Soggy Fries From the Burger Guys

Our meeting was a little unconventional today, with furniture moved and Thomas coming in a bit late with the donuts. Gary left to get some, but I called him back to the shop as soon as Thomas showed up. After our chat, I had questions for Gary about our firewall failure earlier in the week, and Ryan had input. I can tell there’s a lot of opportunity to learn from both of those guys just by sitting in the room.

I closed a bunch of old tickets throughout the day, and it was nice to be rid of them. We left for lunch at CJ’s about half an hour early in three vehicles, and it was a good thing because two busloads of kids showed up right behind us. I was really surprised when the girl at the register remembered that I usually get all of the extra grilled toppings. I skipped them today, because I knew I would already be paying twelve bucks for a burger that was in no way special at all. The fries were pretty awful today, too.

A little while after lunch, I had to run home on the way to Crawford, where I closed out a few more tickets before school let out. Then the remainder of the workday was pretty quiet with Thomas out. Brody stopped by to chat with us, and then I headed on home.

I went straight to Summer’s after I changed, and started cooking some taco meat for burritos. Autumn was at a basketball game, so the three of us enjoyed a quick dinner and then started watching Breaking Bad. We had to call Autumn home after she ended up at her boyfriend’s house after the game. Then I think we finished three episodes before Eaddie decided she was ready for a bath and then bed.

The whole thing’s contaminated!

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