All Outta Buckets

I went to bed super late but still woke up before everyone else. I got around and showered, and we were just walking out the door when Mom called and required that we stop by their house to see Uncle Giao and Aunt Teresa on our way out of town. We breezed through and then made good time to Conway where we stopped to eat. Frustratingly, Red Robin had closed permanently and was replaced by some new barbecue place. We backtracked and had lunch at Golden Corral, which actually really impressed everyone with the quality of food for a lunch rush.

We didn’t have any extra time to shop, and made it to Little Rock just in time to get settled in for the movie. I had a whole bunch of free snacks for my birthday, but the popcorn didn’t taste spectacular. I wasn’t terribly surprised to see they were out of the Dune popcorn buckets, but I was disappointed to have missed out. I thought the second installment was good, but long. I don’t know what could have been cut or sped up, but it just didn’t feel like it covered that much ground. At the very least, it could have explained some things better in that amount of time. It was a spectacle though, and overall I think we all enjoyed it. At least the girls didn’t fall asleep.

We headed back to Conway after the movie and stopped at Home Depot, Old Navy, and Kohl’s to shop a bit. I didn’t find the deal I was seeking at Home Depot, but we did run into Jacob looking for something of his own. He indicated that three of them were expecting to move up into the Tech III tier for next year, which is great for them and frustrating for me. I can’t believe I’m doing what I’m doing for the same rate of pay, and I can’t believe even more that Kim won’t shut her mouth about wanting a raise for whatever the hell she does on her phone all day.

It was a struggle to get Eaddie to try anything on at either of the clothing stores, and we ultimately left empty-handed. We got home and I took a quick wheel around the block before we all settled in for the night.

Ya hya chouhada!

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