Three Chairs for Seating!

We started out this morning being fairly productive. I had some coffee and a frustratingly cool shower, and then we went to my house to pick up some things. We got a couple computer chairs loaded up, along with some other random stuff. Summer wanted Mexican afterward, so she took us to Morelos for lunch. We saw Beth and Mark there and chatted with her for just a brief moment, and then we made our way to the house.

Eaddie was gone to a robotics tournament all day, and Summer wanted to take a nap when we got back, so I picked up around the house for a little bit and watered my plants. I wanted to get back out for some more stuff, but I just couldn’t get Summer motivated. Then once Eaddie got home, we snacked a little bit and then settled in for the night.

Summer and I watched Old Dads on Netflix, which I didn’t really like as much as I thought I might. Summer fell asleep in front of her baking shows after that, and I dawdled on the computer for too long before bed.

Unpack to pack.

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