On Content Libraries

I was a little early for work today, and I did a pretty good job of staying on task with my VMware project. I did get pulled away from that a couple times, but by lunch time I understood how to make a content library, and got my VM running with a guest OS. I was pretty stoked.

After work, I picked up some more stuff to take home. As I was leaving, an old guy walked by with his tiny dog and wanted to talk about the Fiero, the Tesla, OPEC, and his dog. He was a little quirky, but seemed super nice. I was pretty sure he said he lived at StoneBridge at the end of the road.

I made it home and immediately took the Onewheel out before it got dark. I went by my parents’ house and let Dad try it out again. He had some trouble with the dismount, but I still do too. I think it may just take a more assertive approach than what I want to take. As it got dark, I rode on home and eventually went back out for some tacos for dinner.

Summer went to bed, I started some laundry, and eventually Eaddie made it home after robotics and dinner with Eli. I dug around for some paperwork to send to Tesla, and then it was off to bed.

Fringe understanding

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