I preordered Casey’s new Ultimate Breakfast Pizza for breakfast this morning and picked it up on the way to work. It could have used some more vegetables, but the addition of ham to the sausage and bacon was excellent. I spent some time in my office first thing, and then helped Kyle run a new touch cable at Dwight before lunch. Zach and Gary had already agreed on Quiznos by the time I got back, so we went there and just happened to run into Brody. I forgot it was his birthday, or I would have picked up his tab.
After lunch I wrapped up at the office and then finished the day at the high school to finish wiring Ethan’s lab. It took me most of two class periods, but I finished the cabling part. The imaging will take a bit longer just because I’m limited to doing it after school.
The girls walked to Oakland, so I picked them up there on the way home. Then Eaddie took off on her bicycle while I took Autumn to Monday night class. I went by the shop to see Summer afterward, and Alex had come over to replace the belt on Autumn’s car. Summer gave me a leftover pizza to take home for dinner, and I ran to Zaxby’s for some hot wings to supplement the meal.
She beat me home and we ate before she picked up Autumn. Then she came back and ate before they all went home. I spent a minimal amount of time picking up a couple things in the garage before coming in for the evening. My blood pressure had been high all afternoon, but settled out by bedtime. I thought I was making it to bed early, but daylight saving time got me.
But I wanted bones…