The cafeteria staff had a meeting at the high school this morning, for which I had prepared 40 laptops. The initial request was for like 20, I was asked for 30, and they used 37. I was very happy to have overestimated the original overestimations to come out looking like a boss. Ben had me run to the house to grab my Yeti microphone that they didn’t end up using for the conference call, and then Gary and I continued imaging laptops. The three of us met Heather at Chick-fil-A for lunch, and then we dropped Ben back off before going back to imaging.
Heather hung out with us until her LanSchool conference call and vented about the inefficiencies of the group she worked with all morning. We just sort of had to laugh and roll our eyes, because it’s always that way with Jason. Being away all week has been awesome.
After work, I spent some time cleaning house before going to Walgreens to get my prescription, then to my parents’ house to get a picture of the sailboat’s hull identification number tag. Fortunately Dad was able to find it today after the mounting nails had rusted out. Back home, I picked up what I could around the house until bed.
Mango mango mango.