I was in a rush this morning, so when Summer came into the bathroom and startled me, I stabbed myself in the eye with my toothbrush. It was seven kinds of painful, but there didn’t appear to be any major damage. I got to work on time in spite of the dummies in front of me, and I poked at my switches some more. That’s when things took a turn for the worst. Something at the elementary is causing trouble upstream, and I’m pretty sure it’s a rogue DHCP server.
Summer came to talk to some students at our reverse job fair, and then had lunch with us. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to fix what I had broken. With Kim’s help, we reset things in the right order to get them going again.
After work, I fed the fish and got a few more things before making it home to ride the Onewheel. I stopped by my parents’ house briefly, and then went back toward Ridgewood. I rode by Mollie’s house and saw Craig outside mowing the lawn, so I texted her and stopped to chat briefly before finally circling around the restaurant.
I didn’t see anyone I knew, so I left straight away and rode a little ways up the bike trail. There was a neat little intersection with signage for different local destinations. When I finally got back home, I ate some leftovers and then settled in for the night.