Modern Driver Jackery

Eaddie wanted to drive to school today, so I bundled up and took the Shadow to work. Things were quiet for a change, so I mostly just tinkered with Modern Driver Management all day. I never got it working quite right, but at least I didn’t permanently break my task sequence.

After work, I fed the fish and made it home. Summer was working on the couch again, so I took the Onewheel out for a hard ride around the neighborhood. Then I stopped by my parents’ house for a few minutes before heading on home for the night.

Summer said she wanted nachos, and I had been thinking about Taco Villa all evening, so I ran across town to bring some home. After we ate, we settled in and watched A Quiet Place Part 2 before bed. Eaddie was out late with friends, but we saw her briefly before she went to bed herself.


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