Fire, Good!
I slept in really late today after not getting to sleep until around three in the morning. Summer had to work, so it was quiet in the house. My shower was infuriating, because the water was either cold or scalding. I’m convinced the mixer is broken, so my next big project may be to install a thermostatic one. I also ran out of hot water about halfway through my already-quick shower. I wanted to relax in it for a while, but that just didn’t happen.
Eaddie got up and put away her laundry, and I left to meet Summer for lunch. I picked her up at the wash and we went to McDonald’s to fix my Big Mac craving. Afterward, I dropped her off back at work and went to my old house to charge and pick out a few things to take to the new house. I ended up staying there for way longer than I anticipated.
When I left, I loaded my trunk up with fire wood so I could try out the new fireplace. The girls were doing their own things, so I got a fire going and tinkered with anything I could get my hands on. It cooled off really fast outside, so hopefully we can take advantage of the nice weather while it’s here.
Enjoy the scent before burning, the smell escapes when lit.