No Gold Stars Here

Summer had to work today, and though I was snug in my bed, I tried not to sleep in too long. I got up and around, and was hungry enough to get out for breakfast. I decided to treat myself with some Hardee’s, since I hadn’t had their breakfast in a while. I got a couple biscuits and gravy, and a chicken biscuit. When I got home, I was super disappointed to learn the gravy didn’t have any sausage in it at all. The biscuits and chicken both tasted different than I remembered as well. All I could do is hope these were all flukes and not recipe changes, but it certainly felt like a different world.

Afterward, I ended up outside chatting with Doug for a bit before coming back in to pick around the house. I spent some time cleaning the shower and tinkering with different things around the house. I wished I could have found a particular project or corner to really focus on, but I just found myself overwhelmed.

Eventually Summer made it home, and we went to my parents’ house for chow mein. I had been hungry for a while, and I was still left feeling hungry, but good after all the veggies. We made it back home before long, and headed to bed early.

Starting to feel a little… weird.

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