I stopped by the post office again this morning to finally ship off my video card for RMA. It cost me more to insure the package than it cost me to actually ship it, which makes me wonder what the chances are that it won’t make it there.
Everyone was busy doing their own thing at work all day, so I ended up taking lunch by myself. This doesn’t happen a lot any more, because the guys have about 4 restaurants that they rotate through like clockwork. I went against my better judgement and had the buffet at KFC. The food was decent, though I’ve had better from there. The problem didn’t occur until later when I couldn’t stop shoveling food into my mouth hole.
While I was sitting there, an old man walked up to another guy that was sitting alone at a high table behind me, and asked if he could eat with him. It’s so seldom we see things like this. Neither had a lot to talk about aside from the weather, or where the younger man was from. Washington state. He was here on business, doing some training on some new equipment they just had installed at the local sawmill. Long hours. He flew here, but he’ll get to go back home soon. The older man used to drive a big truck.
They’ll probably never see each other again, and it reminded me of this video:
The night was full of embarrassment in nearly every game of Rocket League I played with Johnny and Josh. Like mismatched gears, we ground to a halt.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Breathing intensifies…