Don’t Call it a Bonus

I had a CPPC meeting early this morning. They predictably didn’t have much to show us, and basically just promised they were working on it “really really hard.” Karen asked about a Christmas bonus, and we actually got what I thought was a more-than-satisfactory answer. With ESSER funds, they could actually give us a pretty substantial not-a-bonus bonus as long as we report it as an incentive for recruiting and retaining employees. Many were unhappy about it being too late for Christmas, but to that I say it is not the district’s job to manage the finances of its employees. If you’re dependent upon unpredictable and totally-not-at-all-guaranteed compensation to maintain your lifestyle, then that’s your own goddamned fault.

At the end of the day, nobody would turn down free money, so that felt like a win to me. I went on back to the shop and spent a really quiet day in my office. Zach, Gary, and I went to Slim Chickens for lunch, where the girl gave me a teacher discount without me even saying anything about it. Then it was more time killing in the afternoon.

Bryan came down to visit me for a little bit, which was a nice break in my day. Then I worked a little late on getting CPPC meeting minutes put together. I should be able to turn that around tomorrow for publication, so that makes me feel pretty good about doing my part.

After work, Mom called me over for some more phở. Then I headed on home for a cold, quiet night alone. I was pretty tired after a stressful evening of planning last night, so tonight will be a good night of sleep before a long weekend.

The cold comes quickly.

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