
I didn’t go to work today, and instead woke up and did some remote work. Duvall’s Air Conditioning came out early to replace Summer’s air unit, both inside and out. Eaddie stayed in her room the whole time, which was a few hours. I took breaks to eat and make more hummingbird food, since there was nearly a cloud of birds buzzing around the feeder. I managed to get all of my network equipment updated, and now I feel a little more comfortable in the Ubiquiti software.

After the guys left and we had some cool air flowing, Eaddie came out and cleaned up some leftovers with me. Then she left for band practice and I started to head home. Mom called just as I was getting ready to leave, and said that Lelan was having them over to pray for Bác Vân’s 49th day in purgatory. I hurried home to clean up and then got there just as Julie and Kevin arrived.

On the drive over, Ben called to chat a little more about work stuff. I didn’t have anything too exciting to share with him, but we talked for a little while. Then I went in and socialized with our small group of family for a few hours.

I forgot Eaddie’s band family event was tonight, but Summer went to learn how to march with her. I eventually made it back to their house, but didn’t feel super Smurfy. I eventually got settled in though, and made it to bed around midnight.

Twice a day, five days a week.

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