I went by the shop first thing this morning so Ben could help me move a whole truck bed full of parts for the old leased Lenovos to the junior high. We didn’t actually get out of the shop until a while after 9, but the loading of the truck was pretty straightforward. We did get stopped in the hallway by a chatty Karen, but I think we still made good time.
We met up with Jessica and Ronda at the junior high to deliver all the stuff. Then we spent a little time reassuring Jessica again that everything is just awful, and that’s normal. It was okay though, because it was lunch time.
I left Ben at the shop and took a late lunch to get some Burger King for the girls. I dropped Summer’s off at the shop, then went to eat at home where the girls were up in the living room. Autumn was fully into TikTok while Eaddie was very focused on schoolwork. I told Autumn in no uncertain terms that she needed to put more energy into something productive, and that if her grades weren’t good, she would have absolutely nothing to defend herself.
I went back to work and pondered a few things but didn’t get a whole lot closed out. I really wanted to get Autumn’s timesheets done so she could get paid, so that rounded out my day.
I played a little Overwatch at home until Summer got there, then we went to my parents’ house for some leftovers. Eventually we made it back home for a quite night without the girls. Summer spent most of it on the phone, so I read the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh. I couldn’t remember the last time I picked up a book. I probably won’t finish this one either.
Tut-tut, it looks like rain!