Case o’ Grillies

I ran pretty lean on food today with only a McGriddle on the drive in. It rained pretty hard for most of the drive, but cleared up after I got there. I didn’t get into anything too serious again because I had a few people in and out for a while in the morning. I tried breaking my day into shorter sessions to focus, but it wasn’t super successful.

Near the end of the day, I noticed a whole case of prepackaged, grilled cheese sandwiches left out in the kitchen. I asked Steven, and he said they were probably being thrown away, so I snagged them and stuffed them into my freezer. There were some with obvious mold, but I ate two that looked okay, and I haven’t died yet.

I worked a little late, but made a quick drive home. I finally got my free Gold Peak Tea from Casey’s, and then stopped by the old house to feed the fish. Noah got home just as I was coming into the house. Summer got home a little bit after that, and found me playing with the dogs after she had a shower. They ate quite a bit while I was sitting with them, and Stilgar was still hungry after three cups. Muad’Dib ate slowly, and then felt like he had to guard his bown from Stilgar, so I slowly fed him a few kibbles at a time. He took them so gently from my hand.

Summer went in to scramble an egg for dinner, so I ate the leftover chicken, pasta, and potatoes. Then I took the dogs out for a quick walk to my parents’ house. I let them pull pretty hard while I rode the Onewheel behind them, but they weren’t super well behaved. They’re still too easily distracted, and disobedient when I try to correct them.

We circled through to see Dad, but Mom was asleep, so we headed right back home. It was a bit of a struggle, but we made it. I did a load of laundry, Eaddie made it home late, and eventually made it to bed super late.

Stop it!

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