Squeak By

How can something so clean come from someplace so dingy?

The days are getting so short already. It was supposed to be nice during the day, so I braved the cold ride in this morning. No regrats.

I tried to clear out a bunch of work orders so I wouldn’t get backed up the rest of the week. Then Mom made bún bò Huế for dinner. I didn’t stick around long because I had to get ready for a conference.

I did squeak in a couple rounds of Rocket League before tearing into prepping the car and my bags. I love traveling, but I hate the anxiety I get while I’m trying to pack.

I’ve also spent too much money recently, and I don’t want to dip into savings, so I’m slipping past this month by the skin of my teeth. I have impeccable timing.

Hopefully my paycheck does too.

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