It’s Log, Log, Log!

The heavy rain last night brought the cold, and our trash can was filled with water. Kim was back to work after basically paying cash for a new home, and I just don’t think she has any idea how wealthy she really is. Just a little bit of money management smarts and discipline, and she’d be living the high life.

I got my SSL certificate updated in the morning, which was exciting. Being able to SFTP into the VM to clean up those files made my life a whole lot easier than scrolling up a command line. From there, I still had to double-check that everything was working, and make sure I didn’t have any other alarms that might cause trouble in the future. With any luck, I’ll be gone by the time this certificate expires.

We had the cleanest sloppy joes for lunch, and I ended the day finally getting an order placed for some electronics that the teacher absolutely will not use. She’s simply not capable. She’s overwhelmed and scattered as it is, and I just don’t think there are any souls out there with enough interest or aptitude.

It was a cold and damp drive home, where I loaded up some more stuff to take to the new house. More winter weather is on the way, so I’ll have some things I can unpack if we don’t leave the house. Summer stayed home not feeling well, and Eaddie beat me home from school. We watched Iron Man and I made a couple burritos.

Julie and Kevin stopped by to pick up some drinks they had left. The girls went to bed pretty early, and I decompressed to some random YouTube garbage for most of the evening. I ended up playing a short round of Oxygen Not Included, but the computer locked up again. I wonder if it’s thermals, but it’s cold, and the game isn’t very demanding.

What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs,
Rolls over your neighbor’s dog?
What’s great for a snack, and fits on your back?

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