
I got up early this morning and cleaned up some leftovers for breakfast before diving into some more job hunting. I applied for three remote jobs, and one of them looked like it might be really fun, and actually appreciate some personality. It would pay really well too, so hopefully I at least hear something back.

Afterward, I made it home to do a couple more loads of laundry before jumping into the shower. Once I was cleaned up, I headed to Conway to meet Summer. We parked my car at the Holiday Inn Express to charge while we went to Marketplace for dinner. The girls called a couple times with some trouble back home, but it was mostly argument drama, and Eaddie wanting help getting another bike down so she could take a friend riding. After all of the fuss, I don’t think she ever even went out. After we ate, we traded again and took the Model 3 to Little Rock for Whose Live Anyway at Robinson Center.

We arrived just before the doors opened, and then we had to wait another half hour before they’d let us find our seats. There were plenty of available seats behind us, but it was still a good crowd. The show started a little late, but it was overall pretty great. It was definitely more vulgar than Whose Line Is It Anyway? the television show. There were some really hilarious parts, and then a bunch of middling stuff, but all-in-all it was an awesome time aside from the seating.

We bailed pretty quickly once the show was over, and made it home quickly after a stop in Conway to get the Model Y. It had to split charging with another car that came in, so it didn’t actually get topped off like I had hoped. It will be nice once we get the wall connector installed at my house though. I had to shuffle cars again once I got home, and I discovered the kids hadn’t locked the Murano like I specified multiple times over the phone. They’re completely thoughtless and worthless like 80% of the time.

Once I made it up to Summer’s house for the evening, she was getting ready for bed. The girls were already locked away in their rooms. I finished up quickly, and it was off to sleep.

Leave it to Arkansans to not follow the directions.

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