I went in this morning and scrapped the flash drives I made yesterday in favor of making new ones with current Windows Updates. While that processed, I got a cart together and started replacing docking stations. I just kept chugging along, well into lunch. I missed the email that Ben sent out offering to buy everyone lunch to welcome Kyle to the team. He called me just after I found it, and I ran to Linh to meet them.
After lunch, I chugged away at more docks until I finished the bottom floor. That left me just enough time to start copying more flash drives before heading home to change. Then I went by Mark’s office again to help his other staff with their questions.
When I got back home, the house was a balmy 85 degrees, and it was clear that my air conditioner was doing nothing but pushing hot air around. Summer went home, and I picked up some Taco Villa for dinner on the way.
Summer had Forged in Fire on, but otherwise it was an uneventful night. At least it was cool in her house.
Start a dockin’ round the clock again…