Spider-Man: Homecoming

I think I finally figured out a couple of my deployments at work today. Time will tell. The real fun started later.

I went to my parents’ house after work to help with their sound system. Mom keeps pressing buttons on accident, and once the receiver is set incorrectly, she’s completely lost. After that, I went home and prepped some greens for the duck.

I don’t think your arm is supposed to do that…

After a little while, Johnny came over and we went to Conway for Spider-Man. We ate at Chipotle where I got a burrito the size of my head, then walked around Dick’s for a moment before they closed. The movie was incredible. They took some liberties, but all of the movies have. I really enjoyed it, and it definitely amped me up for the next installment of any Marvel movie.

I’m really just glad I didn’t have to watch Uncle Ben die again.



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