Teenager Berries

I took some guaifenesin last night to dry up the crud in my chest, and it seemed to work pretty well. I woke up early and then dozed off a bit after Summer got out of bed. She went to the gym and Eaddie went to a band thing at Tech, so I got around to some coffee and eventually a shower.

Summer wanted to clean house a bit and then cook fajitas for dinner, so we went to the Neighborhood market to get groceries. I cleaned and cut up strawberries for shortcakes when we got back, and some of the berries had seeds with leaves on them. One of them in particular reminded me of a patchy high schooler’s beard, or a transition gone awry. I left it out to sprout and see if we could get any strawberry plants out of it.

Once Summer got the shortcake into the oven, we went outside so she could try riding around on the Onewheel. She got her first few falls and scrapes out of the way, but overall did a great job of moving slowly down the road and making turns. I just kept emphasizing that it was better to bail early than try and ride it out when you’re just getting started, because skill at bailing, running it out, or even falling is just as important as skill at riding.

Eaddie eventually made it home after also going to my parents’ house to rake some more leaves, but then she wanted to go out on her bicycle. Evidently Eli came over as well, and I rode around the block to find him walking alongside her on the bicycle toward my parents’ house. I popped in to say hello, and then headed back home to cook.

We considered putting the leftover chicken and some fresh veggies on the flat top to grill outside, but I ended up just heating it up on the skillet over the stove instead. I didn’t have very much room, but it worked alright and didn’t take as long to get heated up as it would have taken outside for such a small amount of food. I also cooked some black beans in the Instant Pot that turned out pretty good, though next time I’ll let the “bean/chili” setting finish instead of following some arbitrary recipe I found online.

The four of us started to play a game after dinner, and I excitedly brought out Hail Hydra, but I think it wanted at least five players. Eaddie kept fussing that she didn’t remember anything about Hydra anyway, and wanted to watch the movie instead. We all settled in and watched Captain America: The First Avenger, though Summer went to bed partway through. I enjoyed revisiting the movie, but seeing all of the hokey 3D stuff without 3D glasses felt a little silly. It was a silly movie anyway.

Eli left and Eaddie crashed as soon as the movie was over. Summer stayed up in bed to watch baking shows until I finished my own chores. I guess we plan to make more food tomorrow.

And why not? We like to eat.

Raya and the Blackest Dragon

Everyone slept super late today. I got up first, and started making breakfast croissants. We had some leftover ham we had frozen a while back, and I fried up slices of that with some eggs and cheese. They were really awesome with the “everything” croissants. It was pretty yucky out all day, but Summer went to the gym and I cleaned up the kitchen before running outside to run the sump and then taking a shower.

We really didn’t do anything after that until dinner time. Eaddie had a bunch of dreams about food last night, so I took that inspiration and made some pizza on toast with leftover pizza dipping sauce, slices of mozzarella, and some hard salami that Summer was letting go bad slowly in the refrigerator. Eaddie and I tried melting some old chocolate to dip strawberries, but that didn’t work well. At least we ate the chocolate and got it out of the cabinet. I was still hungry, so I had some leftover turkey soup.

Summer and I watched Raya an the Last Dragon, and I found Awkwafina’s voice to be completely out of place and offputting for the story. It made the whole movie feel less authentic, and took a lot of weight out of the theme for me. It just felt cheap.

Eaddie didn’t even bother watching with us, and went to her room. Summer quickly went to bed after it was over, and I ended the night by paying some bills.

What is culture, anyway?

Unbox Therapy

I woke up pretty early today, and it was warm enough in bed all night that it didn’t feel cold to be wandering around the house. I played my daily puzzles on the couch until Summer got up, and then I made myself a coffee. I took that with me as I set up the Steam Deck in the sunroom, where Summer showed me that one of my plants had leaked water on the table, so I had to clean that up.

Summer went to the gym and I put on some music while I did the dishes and started going through boxes to unpack and arrange some things. I had a shower, and then fixed the bedroom door into the nook where the screws were stripped out of the hinges, and also the spring-loaded pegs that keep the sunroom doors shut. For a brief moment I thought I might go out on the Onewheel for a bit, but it seemed really cold.

I had a burger in the afternoon, and then kept picking at random things. Eaddie was at a robotics tournament all day, so Summer and I settled down to watch John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch. Eaddie got home partway through that, but then left for a while longer before coming home and going to her room for the night. After the show, Summer went to bed and I watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The Spider-Verse movies are incredible, and it’s a shame Sony hasn’t been able to really nail any of their other Marvel properties the same way.

When I go home, I stay off 285

Iced Onion

Eaddie slept on the couch last night, but got up to shower once Summer and I were up. Summer went to work for a while, so I did some laundry and organized things around the house. I had a leftover burger for lunch, and surprisingly, one of the ceramic plates cracked from the heat of the burger. I don’t know if the temperature difference between the hot, microwaved burger and the cold kitchen counter was all it took, or if there was some other factor. I just heard a couple little “tink” sounds and then noticed a very faint crack across the middle.

Eaddie seemed to be a bit bored herself, and I caught her staring at a closed door. I played a little bit of Oxygen Not Included, and then when Summer got home from work, she made chicken and dumplings for dinner. We watched Glass Onion before the girls went to bed, and I lost a bunch of time to the internet.

I’m very bad at dumb things.

It’s Log, Log, Log!

The heavy rain last night brought the cold, and our trash can was filled with water. Kim was back to work after basically paying cash for a new home, and I just don’t think she has any idea how wealthy she really is. Just a little bit of money management smarts and discipline, and she’d be living the high life.

I got my SSL certificate updated in the morning, which was exciting. Being able to SFTP into the VM to clean up those files made my life a whole lot easier than scrolling up a command line. From there, I still had to double-check that everything was working, and make sure I didn’t have any other alarms that might cause trouble in the future. With any luck, I’ll be gone by the time this certificate expires.

We had the cleanest sloppy joes for lunch, and I ended the day finally getting an order placed for some electronics that the teacher absolutely will not use. She’s simply not capable. She’s overwhelmed and scattered as it is, and I just don’t think there are any souls out there with enough interest or aptitude.

It was a cold and damp drive home, where I loaded up some more stuff to take to the new house. More winter weather is on the way, so I’ll have some things I can unpack if we don’t leave the house. Summer stayed home not feeling well, and Eaddie beat me home from school. We watched Iron Man and I made a couple burritos.

Julie and Kevin stopped by to pick up some drinks they had left. The girls went to bed pretty early, and I decompressed to some random YouTube garbage for most of the evening. I ended up playing a short round of Oxygen Not Included, but the computer locked up again. I wonder if it’s thermals, but it’s cold, and the game isn’t very demanding.

What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs,
Rolls over your neighbor’s dog?
What’s great for a snack, and fits on your back?

Knives Out, and Beaks Bloody

Evidently Eaddie finally pulled an all-nighter to get her sleep schedule back in order. I didn’t realize that when she came out of her room in the morning, it was before she actually got any sleep. I had a coffee and started running more cleaning cycles on the washing machine since I still couldn’t get the pulsator out. Summer got Eaddie back up so she could go to another escape room with some friends, and we decided to try the new Old South for dinner when she got back.

More than anything, I missed the old Dixie Cafe. Old South is fine. The food is fine. The new location seems way better, and they’ve been busy, but the food was average at best. We had a minimal amount of service from our waitress, and all of my food was cold. I’ve got to remember never to get their prime rib, and to stick with chicken fried something with gravy. At least the girls liked their food alright.

Afterward, we went by the old house and I loaded up three boxes full of DVDs to bring home. We didn’t end up watching any of them, and instead we streamed Knives Out. I really enjoyed it, and the sequel is out on Netflix, so maybe I can convince the girls to watch it tomorrow.

Think of a community theatre production of a tax return.

Big Brutus

The weather was pretty mild today, so Summer considered taking Eaddie out for a walk when she got out of bed. I thought I’d join them, but we quickly switched gears when my parents decided they were up for going to see Wonka at UEC. Summer went to check which showtimes were in the better theater while I showered, and then we met my parents there. The trailers didn’t do much for any of us, but to our surprise, the movie was an absolute delight. It’s been a little while since we’ve seen a movie that made us feel anything. The original was so beloved, and the Deppificated remake had us nervous. Wonka was, by all accounts, a great movie.

We headed back home where Summer was working before I could even make it in the door. Eaddie jumped up and was ready to move some more stuff, so she and I went to the old house and picked up my bedside chests of drawers. They were really dusty, but we got them cleaned off and rearranged more of the spare bedroom so she could fit things into her room. The desk won’t be easy, but we’ll figure it out.

As we got settled in after that bit of cleaning, we realized that we hadn’t had a meal all day. Eaddie wanted Little Caesars, so I ordered and then spent about 45 minutes in the store listening to a bunch of dimwitted employees as they continually messed up orders, including forgetting to make half of mine. Every time I go into that store and have to either watch a slow-motion train wreck with another customer or deal with some minor catastrophe with my own food, I think to myself how wonderful it might be to open up my own competing pizzeria called Big Brutus. It can’t be that hard.

I made it home and we ate one cold pizza, and one more fresh, along with a free order of Crazy Bread that I got for waiting so patiently while the manager failed to call out that my order was complete. Then we watched two episodes of Loki, which left us with the most thrilling of cliffhangers. Episode four was a perfect lead up to midnight, but we beat the clock by about 12 minutes.

Et tu

Aquabland and the Lost Blockbuster

Summer woke up early and took a work call in bed this morning, which disrupted my short sleep period before I got up to get ready for a trip to Greenbrier with her. She had to terminate someone, and we decided to go out for lunch and watch the new Aquaman movie. As we passed Atkins on Full Self Driving, I continued to get false “pay attention” warnings that never actually disengaged FSD, but still ultimately led to me being banned for a week. The new software seems awful, and I hate it. I’d had the warnings before, but never actually had the system stop on me, much less ban me for any length of time. This seems like meddling policymakers, and I wonder if any other auto manufacturers are affected.

I dropped Summer off at the wash and then drove up the road to McDonald’s to wait it out. I was super hungry, and she said she might be a bit over an hour, so I got a Happy Meal and a coffee to pass the time. She ended up being reasonably quick about it, so I picked her up and we headed back to Conway to go to Golden Corral. It wasn’t a great experience, primarily due to a lack of service, but we ate and got back to the Cinemark in plenty of time for the movie.

Summer liked it, but I found it to be much too goofy, and overall very forgettable. It felt kind of like quickly skipping forward through a super long story, which left the lesser details out, but would have helped me care about any of the characters at all. In the end, I guess we’ll just have to look forward to the universe reboot.

The drive home was quick and annoying as I had to drive myself. Eaddie had gone out, and Summer went straight to bed, so I tried to wind down early myself to catch up on sleep.

I am memes.

Ungrateful Little Shits

I woke up for a little while before Summer, but managed to fall asleep for a little longer after she left for work. The kids were still passed out when I got up and started making coffee, but Noah woke up to the sound of steaming milk. I cooked some sausage and eggs for them, and then cleaned up the kitchen and washed the rest of the dishes before taking a shower.

Noah put on Hacksaw Ridge for them to watch, and was in utter disbelief that we hadn’t seen it before. Once they finished that, I forced them to get up and leave the house with me, and we went to Walmart to look for some clearance Christmas stuff. They left me as soon as we walked in the door, but I picked up what I wanted. I ran into my parents, and the kids ran into Autumn and Adam, so they came back to me wanting to go to Sumo with her.

I begrudgingly let them take off with her while I went to the old house to pack up some things. I loaded up the trunk, took out some trash, and had a tiny, surprise water leak in the master bathroom. I picked up the kids when they were done, and we met Summer at the house. She ate some of their leftovers, so I ate some of a steak with some leftover mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts by myself.

They were all talking in the sunroom, so I spent some time to myself and then went to the living room to watch Interstellar. As soon as the movie started, Eaddie came in and wanted to put out the new tree skirts, and the other two followed and started talking loudly, so I just turned the TV back off and sat fuming in silence.

Summer eventually went to bed, and Eaddie went to her room, so Noah watched the movie with me. Eaddie came out afterward and acted like she was going to hang out with Noah, but then everyone went to sleep instead.

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Like a Bull in a Chinese Shop

I had a plan today, but that didn’t seem to bother anyone else. Eaddie went to school all day just to hang out, but later said she was trapped in a small room with a dead phone. That sounded a lot like childhood to me. Summer made the two of us cheese and spinach omelets for breakfast, and then she left for the gym while I cleaned up. She ended up having to take a work call in the parking lot, and that was when we lost her to work for the rest of the day.

She spent the afternoon trying to source a Veloster motor, so I went out on the Onewheel. I thought I was doing fairly well, but I got a death-wobble coming down the hill again, and spilled the beans. I tumbled a bit, but not as much as the board, which went end-for-end for nearly the width of the street. I still can’t figure out what went wrong. I was having trouble slowing down, and I don’t know if my ankles just didn’t have the strength to keep the board steady, or if the tire needed to lose a pound of pressure. I’ve always had a little trouble steering on sloped surfaces too.

I came back inside and put tiny ornaments on Eaddie’s little Christmas tree before she got home, and eventually we decided to go to New China for dinner. We ate, I gave an impromptu fortune-speech on wasting kindness, and I shared some malaphors. Then we went straight home for the night.

Eaddie spent a bit of the evening cleaning to make a space for a whole-ass Christmas tree in her room, but then she wanted mine. I told her she could have hers which screamed “CHRISTMAS” in bold, schizophrenic, epileptic lights, because I had a matching pair of the tree I liked, which would bookend the home theater nicely. She claimed the extra 4-inch diameter made the garish tree an impossible fit, and made a fat joke about me not being able to fit through the door opening, so I chased her across the house and then went online to publish the sixth-most embarrassing photo I could find of her.

Summer came out to watch TV with me, but Eaddie didn’t join us, so we didn’t watch anything we had planned. Instead, the two of us watched Who Killed Santa? A Murderville Murder Mystery. When she left for bed, I watched Godzilla vs. Kong turned up to 11. Somehow, Eaddie fell asleep to that after saying she wanted to pull an all-nighter. I guess the best laid plans are paved with good intentions.

We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.