Today was the warmest day in a little while, but I was stuck inside trying to fix a broken security certificate. Kim was out for the signing on their new house, which meant I could sit in the dark and actually concentrate on what I was doing. I don’t know if it was just by happenstance, but it did seem like fewer people came through the office. I did still get a few visitors and calls, but otherwise I kept my head in my reading. I chatted with Gary for a while, which was helpful, but in the end I still wasn’t successful. I don’t know what I was missing.

I’d had it by the end of the day, and headed quickly home to bring another carload of stuff to the new house. Once I got everything inside and found a change of clothes, I went out on the Onewheel for just a few minutes of daylight. The ride to my parents’ house had my right foot hurting, but on the way back I think I finally found my stance. I was a bit more wobbly, but I think once I have some muscle memory it will be fine. Unfortunately, I won’t really get a chance to ride again for a little while on account of the cold moving in.

Once I got back, I made a burrito for dinner and then unpacked what I had brought home. Then I spent a little more time messing with the washing machine, but still couldn’t get the pulsator out. I couldn’t tell if the pop I heard was new, or something just shifting the same way as yesterday. I finally settled in and played Oxygen Not Included until the computer locked up again. Storms rolled in later in the evening, and I wished I had checked the murder basement for flooding before it started. I’m sure I’ll need to get the sump going this weekend.

Just keep digging….

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