Expiration Month

I was a little slow getting out of the house today, but I made it to work on time after passing a bunch of slow trucks. I also had some trouble getting started on any projects, and just kind of jumped from one unimportant thing to the next for a while. They were serving mac and cheese as an entree for lunch, so I brought a leftover T-bone to chew on as well. I forgot a knife, but I figured it out.

Later in the afternoon, I discovered that the SSL certificate for my VMware expired over the break, so Tomorrow Michael will have to figure that out. I left a little late and picked up my last dresser from the old house to take home. Eaddie and Eli were at the house tooting their horns in the bathroom like a couple of weirdos, so I took a ride to my parents’ house on the Onewheel.

I didn’t stay long, and on the way home I tried some different foot placement to mitigate the foot pain and find a good balance point. I was feeling comfortable enough that I kind of sped over some drainage ditches on the way home, and got a pretty bad wobble that I was able to ride through. Only momentary terror.

The girls ate while Eli and I watched them. Then Eaddie avoided doing homework for the rest of the evening. I played a couple cycles in Oxygen Not Included, and then it was off to bed.

Gotta renew that CompTIA cert too. Ugh.

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