Make a Splash

I got up extra early this morning and made it home to clean up and pack so I could pick up Summer in Conway. We headed straight to the new Splash on Chenal in Little Rock, and tried to navigate through the enormous facility to find where help was needed. Summer would be giving tours in the evening, along with just about everyone else. Then afterward, we would have the evening to party.

I got a bit aggravated by being a bump on a log, but I didn’t have a place to be or a thing to do. Eventually we were released because the fire marshal had arrived, but we quickly discovered that he had actually blocked us in. We hung around for quite a while as a few other brave souls squeaked by. I wasn’t willing to risk it, but by the time it would have been our turn, a couple of the guys came out and moved their trucks.

I had been pretty hungry, and it was already lunch time, so we went around the block to eat at Chuy’s, which is always delicious. I figured a big lunch would last through a long evening of hors d’oeuvres. Then we stopped at the fanciest Kroger I’ve ever seen for a bit before heading to the hotel, where we parked and charged for a couple hours before we could check in. I found the outtakes video of Bo Burnham’s Inside on Netflix, so I watched that while Summer kicked back to relax. I got a little restless and super tired, so as soon as we could check in, I made some coffee and we relaxed a while.

The rain had started to get a little clumpy, but we never really saw any substantial ice or snow. We made it back to the wash, and I parked inside next to a single charge station that wasn’t actually activated, nor did it have a connector I could use, even with the adapter I had. The Jeep that was there previously had been replaced with a Model X from a used car dealer. I popped the frunk and presented a bottle of V8 for comedy, which seemed to be a big hit.

I was impressed at how many people showed up in spite of the rain. It was quite the shindig, and it was incredible how much money they had poured into not only the facility, but to the single event night. It really does seem like a money laundering scheme.

We stayed super late, but it was a pretty good time. I got pretty restless, but Summer enjoyed interacting with the other employees she rarely sees. We finally made it back to the hotel, where she crashed pretty quickly. I relaxed in a bath for a bit, and eventually made it there myself.


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