GAMblin’ Man

I was sleeping super hard when my alarm went off this morning, and I couldn’t help but sit in the car for a few minutes when I got home. The past several days have just gotten worse, and I can never seem to catch up on sleep over the weekend. It started pouring down rain just as I left the house, and the drive to Ola was pretty rough. I got caught behind a couple different people going overcautiously slow, but managed to make it to work right on time.

I worked on GAM some more and finally tweaked it enough to get it working. Kim showed up after a while, and then I finally worked out the command I needed to run to move a bunch of devices around. I thought we’d go to Plainview to pull some carts out of the grossness, but we never made it. It was hot and humid outside, so neither of us were feeling particularly ambitious. Instead, we spent the last part of the day unboxing and enrolling a few of the brand new Chromebooks, even though we had several from an old order that had never been used at all.

As people eventually vanished, I headed home. I saw a crop duster fly super low over some houses in Dardanelle, which was neat. Then I almost ran over a turtle in my garage when I got home. Dad saw a couple yesterday when the guy from the restoration place came back to stage some fake photos. One of the turtles disappeared, but the other apparently ended up inside my garage overnight and all day. I brought it inside for some water and then released it back into the back yard before heading up to Summer’s.

The girls were just relaxing at home when I got there. Summer had just finished cooking dinner, so we all sat down to eat. Then we eventually watched some Modern Family before everyone went to bed.

Big bucks, big bucks, no Whammies, STOP!

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