One Box

I got up and ground some fresh coffee this morning, which was a new experiment. I went for a French press this time, and having a coarser grind worked much better than what I had done in the past. Summer went to the gym and I had some leftover corned beef. It was a slow start to the morning, but I eventually took a shower in case the girls wanted to go out since Summer said the downtown festivities had begun.

Eaddie didn’t want to get out of the house, so Summer and I went to the old house to pack up some things. I got a box of stuff loaded from my old computer desk, and she took a new mower and the rest of the bicycles to the new house. When she got back, we took two of my aquariums home.

Summer wanted to make shrimp tacos for dinner. I ran a couple things to my parents’ house on the Onewheel, and then Eli was there when I got back. We had a pretty quick dinner, and then hung out in front of the TV for the rest of the evening. Eventually the girls wound down, and we’ll have our day on the town tomorrow.

So shrimpy.

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