Even after such a long day and getting to bed late, I still had trouble falling and staying asleep. I got about three hours all night, but fortunately the morning wasn’t too bad after a cup of coffee. I didn’t really accomplish a terrible lot, but kept leisurely busy. When lunch time rolled around, Zach wanted Chinese. For some reason, we always try to go to Mulan’s on Wednesday when they’re closed, so we hit the interstate to get to New China. While he, Thomas, and I were eating, Autumn called and then came by to get her wallet out of my car. She asked for some gas money, but I told her a quarter tank would get her anywhere she needed to go.
When we got back, I went to the core closet to relieve Gary to go to lunch while I babysat a seemingly unconfident tech from Ritter. We’ve had such incredibly bad luck getting our new fiber connections up, and it’s not making me feel really great about them giving Suddenlink much competition.
After that, I went by the middle school to try and find Josh, but only found Annie shuffling laptops around in the library. We chatted for a bit, and then I headed back to my office. Not long after I got there, Greg asked for some help imaging a random bunch of lab desktops and laptops in the Adult Education area, and that finished up the day.
Eaddie had tennis early, so I ran home to change before picking her up and taking her home. Then we waited for Summer to get home from work, followed by Autumn from therapy and karate. Summer did some stuff for work while I ate a few gas station leftovers, and then everyone was pretty much off to bed.
Lou who?