Fury Carpets

I stopped at Hardee’s for a biscuit this morning before going to Harbor Freight to get a pump sprayer. Then I met Summer at the new house to start cleaning. I was a little later than I was planning, so she was hungry by the time I got there. We took the Murano back to her house since we had left the Model Y at the new house, and then we went to New China for lunch. Eaddie had homework to do, so she stayed home.

The restaurant was packed from the church crowd, and we barely found parking. We ran into Allen and Charlotte in the restaurant and I talked to them briefly. After we ate, we headed straight back to the house so I could work on carpets.

Eaddie eventually came over, and the girls cleaned cabinets, bathrooms, and basically any other hard surfaces while I focused on carpets. At one point, I had to run home briefly, but then I came back and continued shampooing carpets late into the evening.

Noah was going to come over, but went to Summer’s house instead since Eaddie had gone home earlier. They watched scary movies until late. Summer went to sleep as soon as she got home, and I followed as soon as I finished my other chores.

It’ll be a miracle if we make it.

Home Sweat Home

The girls went to Tulsa for a Conquer the Gauntlet run today, so I was on my own to start cleaning the new house. I loaded up some supplies and stopped at Wendy’s for breakfast. Then I went home to get a few more things before heading to the new house. I started going through cabinets and drawers and found quite a bit of stuff that had been left. Jeremy had mentioned a few things, but some of the things that were left seemed like things they would have wanted to keep.

Dad came over to help vacuum the house, and then we went back to their house for some lunch. Afterward, I went straight back to work on the carpets, and started shampooing Eaddie’s room. Shasta came by to pick up a bunch of stuff, but there’s still more that I’m not sure they intended to leave.

The girls eventually made it home, and we learned that Summer’s car scrapes the ground pretty badly on her side of the garage. I never would have made it, but we kind of assumed she would. We’ll definitely have hire someone to run a drainage channel with a grate that we can drive over.

I wore myself completely out trying to clean carpets. I didn’t even really finish Eaddie’s room, because I needed a better sprayer for the cleaner. We’ll do more tomorrow, and I’ll make sure I have a better plan.

Late in the evening, we went to my parents’ house for some spaghetti for dinner. I took a quick dip in the pool to rinse off the day, and then we lumbered back to Summer’s for the night.

This is going to be expensive.

Hot Diggity Dog

I had a room full of kids waiting on me in the office this morning, but we got them some Chromebooks and sent them along their way. I had been crawling out of bed more and more begrudgingly over the course of the week, and Kim didn’t make any coffee this morning, so I tried out my Aeropress Go. It really only made about half of a cup, but I felt like the scoop was bigger and it probably used more coffee grounds than the regular one. The coffee was good, though.

I continued picking through work orders to close out some older ones, and finally moved some things off of the backburner. One of those things was a door controller with an undocumented password. I mentioned something to Todd about it, and the next thing I know, he called Samuel down to have a look. They showed up while I was on a call with a guy from DIS, but came back around a little later.

Sam sidled up to my computer and hammered away rather belligerently at my keyboard as he discovered my troubles, one-by-one. We eventually took a walk down to the core closet, and I got a little more history and some guidance for what equipment I had. I felt a little better about digging into some new stuff, but then he left after having broken my phone.

The rest of the day was pretty slow. We had hot dogs for lunch, along with some other leftovers that made for a pretty big meal. I left work early, but then got caught in traffic with some busses after a pep rally, so my call with DIS from home didn’t happen. I was only a few minutes late, but I think he misunderstood what time I would be available to troubleshoot his VPN issue.

After a little while, I took my car to the wash, and then to my parents’ house to visit for a moment. I tried to convince Mom to come with me to the Model Y service appointment to test drive an S or X, but for some reason she kept fighting it. The prices just dropped substantially too, so now would be a great time to buy.

When I left there, I drove by the Sherwood house just to check things out again, and Jeremy saw me and waved me down. I stopped and we chatted for a little while, and he seemed super nice. One of the kids peeked out the window at us, but I never saw anyone else. He said they would be out of the house later in the evening, so we would be free to move on in.

I finally made it up to Summer’s, but mostly dawdled the rest of the night. I wanted to go to the house after Jeremy texted me, but it was a bit late. I guess I would have been more productive to go early in the morning anyway. Summer went to bed, and Eaddie didn’t get home until really late from an away game. They also had a Conquer the Gauntlet race in the morning in Tulsa, so I figured I’d have a day to myself to get things done.

How do utilities work again?

Remotely Fun

I let myself sleep in a little bit today since I worked from home. I jumped right into it when I got up, which felt pretty nice. Kim seemed to be getting hammered with all kinds of requests, so I felt bad, but she’ll have to learn to ignore the noise if she wants to make any progress. It’s going to be a Jason-level job to get her on task.

About an hour and a half into it, I got a rather demanding email from Harry regarding a testing software deployment. Then he scolded me and set expectations because I hadn’t been approved to work off-site. I responded politely and apologetically, but called out the teacher’s failings of requesting a lab deployment with three days notice in the middle of the first week of school, all without providing a resource for the software itself. I also called out the very poor state of the infrastructure I was charged with fixing, and the fact that I had been misled during my interview about the tools that I would have available to me. Even if it was out of ignorance, the fact remains that my job is difficult because of their poor history with my department.

I headed on home to get ready for the closing on our new house. By the time I got there, Harry had responded positively, so I felt he was more than fair, and handled the situation appropriately. I took my shower and then ran back to get the girls so we could get to Pope County Title for signing.

Alisha was there with Sarah from the bank, who was sitting in for Missy, our loan officer who we have still never actually met. It wasn’t long before we were taken back to sign what we were told was a relatively short stack of papers. I think the only thing we could have done better was pay for the house in full instead of taking out a loan, and if we ever buy another home, that certainly feels possible now. The signing didn’t really take that long, and then we had to go get a cashier’s check from Centennial. My transfer from Discover to Arvest hadn’t been delivered yet, but Sarah said she could run a cashier’s check over to the title company as soon as they did get it.

After we ran the check back and I signed a couple additional, forgotten documents about pest control, the three of us went to see the Ridgewood Brothers for lunch. We ate a ton of food and got to see both Grant and Robert, as well as Kyler, who was just leaving to go on vacation.

I took the girls back to their house and then went to mine so I could finish working out the day. Kim seemed super overrun, but I couldn’t really quantify what she had actually accomplished. I worked on a few different things mostly to get organized, and then pruned what work orders I could. Google Remote Desktop worked intermittently, and I couldn’t tell if it was an issue with the computer or the internet at the school, but most of what I was doing didn’t require that anyway.

Later in the evening I headed back up to the girls, where Summer watched TV until she went to bed and watched more TV. Eaddie hung out with me for most of the evening, looking at eyeglasses online or going through old Google Classrooms that her old teachers had failed to archive appropriately. It astounds me that we allow technology illiterate people to attempt to educate the youth of a society that is ever-reliant on technology. You wouldn’t let a mechanic work on your car if they had only ever raised horses.

I stayed up super late just combing through houseware deals. I wanted to get out to do some shopping, but I didn’t expect anyone else to be up for that. It seems like a good time to start finding some seasonal deals, though.

Things were so much simpler back in the day when we just gave people smallpox blankets and took their land.

Too Many Things

The crack slowly creeped past the center of my windshield throughout the course of the day. I stopped at Burger King for breakfast, ate mine in the car, and then gave Kim my spare biscuit when I got there. I didn’t really look at work orders at all today, and tried to get carts loaded instead. I loaded four, but then didn’t even finish wiring one more because it didn’t have any cable management. I just kept chugging along as Kim was in and out at random, working about how a paraprofessional would.

The roofers finally came by to fix my roof, but had trouble understanding my English through the doorbell. Luckily Dad came over and got them sorted, and now I have a (hopefully) waterproof roof again. I ended the day by enrolling about as many Chromebooks as I think she’s done all week. I hoped I was mistaken, but I probably wasn’t. Then I raced home to stop by my parents’ house and prompt them for our final walkthrough at the new house.

Summer and Eaddie met Alisha there first, and Julie and Kevin showed up just before we did. Mom didn’t have much nice to say, but I didn’t expect her to. She doesn’t look for the same things in a lodging as I do. Julie kept repeating that we should paint, and I struggled to get my point across that no matter how many times she said it, we wouldn’t just magically find more money to do it while it’s convenient.

As soon as we left, we had to go to the high school for Eaddie’s open house. We went through the main office so I could say hi to Erica, and then I lost the girls when I stopped at the library to see Amber. I spoke with Jazz for a bit while I was looking for them, and then caught up briefly with Ethan right before I finally ran into them in the hall again. I joined them as they finished visiting the last of her classes, and then we headed on home.

Melissa had called earlier in the day to prompt me for the closing process tomorrow. For some reason I assumed that after all the money I was paying them, and all the information they were able to obtain about my assets at other institutions, they could do some magic bank bullshit and just get the required funds themselves, but evidently they want a cashier’s check. Of course that wouldn’t be possible with my savings account, so I had to come up with a way to get access to a whole bunch of money. I finally realized that a transfer of $15,000 or less from Discover to Arvest would only take one day to deliver, so I rolled the dice and we’ll see what happens by noon tomorrow. If we don’t close, we don’t close. The only thing I hate more than lawyers are banks.

I picked up some Taco John’s on the way to Summer’s, and then tried to relax in the quiet dark of the bedroom after I finished eating. Hopefully I’ll be super productive working from home in the morning before closing time.

Last call!

Crying Over Spilled Coffee

I was up a few times in the middle of the night, and woke up still very exhausted this morning. I had to stop by Casey’s for a coffee on my way to work, and then I fought a heavy head for most of the day. I thought I’d poke around the Ubiquiti stuff a little more, but then random things just kept happening. I had several people come into my office, and even a phone call and some emails. I’m nowhere near ready for the start of school, but somehow the stakes feel even lower than before.

Alisha said the repair wasn’t going to be ridiculous, and the sellers agreed to pay for the truss repair and the bad nail in the roof. I really wanted the trusses to be fixed before we agreed to buy the house, just in case something else went wrong, but hopefully the inspector and the guy giving the quote for the repair today were both right, and it won’t be a big deal. I signed some more paperwork, and then made my way home.

Eaddie started marching season, so she was out in the car all day. I stopped by Casey’s again a couple times for some rewards, and then made it up to Summer’s house. She had a rough day and was sat in front of the TV, so I ate some leftovers. It was a pretty quiet evening, except for a short, mad dash to renew some registrations on some vehicles and then upload some paperwork to the bank for the loan. I have a feeling I’ll fall asleep pretty quickly tonight.

Needs more music for my ears.

Droopy Roofy

We had our home inspection today, so I had to go home to clean up before the girls came to pick me up. We made it about halfway to the house before I realized I forgot the check to pay the inspector, so Summer turned around. Luckily the inspection seemed to be going quite a bit longer than we anticipated. I wasn’t sure if he just got started late or if it really was just taking him that long to be that thorough. Summer had to stop by Rose Drug anyway, and Nick was still in the attic by the time we got there.

Summer and I wandered around a bit, and Dad eventually showed up. When Nick came down, he let us into the house to continue looking around while he worked. When he finished, he went over some of the worst repair issues he found, and it really was pretty varied. The biggest concern was a drooping ceiling in the living room. Evidently the new roof over the addition was just built on top of the old roof, so the trusses weren’t built to support the shift in weight. He said some of them had just split apart, and needed to be lifted and put back together. He also measured the water pressure at 120 PSI, which was a little more than excessive. I didn’t realize that he didn’t inspect the out building at all until I got his written report later in the day, but that is one of the big repairs that has to happen for us to move in at all.

Dad headed home after that, and the girls and I went to Stoby’s for lunch. As we finished up, I saw Shane from Howard sitting at the table across from us, so I talked to him briefly before we left. Summer had to go to work, so she dropped Eaddie and me off at my house so we could go for a motorcycle ride. Eaddie wanted to see the new splash pad at the city park, so we rode there first and walked around.

It was incredibly hot and humid outside, so I didn’t much enjoy baking in the sun. We continued on to Splash to see Summer, and then rode around the city, up the mountain and down past the arena until we made it back to my house. We were both hot and sweaty, so we decided to get our suits and go to my parents’ house to swim.

Eaddie did a great job driving across town, and swimming was a good time. The pool was still in full sun when we got there, so I propped some floats on top of the ladder and we just hid under them for shade. We talked for a really long time about a whole lot of things, and it was really great. As the shade started to cover more of the pool, it got a little chilly and we decided to get back out and dry off.

We chatted with Dad for a bit inside after we got changed, and he reminded me that it was their anniversary. Mom didn’t want to do anything when she got home from work, so Eaddie and I headed back to the house where Summer was home early after having a pretty rough day. She wanted a pretzel crust from Little Caesar’s, so we picked that up on the way. It wasn’t until we got back to the house that we realized they gave us the wrong order though, so I had to go back. As soon as I pulled up, he ran out with the correct pizza and we got to keep the first one he gave us.

I reviewed the inspection paperwork and talked to Alisha a bit before going back home to pack for the funeral trip. I felt like I needed a slightly larger backpack for the trip, but didn’t want to increase my load to carry. I may just have to leave my Steam Deck behind, but I really don’t want to.

I eventually made it back up to the girls, and Eaddie greeted me at the door with excitement. Just a little bit earlier in the evening, some friends invited her to go with them to play their instruments at a nursing home, and she was super happy about it. We talked for quite a while longer while I tried to wrap up for bed. Tomorrow would be an even earlier day than usual, and I wasn’t excited.

Just don’t die.

Bank On It

I got in touch with Missy this morning about our loan application, and spent most of the morning after breakfast trying to decide on which loan to take. All of the rates were pretty bad, so I ultimately picked a 15 year loan just to keep the interest to an absolute minimum. It will be a little bit tighter than usual, but I should also be able to count on a raise pretty soon, one way or another.

I sat down to watch one episode of The Good Place with the girls, but otherwise I was feeling a little stressed being the only one paying attention to the loan information. As lunch time came around, Summer made some more spaghetti to finish up the sauce from the other day. Since we didn’t get out of the house, Eaddie decided she wanted to bake something. We dug out the Stranger Things pizza cookies we bought a while back and made those. We really didn’t get up to much of anything else.

Michael called me to ask about crypto trading bots, and as usual I had to tell him I just wasn’t paying any attention to that kind of stuff. We talked for a while, and eventually Summer decided she was ready to go to bed. Eaddie came in and we watched some Modern Family, and then everyone was in bed by midnight.

Such disinterest in comparing interest for interests.

All A Board!

I went in to work late today since I planned to be there late for the school board meeting. Without any real options to eat, I decided to run the fast food gauntlet on the way. I backtracked to McDonald’s for a frappĂ©, then Wendy’s for a chicken croissant. Then I stopped by Burger King in Russellville for a couple more croissants and another black coffee, but didn’t realize until after my app order was placed that it was in Dardanelle. I raced out of town and picked it up, and then made it to work a little later than I expected, but still with plenty of time to fit a 10-hour day.

Kim came in to spend the day with me, and we picked at a few more things than yesterday. I did a couple work orders, but I don’t think she actually built any carts. I get the feeling she’s waiting on me to start, but then I don’t know who’s going to do the actual hard stuff that literally no one else on campus knows how to do.

Todd came into the office late after most everyone had gone home, and we chatted for a little bit. Kim said he was fussing that I hadn’t fixed the internet at the fieldhouse yet, but I had told him multiple times to just drive me down there to look at it. He said Samuel told him that I was on a short list for the job at the plant, so that change may be happening soon if the school doesn’t fix me quickly enough.

Alisha texted me late in the afternoon and said that our offer on the house came back signed, so the pressure worked. We got it for $270,000. After the fact, I wished I had changed it to $269,666 since it would have spelled COWMOO in phonewords. I was so close.

I had printed off the Technology Handbook I put together in case the school board members wanted to see it, but when I got to the auditorium, Harry approached me and asked if I expected to speak. It seems like every time he and I talk, he’s always physically taller than me. The juxtaposition makes me laugh every time. I told him I was prepared to speak if they recognized me, but he said matter-of-factly that they wouldn’t. I did get a really great chance to talk with Blake though, who along with Jill, were the only other two people there in the theater. After the meeting, I did get to shake a couple hands and talk with a couple of the board members, so I consider it an overall success as long as I can get Harry moving on my pay concern sooner than later.

Someone brought in a big bag of sweet corn and leaned it up against the stage for everyone to help themselves, and that aside from getting to know Blake a little better, that was probably the highlight of the evening. I took a small bag of them home with me for later.

Once I got into town, I changed and headed straight up to the girls. I had already told Eaddie, but Summer didn’t answer the phone when I tried to tell her. Eaddie wanted to see her face, so once they were both in the living room I told Summer that our offer was accepted. They were excited, and I secured my position as the master negotiator.

I finished up the last hamburger, the girls went to their rooms, and I contacted an inspector and Arvest, so hopefully tomorrow we can get something going with the house. I’m almost a genuine adult now.

Adversity is a wonderful propellant.

Handbook Policy

Alisha sent us the offer paperwork to decline this morning, but that was just the start of a wild ride. I headed to work and got behind a bunch of slow people, so coming out of Centerville I laid on the accelerator so I could pass someone way ahead of me when the road split into two lanes. Little did I know that tiny speck of a vehicle was a State Trooper. I was going the speed limit when I got to him, but he had me. He pulled over until I passed and then lit me up. It was a short stop with only a warning, and apparently his “granny” works in the cafeteria. No idea if that helped my case, but it was funny that everyone at work knew exactly who it was that pulled me over. Small town.

After I got to work, Alisha sent me a message asking if we still wanted the Sherwood house for $275,000. Apparently after receiving the counter rejection, the seller’s agent thought they might be able to make it work if they could have until Friday, and wanted the offer in writing. I had Alisha send back our original offer with the addition of a delayed occupancy, and we’ll see what happens.

Kim came in late again and picked at a few things. I don’t know how many hours she’s supposed to work, but I guess I can’t complain for what she’s paid. I worked on a Chromebook handbook for most of the day. We went down to the elementary for a bit, but then I ended the day by myself to finish up my handbook. I was pretty proud of how nice it looked, but hopefully we can implement it for this school year.

I was a little sheepish to drive home too quickly, but I made it. I stopped at Casey’s to use some rewards, went home to change, and then went to the other Casey’s for another reward before going to my parents’ house. I ate some spring rolls and chatted with them for a little bit.

I eventually made it up to the girls’ house and tried to wind down relatively quickly, but got caught up going full Matrix mode on a bunch of houseflies that had gotten in somehow. I’ve gotten pretty good with my Bug-A-Salt gun. Then Eaddie came out to chat with me for a little while about her day with Autumn yesterday, lunch with her father the day before, and the negotiation for the house. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day with the board meeting in the evening.

Hi. I’m the guy you hired.