, so we drove to Stoby’s to try and eat first. I immediately gave up as soon as I saw the parking lot, and we ended up at Morelos instead. I didn’t really want Mexican, but the food was good. Then we went straight to Fall Fest and walked a block. We found Eaddie about halfway through it and watched her and Eli help little kids play a giant beer pong game. I really didn’t want to be there in the crowd, but we made it around one block before Summer was ready to go.

When we got home, Summer took a nap and I tried cleaning up some more before taking the dogs out for a run. I made it a slightly longer one with a different route just to mix things up.

Once Summer got up, we went to Kroger for some carving pumpkins, and then the Neighborhood Market for some other groceries. I ate some leftovers when we got home, and the kids came over for a while. Summer and I watched a couple episodes of Agatha All Along while the kids went out for a little longer. Then it was off to bed.

I’ve got a Notion

Elon, Take the Wheel

I let the car take the onramp all the way to the offramp this morning, and only had to intervene once when it stupidly tried to pass in the right lane a block before it would have had to turn into the office parking lot. I just don’t get why it does obviously stupid things when it does so well at other times.

Randy wasn’t feeling well and ended up leaving after lunch. Nobody else came around, so I just went to Arby’s by myself and hung out there for the hour. I didn’t get into anything super complicated, and actually spent most of the morning waiting for Randy to show me a couple things, so I’m still feeling a little bit lost a lot of the time.

The morning happened to go by super quickly, so of course the afternoon dragged on. I decided to take the next two days off for recovery, so I headed home and then immediately took the dogs out for a walk. We went backwards this time, and went to the pond first to get a bit muddy. Then we stopped by my parents’ house before going up the hill and through Pinewood before making it home, where we took one more lap around the block before stopping.

Eaddie and Eli ate salad crap that Summer brought home, and I left out of frustration when I found an empty condiment shelf in the refrigerator. I ended up going to KFC to pick up a Famous Bowl, and then I went to the city park to eat at a picnic table. I sat there and enjoyed the weather for a while before going to the old house to check things out. There weren’t any toilets, so I ended up leaving sooner than I expected.

I didn’t want to go home though, so I immediately started Full Self Driving without a destination, just to see where the car would take me. I wondered if it would choose turns, or if it would just keep trying to drive straight as long as it could. It ended up taking a right at the stop sign, which made me think it was going to default to taking me home. It made it all the way across town, but then took the first exit out of the roundabout, which put me back on 12th Street all the way to Glenwood. There, it took its only left turn the entire night, and took me up to 2nd Street. There, it took another right and got through the stops all the way to the traffic light. It tried to proceed through green, but then hit the brakes hard right in the middle of the intersection because it couldn’t see the street. There just happened to be another car coming from the other direction, so the headlights probably didn’t help the matter. I pressed the accelerator to carefully nudge it through the intersection, and it continued on as if nothing had happened.

It ended up at sort of a dead-end, so it took a right and went nearly all the way to Oakland Heights before it took a sudden right to get back over to Detroit. Then we headed north, all the way over the tracks, and then took the first right out of the traffic circle on that side of town. It took me around the Parker Road bend, then all the way up the steep hill to get to Highway 124. We drove by the girls’ old house and ended up on the intersection of 124 and Weir Road. It took me back toward town all the way to Main Street before taking a right and going all the way over the bridge. After we made it through downtown, I finally told it to take me home, and it did. We made it just over 15 miles over the course of 35 minutes with absolutely no interventions, and I really only stopped because the battery was low and still hadn’t recovered from my drive back from work.

Summer was already in bed. Eaddie saw Eli out, I took out the trash. Eventually sleep.

Adventures with Machines

Final Test

Full Self Driving took me all the way from the onramp to the office this morning, with only one intervention when it wanted to move into the passing lane in front of a car, but wouldn’t take the shot when the person coming up behind me in that lane flashed their lights to let me merge over. Apart from that, it was hands in my lap the whole way, with only a few directed lane changes by signaling.

I really just tinkered all day again, since I was waiting for Randy to get me some instructions on how to reach our servers that had been migrated to Hyper-V. There were a couple techs in and out of the office pretty much all day, so things were always relatively fresh, though I was still just stuck in my corner doing my own thing.

Summer was in town for a meeting of her own, so she came to the office and then we drove separately to Red Lobster for lunch. I tried their unlimited salad and chowder, but only had time for one salad and two chowders. Our server was kind, but acted like the chowder was somehow being “prepared” in a way that took more time than ladling it out of a crock pot. There is no possible way that endless shrimp is what caused them to go bankrupt, because I don’t think I’ve ever managed to get more than two refills in a visit. They were always so incredibly slow, no matter which restaurant we visited.

The afternoon was mostly dull as I spent my time pausing sensors in PRTG in preparation for our trial license to expire. I didn’t want to be forced to pause 100 free sensors at a time until I managed to find the 100 I was most interested in seeing. Randy, still fresh off of his vacation, was fairly over being at work, so he shooed us out a couple minutes early.

Summer made it home early for Eaddie’s marching assessment, so I stopped by McDonald’s and Arby’s for a couple of deals for dinner. Then I ran the dogs quickly before dark, and Dad came over to get me to go see the band.

Autumn had found Summer and sat next to her, and immediately moved over to talk to me once I was seated. She made a big show about how she wanted to apologize in a blanket statement for “everything” she had done to me, and expressed how it had been weighing on her all this time since we kicked her out of the house. I just told her I wanted her to work hard to be successful, but she was content being an absolute parasite and claiming success in the way of “all As in nursing classes.”


No lessons have been learned, and she’s still only apologizing for selfish reasons to make herself feel better. I’ll believe it when she’s not trying to weasel her way out of caring for her two elderly “roommates” that are paying her nearly half of my salary just to carry on existing.

The bands did great, and we squeaked out as soon as UCA finished their set at the end. I could have done without, but Dad drove. I went home with Summer since she drove herself, and then we went to bed as quickly as we could make it.

It’s always Green Hill Zone.


Summer had a 5k this morning, and Eaddie left to help with a cat yoga class. I got up reasonably early and unboxed some more Vine stuff to review until Mom texted that she had bánh giò for breakfast. I took the dogs out with me for a run, and it was actually cool enough outside to wear jeans. We made it most of the way to my parents’ house when I realized Muad’Dib had lost his e-collar, so we turned around and went back toward the house. I had a pretty good idea of where it fell off, but it was handy to be able to beep it remotely.

When we got to my parents’ house, Dad and I ran a line for them in the old dog pen, and I draped their leash over it to keep them in place. I went in to eat the bánh giò, but then Mom said she had noodles and sausage for later.

I took the dogs around the basin on the way home, and let them sniff around in the stream a bit. I was surprised at how populated it was with minnows, and it kind of made me want to bring some home for the aquarium. The dogs made it home at a much slower pace, and then Summer got home from the run and cat yoga.

We got cleaned up and eventually headed back over to my parents’ house to eat. Then we had to go to the old house for fish food. The restoration guys left the bedroom window completely wide open, so I was surprised that there wasn’t a cat or something inside. The weirdest part was the bathroom window with the lock that had been turned 180º from where it should be, and I had to unscrew it from the glass frame in order to fix it.

On the way home, we stopped by McDonald’s so I could get a $3 Happy Meal in a Boo Bucket. I didn’t much like the design, but I didn’t look them up ahead of time. I kept interrupting FSD from driving us home because it was making stupid navigation decisions, accelerating too slowly, or braking too quickly.

Eaddie was out late, so Summer and I finished up WandaVision in preparation for Agatha All Along. I don’t know if we’ll get to start that tomorrow, but I wouldn’t mind waiting for the entire season to be released so I’m not waiting for a weekly release schedule.

Hot Dog

I Am the Director Now

I had another chicken biscuit this morning on my way to work. Conference food made me pretty queasy all night, but fortunately today went okay. I was surprised to see Maggie in the office when I got there, and further still that she was still there when I left. I felt the pressure of more people needing me today, plus I had a couple of conference calls scheduled. I only went to one of those because the teacher was unable to reproduce an issue for a vendor.

I had placed an order for a Reuben at Arby’s the night before, since I had a discount code. Randy and Jim really wanted to go to a place called North Bar, so I picked up my food and then met them there. It was a more expensive place with a variety of burgers, wraps, and such. Jim’s chicken sandwich looked pretty good because the chicken was more than twice the size of the bun. Randy’s order was put in wrong, so his got comped and we split my burger, and then his when it eventually came out. I liked his bologna burger better than my blueberry one, but both were pretty good. Overall I thought the flavors were great, but it just wasn’t worth the price for the portion size. Everything being à la carte didn’t help, because I had to pay extra for fries with the burger.

I stopped by Target on the way back to the office to get an online order of Tide that I had placed a few days ago. Randy left in the afternoon, and said he was leaving me as the de facto director. I laughed that I was the newest hire, but he responded that I was the one with the most experience in his role. After that, Maggie had me sign a bunch of data privacy agreements. I told her it felt like he was leaving so they could use me as a fall-guy on some sketchy paperwork.

I was a bit hungry after lunch, so I actually ended up eating my Reuben before I left work. Then it was a dull ride home to find Summer in the kitchen and Eaddie and Eli watching TV. I took the dogs out for a run to my parents’ house and then spent some time with them when we got back. I skipped the chicken Alfredo because of the dairy, and drank some dinner instead. I had to rearrange the dishwasher after the girls poorly cleaned up the leftovers, and I kind of stewed a bit until bedtime.



Eaddie went out with her father today, so Summer and I had the day to ourselves. She went to the gym while I messed with some things around the house and eventually took a shower. Then we decided to take the dogs out for an early run. I got some shock collars in from Amazon Vine that I wanted to try out, so I got them set up first while Summer prepped a bicycle. Then she rode it while I took the Onewheel with the dogs.

We rode to visit Mom first, and she offered leftover soup for dinner later if we would pick up some cilantro and green onion. Summer and I continued our ride down to the basin, which she wasn’t even aware existed. We rode all around and let the dogs get into the little pond again. It seemed even muddier than last time for some reason, and Muad’Dib was stoked to be able to sink into it. I didn’t want them to go too far, and I also didn’t want to unleash them. The shock collars were theoretically water resistant, but I didn’t trust them to be submerged, so I took those off.

After a bit of rolling around, we continued our run and made it home. I got cleaned up, then Julie called so she could order some discounted Domino’s gift cards for me. She had trouble with Costco online, but eventually got it going. Then I had to run to the Neighborhood Market for some cilantro. I got the dogs some more biscuits as well, and then Summer was waiting for me outside when I got back to the house. That meant I forgot to get the green onions out of our refrigerator, so once we got to my parents’ house, she drove back to get them while I helped Mom prep bowls of soup.

Dad got home from his magic convention while Summer and I were eating. Eaddie came home while we were out, and then texted because someone knocked on the door and freaked her out, so we headed home as soon as we finished eating. We didn’t see any extra packages or flyers, so there was no telling who was at the door. I need to finish tracing the doorbell wire so I can get my Nest doorbell installed.

Summer wound down pretty quickly, and I tried my best not to get too distracted. It’s always tough restricting myself to a 24-hour day during the week. I think I’d be a lot happier on a 30-hour planetary rotation.


Good Buy Pizza Pie

I didn’t sleep terribly late today, and hand-ground some coffee for breakfast. The girls were both up pretty early, so Summer went to the gym and Eaddie did some cleaning before her evening plans for the Sadie’s dance. Julie texted asking to borrow a phone for Kevin after he ran his over with a lawnmower, so I spent much of the afternoon cleaning up my Galaxy S21 Ultra for them.

Once the phone was wiped, I took the dogs out for a run through the neighborhood. We stopped to see Mom, and then went up the hill and through Pinewood before making it back home. Then Julie and Kevin came over to get the phone, and I gave Julie an iPad Mini to use when she’s flying.

Summer and I hadn’t eaten all day, so I ordered some Domino’s and we went to pick it up together. They were super busy, so we ended up waiting in the parking lot for a while before I went in to get it. Then we took it to Mom to surprise her with dinner. We ate and then headed home for the evening.

Get to it.