Summer got up and made breakfast for us all this morning. I mingled for a bit longer than I should have, but eventually made it home to take care of my own chores.
I got a bunch of laundry done and trimmed the shrimp tank. I had a dead adult for some reason, but there are enough juveniles now that I feel less concerned. I threw an algae wafer in, and everybody wanted a taste. I think I may actually be down to five adults, but it’s possible a couple were just still hiding.
I made it back to Summer’s just in time to get another broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole made. We loaded up the girls and made our way to John and Melissa’s for our final Thanksgiving dinner. Veronica didn’t ever make it, and Maria and Asher were late enough that the rest of us ate without them. It was a good, if relatively short evening before getting the girls back home for school the next day.
…but I have sick days to burn!