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My car didn’t get a full charge this morning, but I still had plenty to get around. I was a little bit early to work, but not enough to comfortably stop for a coffee after getting stuck behind some slowpokes. My mind scrambled to fix as many major issues as I could, while being tugged in about a dozen different directions. Overall I enjoy the pace and how things are different every day, but it comes down to wanting more money. I shouldn’t be making “tech” level pay for what I have to know to do that job.

Kim came in late after one of the kids stepped on a rusty nail. It seems like every day it’s something, but I can’t get too mad if she’s there on a day off. We’ll see how long her days are when she’s actually on contract, but I’m not super impressed by the summer help any more. I have a feeling I may just be too ambitious for that district, though.

Denise was working with new hires for orientation, so I met up with them later to distribute some Chromebooks. I still don’t know where any of them are going for inventory management, but I can do that on spreadsheets for now, and then the next guy probably won’t care. There was some leftover pizza from feeding someone, so I had that for lunch.

I eventually headed home, where Summer had beat me to the charger. I changed, and then just took her to her house so her car could charge overnight. Eaddie decided she wanted chicken for dinner, so I ran to Popeye’s and ordered there after having repeat trouble with my payment getting refunded on the app.

After we ate, Eaddie and I listened to some Zelda music for a bit. Then I tried to help Summer finish some loan paperwork for the house. She had some kind of Social Security Number on her credit report that she didn’t recognize, but I’d never seen anything like that before. I guess we’ll have to contact the agencies to figure out what that’s about.

No more three day weekends for awhile…

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