Five de May

Today was mostly spent trying to get video games to work for students. This comes a mere week or two after we had just fought students playing video games at school. Roblox simply isn’t made for an environment like ours, and it’s incredibly aggravating. We also ran into an issue with our brand new Chromebooks not charging unless we open the lids. It appears to be adaptive charging with the new Chrome OS.

I was pretty hungry by lunch time, which arrived quickly. I let Zach convince me to go with them to Fat Daddy’s in London. It was better than usual, but my potato was smaller than usual, and still as cold. At least the smaller potato made it seem like I had more meat. Gary spent more time trying to pay than it took him to eat his bowl of chili.

The afternoon was pretty quiet, though it stormed heavily above ground. When I got home, I discovered my modem had gotten zapped enough to kill the ethernet port. Fortunately Walmart had a fair price on an upgraded model, so I ran across town to buy one. I poked around for some clearance as well, and then walked through the groceries to try and find something for dinner.

When I got home, I ate a Buffalo chicken sub while I provisioned the new modem. Then, being Cinco de Mayo, I microwaved a chimichanga to go with my mojito. Summer took everyone to Autumn’s band concert, which I boycotted. It was a good night to crash early.


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