House Toad

As I was heading out the door, I noticed a little toad stuck in a sticky bug trap. I don’t have a clue how he got into the house in the first place. I get them in the garage occasionally, but this little guy was inside the laundry room. I got him out with some vegetable oil spray, and hopefully he’ll survive after I put him back outside.

Committed to showing up late to work, I stopped at Taco John’s for some breakfast to eat along the way. It was quiet in the office again, and I wasn’t having much luck staying focused. The big exciting thing of the day was when a security camera stole the IP of my virtualization server. Every day it’s something new. Fortunately I was able to track down the switch port of the camera, and shutting that down resolved my issue. I’ll wait until somebody complains to do anything more with the camera.

I skipped lunch because the “sloppy joes” didn’t look very sloppy or edible. Johnny called for some help with GoGuardian, and I tried to point him in a direction. It was tough not to just leave early, but I made it to the end of the day.

I changed and picked up some Hardee’s for a quick bite with Summer before getting into carpets again. She had been moving stuff for most of the day, so she was already tired. Our new Optimum router came in, so I got the internet going, and then I finished shampooing the rest of the master bedroom. Hopefully it’ll be dry enough to move some things in this weekend.

It was pretty late when I got up to Summer’s house. Eaddie stayed at the new house since her bed was cleared off again. The old house is feeling pretty empty except for a bunch of big stuff we need to move. I originally wanted to rent a box truck, but now I’m not sure it will be much help on account of how steep the new driveway is.


Let’s Review

I was a shut-in at work again today, stuck in my seat, trying to figure out why I couldn’t adopt our gateway router. Out of nowhere, I got a call from someone at the Department of Information Systems about a support ticket they still had open from January. He indicated our link protocol was still dropping, and wanted to know if we noticed anything. I shared how broken things have been, and welcomed the help.

I also got a call from Jay, the Executive Sales Director at TCW, regarding the review I left them last night. He apologized and offered to refund the money, and even offered a free month of service if I wanted to give them a shot. I felt much better after that conversation, and after hearing that they could offer synchronous gigabit service for the same price I got from Optimum, I’ll really consider switching. Being a smaller company, I think their terms were just a little half-baked, but Jay indicated that I’d be welcome to talk to the engineering team, and that they could work with me on just about anything I needed.

After work, I went home to charge for just a little bit before going to the new house. I took the housewarming gift to The UPS Store for return, stopped at Wendy’s for a quick bite, and then got to work on carpets again. All total, I’ve finished about two thirds of the master bedroom, so I should be able to completely finish it tomorrow, in time to move some furniture this weekend. I’m less worried about the living room since we don’t know what furniture we’re moving in yet, plus we still have ceiling drywall work to be done.

I eventually made it up to Summer’s, just before Eaddie did. She came and sat with me for a bit when she got home, and shared some fight videos from school. I know they had a pretty rough class coming up, so I guess they’re here now.


Deal with the Internet Devil

I had a really hard time getting started this morning. I was sleeping heavily, and had no energy at all. Kim was out, so I spent all day locked up in my office again. It was nice and quiet, I had some good coffee, and I spent nearly the entire day trying to re-adopt the USG-Pro-4 into our network. I was not successful, but to be fair the documentation was absolutely nonexistent.

Paul from TCW called to sell me some internet service. When I talked to him before, he said it would be ready last week. Today he scheduled an install for two weeks later. I didn’t love the idea of a two year contract, especially after all of the buyer’s remorse I’ve had with the new house, so I agreed to pay $10 per month to stay out of a contract. I figured $65 per month for 500 megabits was worth it just to leave Optimum, but then things got weird.

He collected a $50 deposit that would go toward my first bill. Then I got a contract by email that they wanted me to e-sign. The contract had a link to their terms of service, which outlined a whole bunch of things that I like to do that were prohibited. They also offloaded all liability for their own equipment onto the customers, and even threatened to cancel service without notice if you promote a competing internet provider. I decided not to sign the contract, and instead called to haggle with Optimum. They gave me gigabit service for $70 per month and a $200 gift card for signing up. In retrospect, that’s their normal pricing for new customers, so I wish I had haggled harder.

The Optimum service would also be set up before the end of the week, which was nice. I called TCW back and was transferred right back to Paul, which made me appreciate them as a small company. However, after a friendly conversation to cancel my installation appointment, he told me that the deposit couldn’t be refunded. No service had been rendered, and in fact, I called to cancel just 45 minutes after he had called me to solicit their service. He refused to budge, so I’ll just have to dispute the charge as soon as it clears my Discover Card.

I didn’t take a break for lunch, and then left a little bit late. I made it home to change, and then immediately took off to my parents’ house for a quick dinner before going to the new house to clean carpets. Eaddie showed up with a couple of friends and some boxes from the old house, but then acted like she was embarrassed to live in a no-shoe household. Nearly all of the houses I ever visited growing up didn’t allow shoes past the front door, so I don’t know what her issue was. These girls act like they were raised by wolves.

Once I finished shampooing the carpet in the final closet, I stripped caulk from around the tub. There was quite a lot of it under the seam in some areas, so hopefully pulling that all out won’t mess with anything. I’ll just have to re-apply it with a heavy hand.

The girls were pretty well settled in by the time I got to the old house. Summer had a few more things boxed up and ready to go, and everyone was ready for bed. I wrote a pretty scathing review of TCW, and then headed for bed myself, later than I wanted, as usual.

What kind of shady crap is this? And who still uses Usenet, anyway?

Artsy Fartsy

I slept pretty heavily last night and woke up pretty refreshed. As soon as I got up and had my shower, I went to pick up Summer to take her to Little Rock to see her employee’s girlfriend’s art show at the food truck festival. That sounds like a lot, and it was. We stopped at Walmart in Conway for a couple flowers to take her as well, and made our way to Main Street Little Rock.

There were a ton of people there. It was too many, but it didn’t make me too anxious. I just wasn’t in the mood to walk and eat around that many people. We found their tent, Summer bought a couple things, and then we bounced right back to the parking garage.

We hit up two Targets to look for Ember mugs, but didn’t have any luck. Then we went across town to Chuy’s for a good lunch before heading back home. We stopped at the Conway Target with similar luck, and then again in Blackwell to scavenge for some boxes for moving. We made it to Summer’s with about 12% battery, so we loaded up her car and then dropped mine off at home to charge.

We took a big load of stuff to the new house and Summer filled cabinets and drawers while I cleaned the carpets some more. It’s been incredible how much fine dust I’ve pulled out of the carpet, and it makes me want to go back over again and again before I actually shampoo the living room. The closet wasn’t completely dry yet anyway, so all I did was vacuum.

Eaddie came over after some studying, and she and I went to my parents’ house for mango soup while Summer went home to do some laundry. After we ate, Eaddie took me to get my car, and we all met back up at the old house for bed.

We’re gonna need some darker crayons…

Sweatin’ to the Moldies

Today went by super fast, and I just kept feeling like I was running out of time at work. The sense of urgency around all the different tasks I have to juggle has been really annoying, and it just makes work unenjoyable. It’s difficult to get into anything fun when my attention is constantly being yanked violently in different directions. I can never complete a task.

They basically had Thanksgiving dinner for lunch, and that was alright. Then Kim and I went to the elementary to try and swap out or organize Chromebooks that had been shuffled at the start of school. Every time I go down there, I think I’m organized and have a good idea about what I’m doing, but then I get there and choke. It’s like I’m just afraid to go into classrooms because I don’t really have any rapport with anyone down there, and it’s impossible to get when I’m stuck in my office running in circles.

I left work a little late and stopped at Casey’s for a cookie on the way home. I tried charging for a while, but I tripped the breaker again. Then I went to my parents’ house to get some silicone to caulk the shower. The first tube I got was brand new, but completely dried up so I had to go back. Mom made bánh xèo again, so I quickly ate and then went back with a nearly-empty tube of caulk that was still usable.

I got Eaddie’s shower done, and then cleaned the master shower so I could caulk it. That time I used an old tube of white silicone that had bits of hard, dried pieces mixed in the middle of the tube. That made things difficult, but I think after some time I got decent results. Hopefully it worked, but I won’t be upset if we have to rip out the doors and get new ones in the future. The whole shower seems small, and seems kind of stinky, so I don’t know what’s up with the drains. It could probably use some work.

Eaddie and I finally headed up to Summer’s, where she was in bed and nearly asleep. I stayed up for a while to plan a return trip to Tulsa before bed.

No fun at all.

2,000-inch TV

I was going to be super early leaving the house today, but then Summer and Eaddie both showed up separately because Eaddie forgot a bunch of stuff at home. I squeaked out and stopped at McDonald’s for a McGriddle, and then made it to work in plenty of time. The maintenance guys came around pretty early and helped me swap a couple touch panels that were being replaced under warranty. Then I spent most of the afternoon drafting a form letter for damaged devices.

I managed to leave on time today, and went home for a bit before going to the new house. My Wall Connector threw the breaker twice today, so I’ll need to check that out sooner than later. I took an armful of stuff to the house that I had been needing, but still didn’t really accomplish much. All of my plants were looking pretty sad, so I had to take care of them first.

Mom made bánh xèo for dinner, so I left to eat and then got back to the house relatively quickly. I did get the locks changed, and figured out how to use the garage keypad. I didn’t caulk the shower like I wanted, just because it seemed dirtier than I expected it to be after Summer said she scrubbed the thing totally clean. Instead, I cleaned up Eaddie’s shower around the handle that I wanted to caulk, and then realized I didn’t actually have any clear silicone.

I made it up to Summer’s, where she was in bed with some popcorn. Eaddie eventually made it home and talked to us for a while, and then everyone was off to bed.


Moving Right Along

I made a quick rice and egg breakfast for everyone this morning, and then headed to the new house to start on carpets. The girls came along a little while later and started moving Eaddie’s stuff over. The afternoon went by quite a bit slower than it felt, which was good on account of how much carpet there is left to clean.

Eaddie’s friend from down the block came over at some point and helped the girls bring some stuff over. Once I was at a stopping point and Eaddie was satisfied with what she had brought, the three of us went to La Huerta for dinner. The food was good, but the service and what we were served was a bit inconsistent.

When we got back to the house, Summer went home while Eaddie and I cleaned up at the new house. Once I was ready for bed, we went back to the house where Eaddie loaded up one last trip so she could stay the night. I dug a bunch of stuff out of the trash that was thrown out by accident, and then wound down pretty quickly after that. There’s not a ton of stuff left to move from Summer’s, and we’re getting close to needing a truck. Hopefully the rest won’t be too terribly difficult, because after that I’ll have all of my belongings to move.

We’re getting there.

In Longsight

I made leftover tacos for brunch for everyone before going home to shower. Summer loaded up some things to take to the house, and I dropped the clean bean pan off at Ridgewood before meeting her there. I didn’t really get into much before heading home to shower, but eventually met her back at the house with a few more things. I pretty quickly got frustrated with what cleaning she had missed and how she had unpacked things. I tried to get her to bring things over and let me help organize, but instead she just ended up putting things in my way constantly.

The afternoon flew by, and we ended up coming home late. I made some rice and fried some fresh onion to eat with the leftover brisket, and then she went to bed. Eaddie got home late after taking the Model S across town for most of the afternoon. I was pretty frustrated that she hadn’t really packed anything up from her room, but maybe I can get them properly motivated tomorrow.

Just follow orders.

Lost Forwards

I felt a little lost at work today, and struggled to keep focused. I bounced from one thing to another, and didn’t really accomplish anything of use. The one thing that I did complete was signing up for gas and water service for the new house. Everything should switch seamlessly, and I think all that’s left is to decide on an internet provider.

After work, I made it over to my parents’ house for some leftovers before getting into some more carpet cleaning. I couldn’t tell if I was psyching myself out just trying to over-scrub them, or if that was me trying to talk myself out of having to clean them some more. I experimented a bit with vacuuming, running a light spray of white vinegar, and finally scrubbing one area with the detergent’s recommended dosage in the machine. We’ll see how they feel tomorrow.

I made it to Summer’s late, so I tried to wrap things up quickly to get to bed.

If my people could stop dying, that would be greeeaat.

Crispy Carpets

I was super sore all night, so I didn’t sleep very well. Everyone else was fast asleep when I got out of bed, so I headed home to clean up before heading to the new house. Summer ended up waking up and beating me there, and started vacuuming carpets some more. When I finally got there with the kids, the room I finished last night felt really stiff and crispy.

Eaddie and Noah decided to start bringing some things over from their house while Summer and I got Subway for lunch. Then we went right back to cleaning floors. We worked on that until Summer left to do some laundry, and then I eventually went to my parents’ house for dinner.

By that time it was pretty late and I still needed to wash a load of laundry, so I ran home and did that. I didn’t get up to Summer’s too terribly late, but it’s back to work in the morning and I just hope I rest well.

We require more parking.