The Dust

The network never came back up last night, so I tried to get in to work a little early to troubleshoot it. The bird woke up while I was in the shower and was chirping all through the house, so I took it with me. I decided to stop at Sonic for breakfast for the first time, and it was some pretty good food for a price. Somehow, no matter how early I leave, I seem to always get to work at the same time.

Todd had already been running things down, and we went back to the core closet to find the VxRail and server switch had no power. Todd thought it was the switch, but it turned out to be the power strip and backup batteries. We moved some things around and got it going again, but then I had an adoption, controller, or DHCP issue as all the switches tried to come back up.

It took all morning, but I eventually got connected to the three core switches and just started turning off ports to distribution switches. As soon as I disabled the fieldhouse switch, everything else started coming right back up. There had to be something down there running a rogue DHCP server, but Todd couldn’t find anything.

I was able to feed the bird some egg and a couple flies I swatted on the loading dock, but as quitting time approached, it got super quiet. It was a fast decline after that. It rained super hard on the ride home, but I got the fish fed and then ran to PetSmart for some crickets. By the time I got home, the bird wouldn’t respond to any bird sounds and wouldn’t open its mouth. I ended up taking it to my parents’ house where Dad had a pipette to give it some water.

While I was there, one of the leak sensors went off at the old house, so Dad went to investigate. The bird was come-and-go by the time he got back, but it ended up having some spasms and died on the table after we gave up and ate dinner. I headed home to bury it, and then assembled the Tiki Retreat fire pit that was delivered in the rain.

The girls both got home super late. Eaddie crashed a graduation party with some other friends, and Summer had to close the wash. Hopefully I can decompress from the week quickly tomorrow night and be productive the rest of the weekend.

Death squawk. :(

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