Aquabland and the Lost Blockbuster

Summer woke up early and took a work call in bed this morning, which disrupted my short sleep period before I got up to get ready for a trip to Greenbrier with her. She had to terminate someone, and we decided to go out for lunch and watch the new Aquaman movie. As we passed Atkins on Full Self Driving, I continued to get false “pay attention” warnings that never actually disengaged FSD, but still ultimately led to me being banned for a week. The new software seems awful, and I hate it. I’d had the warnings before, but never actually had the system stop on me, much less ban me for any length of time. This seems like meddling policymakers, and I wonder if any other auto manufacturers are affected.

I dropped Summer off at the wash and then drove up the road to McDonald’s to wait it out. I was super hungry, and she said she might be a bit over an hour, so I got a Happy Meal and a coffee to pass the time. She ended up being reasonably quick about it, so I picked her up and we headed back to Conway to go to Golden Corral. It wasn’t a great experience, primarily due to a lack of service, but we ate and got back to the Cinemark in plenty of time for the movie.

Summer liked it, but I found it to be much too goofy, and overall very forgettable. It felt kind of like quickly skipping forward through a super long story, which left the lesser details out, but would have helped me care about any of the characters at all. In the end, I guess we’ll just have to look forward to the universe reboot.

The drive home was quick and annoying as I had to drive myself. Eaddie had gone out, and Summer went straight to bed, so I tried to wind down early myself to catch up on sleep.

I am memes.

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