Noisy Day

I spent a lot of the day by myself because Kim kept disappearing. I keep having to go through and close old work orders from a month ago that I feel like she should have done, but I’m sure she feels like I should have done more myself. It’s just hard for me to focus on random daily requests when I’m also the one that has to do anything even remotely technical. She’s not in there modifying any scripts.

She said Mel was picking up roast beef sandwiches for lunch, so I had her pick one up for me too. It was pretty decent for eight bucks at a gas station. I ate by myself after she brought food back and then left for duty. Then she disappeared for most of the afternoon before leaving early to do something else. I just don’t know what’s going on in her head, but it doesn’t seem like work.

I stayed late to close out a bunch of stuff, and then headed home to charge and feed the fish for just a little bit before heading to the new house. Summer made a pretty good dinner of stuffed peppers, mashed potatoes, and citrus green beans. At least all of the components tasted good on their own, but it lacked in cohesion.

The TV never went off the entire evening, so I disappeared to the bedroom to relax in the quiet. It’s frustrating that there’s just nowhere I can go to get away from all of the noise. Kim has started leaving the TV on at work. The kids are loud outside my office door. Summer blasts cooking shows at home. There’s just no retreat.

At least there’s a conference week ahead.

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